第23章 思想家的思想
because it is hard for him to do it.
Now instead of the child, imagine a cave man. His muscles are big and powerful.You may think he is more like an animal than a man.Because he is a man, however, he has a soul and sooner or later he will wonder about his life and what is going to come of it.Why is he here in this world?What happens when he dies?Does he just go out like a dying fire or does part of him live on in some other world that he knows nothing about?He begins thinking, wondering, pondering with his brute-like mind.You can see him thinking even more than the child.And the first thing you would say if you saw him would be,“He is thinking so hard!”
A statue of such a caveman would show thinking much better than a goddess of thought or a brilliant thinker. The sculptor who expressed thought by creating a statue of someone trying hard to think was a Frenchman named Auguste Rodin.His most famous statue is called The Thinker.The statue isn't thinking-the man is thinking.He's a thinker.It is probably as near as anyone can get to show thinking or thought.
The Thinker isn't smooth and pretty like Canova's Flying Mercury. It is roughly modeled.

This rough modeling helps make the man look coarser and not used to thinking.He sits, head in hand, pondering so intensely that even his toes are tightly clutching the ground.
Rodin loved contrasts. Often he carved delicate and beautiful forms as though they were just coming out of the uncarved marble block, like those of Michelangelo whom he admired.The beauty is increased by the contrast of the finished part with the unfinished part.