01 洪灾将气候问题推入德国大选核心

全文共927个词, By Guy Chazan in Berlin
With just over two months to go until polling day, the devastating floods that swept through western Germany this week have catapulted climate change to the heart of the country’s election campaign.
Most German political parties agreed global warming was to blame for a catastrophe that has left at least 140 people dead and visited destruction on towns and villages across two of the country’s most populous states.
A dam on the Roer river burst on Saturday as rescuers scrambled to evacuate about 700 residents from the town of Wassenberg, near the Dutch border.

The dramatic scenes could benefit the Greens, who even before this week were set to make big gains in September’s poll. Their strongest suit — a focus on climate change and on mobilising resources to prevent it — has acquired new urgency.
So far, they have refrained from saying “told you so”. Robert Habeck, the party’s co leader, did not visit the areas affected by the floods, telling Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine that “rubbernecking politicians just get in the way in such situations”.
到目前为止,他们一直没有说“早就告诉过你”。绿党联合领导人罗伯特·哈贝克(Robert Habeck)没有到访受灾地区,他向德国《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)表示,“在这种情况下,围观的政治人士只会碍事”。
But it is clear that the new focus on freak weather events and their links to a warming planet could deliver a boost to the Greens’ candidate for chancellor, Annalena Baerbock. It could also distract attention from the mistakes that have so far beset her campaign.
但很明显,人们对反常天气事件及其与全球变暖的联系的新关注,可能对绿党总理候选人安娜琳娜·贝尔博克(Annalena Baerbock)有利。这也可能分散人们对迄今为止给她竞选活动蒙上阴影的各种错误的注意力。
The 40-year-old MP has been on the ropes recently over inaccuracies in her CV, alleged plagiarism in a book she published last month and delays in reporting extra party income to parliament.

“She definitely will be able to score points now with the [Greens’] competence in environmental and climate issues, ” Karl-Rudolf Korte, a political scientist at the University of Duisburg-Essen, told German television. “It gives her a whole new way to mobilise voters.”
“凭借(绿党)在环境和气候问题上的能力,她现在肯定能得分。”杜伊斯堡-埃森大学(University of Duisburg-Essen)政治科学家卡尔-鲁道夫·科尔特(Karl-Rudolf Korte)向德国电视台表示,“这给了她动员选民的一种全新方式。”
Government spokeswoman Martina Fietz made clear that the authorities considered climate change to be the chief cause of the floods. “In principle, global warming leads to an increase in so-called extreme weather events like heatwaves, heavy rains and storms,” she said. In Germany, the average temperature had already risen by 2C since records began, she added.
德国政府发言人马丁娜·菲茨(Martina Fietz)明确表示,当局认为气候变化是导致洪灾的首要原因。她说:“原则上,全球变暖导致了热浪、暴雨和风暴等所谓极端天气事件的增加。”她补充称,自有记录以来,德国平均气温已上升2摄氏度。
On the other hand, the focus on climate could prove tricky for Armin Laschet, the candidate for chancellor from the centre-right CDU/CSU. As governor of North Rhine-Westphalia, home to some of Germany’s biggest companies, he strongly opposes parts of the Greens’agenda, saying they could endanger the country’s status as an industrial powerhouse.
另一方面,对于中右翼基民盟(CDU)/基社盟(CSU)总理候选人阿明·拉舍特(Armin Laschet)来说,人们对气候问题的关注可能会很棘手。作为德国一些大型公司所在的北莱茵-威斯特法伦州(North Rhine-Westphalia)的州长,他坚决反对绿党的部分议程,称其可能危及德国工业强国的地位。
He was caught on the back foot on Thursday after losing patience with a TV interviewer when she asked if Germany needed to act more aggressively to stem the climate crisis. Clearly irritated, he replied: “You don’t change your policies just because of a day like today.”

Laschet was also sharply criticised on social media and by political opponents for his behaviour during a joint visit to the affected area with German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Erftstadt on Saturday.
拉舍特还因上周六与德国总统弗兰克-瓦尔特·施泰因迈尔(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)一同视察埃夫特施塔特(Erftstadt)受灾地区期间的行为,受到社交媒体和政治对手的尖锐抨击。
While Steinmeier was giving a sombre statement to media, TV footage showed Laschet in the background joking and laughing with other bystanders. He later apologised. “I regret the impression that was created during a conversation. That was inappropriate and I am sorry,” he said on Twitter.
Yet even Laschet agrees that Germany must pick up the pace on climate. “We must move more quickly down the path towards carbon neutrality,” he said on Friday.
He has promised compensation to those left homeless by the floods, expressed sympathy for the victims and their families and thanked the emergency services, in speeches that seemed calculated to show him as an effective crisis manager and “Landesvater”, or father of the nation.
Korte believes Laschet could even gain politically from the new sense of insecurity ushered in by the floods. “We will have to expect new crises,” he said, “and we will have most trust in the people or parties who have the best ideas for protecting us from what may come.”That could benefit the CDU/CSU, which has governed Germany for 50 of the past 70 years,and harm Baerbock, who has no government experience.
If the floods end up having an impact on Germany’s election campaign, it will not be the first time. Experts say severe flooding of the river Elbe in August 2002 influenced the outcome of elections in that year and ensured victory for the Social Democratic chancellor Gerhard Schröder.
如果洪水最终影响德国大选,这将不是第一次。专家表示。2002年8月易北河(Elbe)的严重洪灾影响了当年的大选结果,确保了时任总理社民党(SDP)的格哈德·施罗德(Gerhard Schröder)获得胜利。
He rushed to the scene, donning rubber boots, wading through the mud, and later promising huge amounts of aid to the worst-hit areas. By contrast, his rival Edmund Stoiber, candidate for the CDU/CSU, did not break off his holiday on the North Sea island of Juist and ended up losing.
当时,施罗德立刻赶赴灾区,脚穿胶靴在泥泞中跋涉,并随后承诺向受灾最严重的地区提供大量援助。相比之下,他的竞争对手基民盟/基社盟候选人埃德蒙·施托伊贝尔(Edmund Stoiber)没有中断在北海尤伊斯特岛(Juist)的假期,最终以失败告终。
“I didn’t want to campaign with this natural catastrophe,” Stoiber said later, though he ended up visiting the flooded areas anyway.
The weather has also influenced politics in more recent years. The long dry spell that Germany experienced in 2018, when lack of rainfall caused fields and forests to turn brown in the baking sun, boosted the popularity of the Greens and fired their relentless rise in the polls: by November 2018 the party stood at 22 per cent in the polls, up from 8.9 per cent in the 2017 Bundestag election.
In May 2019, the Greens garnered 20.5 per cent of the vote in elections to the European Parliament — the party’s best national result to date.
Though no one wants to make political hay out of a crisis, there will be some Greens privately hoping the impact of the 2018 heatwave finds an echo in the aftermath of the summer floods of 2021.