Meditation on the Moon

Aldous Huxley
Outside my window the night is struggling to wake; in the moonlight, the blinded garden dreams so vividly of its lost colors. The white-washed wall is brilliant against the dark-blue sky. The white walls of the house coldly reverberate the lunar radiance. The moon is full.
The moon is a stone; but it is a highly numinous stone. Or, to be more precise, it is a stone about which and because of which men and women have numinous feelings. Thus, there is a soft moonlight that can give us the peace that passes understanding. There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe. There is a cold and austere moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation, its insignificance or its uncleanness. There is an amorous moonlight prompting to love—to love not only for an individual but sometimes even for the whole universe. But the moon shines on the body as well as, through the windows of the eyes, within the mind. It affects the soul directly; but it can affect it also by obscure and circuitous ways—through the blood.
Half the human race lives in manifest obedience to the lunar rhythm; and there is evidence to show that the physiological and therefore the spiritual life, not only of women, but of men too, mysteriously ebbs and flows with the changes of the moon. There are unreasoned joys, inexplicable miseries, laughers and remorses without a cause. Their sudden and fantastic alternations constitute the ordinary weather of our minds.
Even if we think of the moon as only a stone, we shall find its very stoniness potentially a numen. A stone gone cold. An airless, waterless stone and the prophetic image of our own earth when, some few million years from now, the senescent sun shall have lost its present fostering power…. And so on. This passage could easily be prolonged—a Study in Purple. But I forbear. Let every reader lay on as much of the royal rhetorical color as he finds to his taste. Anyhow, purple or no purple, there the stone is stony. You cannot think about it for long without finding, yourself invaded by one or other of several essentially numinous sentiments. These sentiments belong to one or other of two contrasted and complementary groups Sentiments of Human Insignificance Sentiments of Human Greatness.
reverberate [rɪˈvɜːbəreɪt] v. 反射
【拓】reflect [rɪˈflekt ] v. 反射
numinous [ˈnjuːmɪnəs] a. 神圣的
【拓】sacred [ˈseɪkrɪd] a. 神圣的
austere [ɒˈstɪə(r)] a. 严峻的
【拓】severe [sɪˈvɪə(r)] a. 严峻的
circuitous [səˈkjuːɪtəs] a. 迂回的
【拓】devious [ˈdiːvɪəs] a. 偏僻的,弯曲的
ebb [eb] v. 落潮,退潮
【拓】ebb and flow 涨落,起伏
remorse [rɪˈmɔːs] n. 懊悔
【拓】regret [rɪˈɡret] v. 后悔
numen [ˈnuːmən] n. 守护神
【拓】god [ɡɒd] n. 神
prophetic [prəˈfetɪk] a. 预言的
【拓】oracular [əˈrækjələ(r)] a. 神谕的
senescent [sɪˈnesnt] a. 衰落的
【拓】scent [sent] n. 气味
numinous [ˈnjuːmɪnəs] a. 神秘的
【拓】mysterious [mɪˈstɪəriəs] a. 神秘的
dream of 向往,渴望;想到;梦见
【例】When she was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a dancer. 在她还是一个小女孩的时候,她梦想着成为一个舞蹈家。