王蓓 邱新仪 张夏夏 刘广盈
摘要 语音模仿是二语学习中常用的方法。本文比较了单独朗读、跟读模仿(Listen-and-Repeat,LAR)和同声模仿(Synchronous-Imitation,SI)三种任务下,哈萨克斯坦留学生产出的汉语焦点语调。两个模仿任务都是先听母语者的标准语音,跟读任务要求发音人在读句子时尽可能模仿标准语音;而同声模仿则要求发音人在读出句子的同时听标准语音,并保持同步。结果显示:(1)中级水平的二语学习者不能够独立产出正确的焦点语调,而只能通过时长延长的方式强调焦点词。(2)两种模仿任务中,二语者可以部分实现焦点词音高上升和焦点后音高压缩,且两个任务间没有系统差异。(3)相比于跟读模仿,同声模仿时声调的正确率更高且流畅程度更好。总体来说,二语者主要是对升或降的语调模式进行模仿,特别是高音点的变化趋势,而不是模仿具体的音高或时长参数。并且音高和时长的模仿是基本分离的,声调和语调的模仿也是相对独立的。
关键词 二语语调模仿,焦点语调,跟读模仿,同声模仿
Focus Intonation imitation in L2:Comparing Listen-and-repeat(LAR)and Synchronous-imitation(SI)
WANG Bei QIU Xinyi ZHANG Xiaxia LIU Guangying
Abstract Imitation is commonly applied in L2 learning. This study compared two tasks on L2 intonation imitation,i.e.,Listen-and-repeat(LAR)and Synchronous-imitation(SI). In LAR,after hearing the recorded sentence,speakers were asked to imitate it as close as possible,whereas in SI,the recording was played the same time while they read the sentences,and they were asked to be as synchronous as possible. Kazakhstan-Mandarin L2 speakers were asked to read Mandarin sentences in different focus conditions in solo,LAR and SI. The results showed that:(1)To realize focus in solo reading,these medial-level L2 speakers cannot produce proper focus intonation but mainly rely on lengthening the focused words.(2)In the two imitation tasks,they can partly produce on-focus F0 raising and post-focus F0 compression,with no clear difference between the two tasks.(3)As compared to LAR,SI shows advantage on fluency and tone accuracy. In general,L2 speakers seem to imitate the abstract intonation patterns,especially the raising of maximum F0,but not the exact acoustic parameters. It seems that the imitation on F0 and duration is largely independent,so is the imitation on tone and intonation.
Key words L2 intonation imitation,Focus intonation,Listen-and-repeat,Synchronous-imitation