[1] 3GPP. Study on scenarios and requirements for next generation access technologies: TR 38.913 [S], Sophia antipolis: 3GPP, 2015.
[2] 3GPP. Study on NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum: TR 38.889 [S], Sophia antipolis: 3GPP, 2018.
[3] 3GPP. Study on NR Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X): TR 38.885 [S], Sophia antipolis: 3GPP, 2018.
[4] 3GPP. Study on NR positioning enhancements: TR 38.857 [S], Sophia antipolis: 3GPP, 2018.
[5] 3GPP. Study on User Equipment (UE) power saving: TR 38.840 [S], Sophia antipolis: 3GPP, 2018.
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