The Acorn-Gatherer

Richard Jefferies
理查德· 杰弗理斯
Black rooks, yellow oak leaves, and a boy asleep at the foot of the tree. His head was lying on a bulging root close to the stem: his feet reached to a small sack or bag half full of acorns. In his slumber his forehead frowned—they were fixed lines, like the grooves in the oak bark. There was nothing else in his features attractive or repellent: they were such as might have belonged to a dozen hedge children. The set angry frown was the only distinguishing mark—like the dents on a penny made by a hobnail boot, by which it can be known from twenty otherwise precisely similar. His clothes were little better than sacking, but clean, tidy, and repaired. Any one would have said, “Poor, but carefully tended.” A kind heart might have put a three penny-bit in his clenched little fist, and sighed. But that iron set frown on the young brow would not have unbent even for the silver. Caw! Caw!
The happiest creatures in the world are the rooks at the acorns. It is not only the eating of them, but the finding: the fluttering up there and hopping from branch to branch, the sidling out to the extreme end of the bough, and the inward chuckling when a friend lets his acorn drop tip-tap from bough to bough. Amid such plenty they cannot quarrel or fight, having no cause of battle, but they can boast of success, and do so to the loudest of their voices. He who has selected a choice one flies with it as if it were a nugget in his beak, out to some open spot of ground, followed by a general Caw!
This was going on above while the boy slept below. A thrush looked out from the hedge, and among the short grass there was still the hum of bees, constant sun-worshippers as they are. The sunshine gleamed on the rooks' black feathers overhead, and on the sward sparkled from hawkweed, some lotus and yellow weed, as from a faint ripple of water.
rook [rʊk] n. 白嘴鸦
【拓】root [ruːt] n. 根
bulge [bʌldʒ] v. 鼓起,凸出
【拓】bulgy ['bʌldʒɪ] a. 凸出的
sack [sæk] n. 大口袋,麻袋
【拓】bag [bæɡ] n. 袋子
acorn [ˈeɪkɔːn] n. 橡子
【拓】fruit [fruːt] n. 果实
hedge [hedʒ] n. 树篱
【拓】edge [edʒ] n. 边缘
frown [fraʊn] n. 皱眉
【拓】brow [braʊ] n. 眉毛
dent [dent] n. 凹痕
【拓】bent [bent] a. 弯曲的
hobnail [ˈhɒbneɪl] n. 鞋钉
【拓】nail [neɪl] n. 钉子
flutter [ˈflʌtə(r)] v. 振翅,飘动
【拓】wiggle [ˈwɪgl] v. 摆动
hop [hɒp] v. 单足跳
【拓】skitter [ˈskɪtə(r)] v. 跳跃
bough [baʊ] n. 大树枝
【拓】branch [brɑːntʃ] n. 树枝
nugget [ˈnʌɡɪt] n. 金块;珍品
【拓】magnet [ˈmæɡnət] n. 磁铁
thrush [θrʌʃ] n. 画眉
【拓】rush [rʌʃ] n. 匆匆
sward [swɔːd] n. 草皮
【拓】meadow [ˈmedəʊ] n. 草地
hawkweed ['hɔːkwiːd] n. 山柳菊
【拓】weed [wiːd] n. 杂草;水草
boast of 吹嘘,自夸;以有……而自豪
【例】He often boasts of his achievements in the past years and forgets that he can still do something great. 他总是吹嘘自己在过去那些年里取得的成就,而忘了他还依然可以做一些了不起的事情。