本节课的教学内容选自《新交际英语》第七册第五课Good Manners(小学六年级第一学期使用)。《新交际英语》的内容编排围绕特定的话题,每课都由五个项目组成,其中Let's Say 部分根据各课规定的交际任务进行设计,目的是巩固和拓展语言知识。Let's Say部分主要以听说为主,内容包括看图认词、看图说话和角色扮演。
根据任务型语言教学模式以及Larson Freeman提出的语法教学的三个阶段(何安平,2001),笔者将以一般将来时(will+动词原形)教学为例,从四个方面讨论如何在小学高年级进行语法教学。
该阶段属于任务前活动。教师可以利用实物、图片、小诗、歌曲或者VCD等引入某一语法现象。笔者在教学中要求学生通过词汇联想,借助词汇网络激活与该语法项目所涉及主题相关的词汇。本文课文的话题是Good Manners,首先教师介绍话题: Today we will talk about good manners. 并板书Good Manners,然后举例:Zhang Jie has good manners. She often helps Lily learn English. Chen Zibin has good manners. He often cleans the teachers' desk. Xie Xin has good manners. He helps the teacher carry breakfast to the classroom every morning. 然后,学生在老师的启发下进行造句练习,教师则板书学生造句中的关键词(见下图)。在此过程中,教师可以有意识地呈现新单词。
待学生学习了相关词汇后,教师可以创设与语法相关的情境,让学生在运用相关词汇的同时,学习和掌握该语法项目。教师首先引入句型:Are you a child with good manners? / What will you do? / I will… 然后教师重复“What will you do? ” 以引起学生对此语法现象的注意,并板书:What will you do? I will…
之后,教师示范:I want to be a good daughter. I will cook and wash dishes for Mum this evening. 然后,教师与几位学生示范如下对话:
T: Now let's ask Liu Wen.
S1: What will you do, Liu Wen?
Liu Wen: I will help Mum clean the floor.
T: Now let's ask Zhang Tao.
S2: What will you do, Zhang Tao?
Zhang Tao: My sister is in Grade Three. I will help her learn English.
本阶段有两项操练活动,第一项是操练课本中Let's Say部分的内容。教师边指图边说:Now please look at these pictures. These children want to be good boys and good girls. What will they do? Look at this picture. He will… She will… They will… 同时,教师通过图片呈现新单词。
教师介绍完Let's Say部分的内容后,可以让学生两人一组分角色进行操练。为了检查学生是否理解了该部分的内容,教师可以让学生完成信息转述任务。教师首先引导学生观察此部分每幅图下的关键词,让学生注意到这些词按内容可以分为三类(Who, When, Things they will do);然后让学生填写以下表格:
学生完成表格后,教师可以让其根据表格内容进行操练。例如:Tom will visit his grandpa next Sunday. The two students will clean the classroom after school today.
该阶段的第二项操练活动是学生组成四人小组,用所学的语言知识进行讨论。教师首先让学生明确各组讨论的内容,即:Are you a child with good manners? / What will you do? / I will… 教师可以要求每组选出一位学生仿照上表做记录。以下是某个小组的记录:
各组讨论结束后进行口头汇报。例如:Li Jialin will visit his grandpa and grandma this Saturday. Fan Chuguo will…
T: What will Li Jialin do this Saturday?
S: He will visit his grandpa and grandma.
(1) Mr. Gore will buy a panda for each of us later.
(2) Katy will help her mother with housework this Sunday.
(3) Ben will invite all of us to his birthday party this weekend.
(4) Li Ping will visit the International School next week.
(5) We'll have a Christmas party at the end of this month.
(6) The worker will show us around the factory tomorrow.
这一阶段主要是让学生把刚学的语法知识应用于真实的交际情景中。结合该单元的话题Good Manners,笔者设计了以下任务:
Mother's Day is coming. What will you do for Mum? Please read Jack's letter and write to tell him about your plans.
Jack's Letter
Dear friend,
How are you?
Mother's Day is coming, I'm sure Mum will have a very happy day. I'll make a card for Mum and I'll write “I love you, Mum! ” on the card. On Sunday evening, I will cook a big dinner for Mum. After dinner, I will wash the dishes and clean the kitchen for Mum.
What will you do for your mum this Sunday? Can you tell me?
Yours, Jack
Your letter:
Dear ,