An Important Interview with Mike Wallace
On September 2, 1986, Deng Xiaoping took an interview with CBS's “60 Minutes” correspondent Mike Wallace (1918-2012) in the Ziguang Pavilion of Zhongnanhai. During the interview, Deng Xiaoping demonstrated his outstanding strategic thinking and diplomatic skills, as he calmly explained China's economic and political policies and clarified its position on various important issues, including Sino-Soviet relations, Sino-US relations and the Taiwan issue as well as the institution of a retirement system for Chinese leaders.
During the interview, Wallace asked:“What would happen to China after Deng Xiaoping is gone? Would things go back to the way they were before?”Deng Xiaoping gave a firm answer,“Certainly there will be no turning back.” The Chinese leader's resolute commitment to the country's reform and opening-up was heard loud and clear around the world, while the world had gained a better understanding of where China was going from this interview.
As the interview was scheduled to end after one hour, Wallace insisted on adding one last question for Deng Xiaoping, who was ready to stand up by pressing the handrail of his chair.“How long do you intend to continue to be the chief leader and the chief adviser?”Wallace asked. After hearing Wallace out, Deng Xiaoping gave him an honest answer,“To be quite frank, I am trying to persuade people to let me retire at the Party's 13th National Congress next year. But so far, all I have heard is dissenting voices on all sides.”At the end of the interview, which lasted 20 minutes longer than originally scheduled, Wallace walked up to Deng Xiaoping and apologized for causing him the inconvenience. Deng did not mind at all, as he shook hands with Wallace and said goodbye in a friendly manner.
The interview proved unforgettable for Wallace who felt Deng was a person who was frank, amiable and easy to approach,“I met many world leaders, Deng is different from the others, he is unique”, this is how Wallace recalled the interview.

Deng Xiaoping shaking hands with Mike Wallace.