2.6 工程地质勘察 Engineering geological investigation
(1)勘测 Investigation,survey
勘测阶段 investigation stage
规划阶段 planning stage
预可行性研究阶段 prefeasibility study stage
可行性研究阶段 feasibility study stage
招标设计阶段 tender design stage
施工详图设计阶段 construction detailed design stage
勘测大纲 outline of investigation program
踏勘 reconnaissance
勘探工作量 quantity of exploration work
勘探项目 exploration item
勘探工作布置 arrangement of exploration work
了解 learn about
初步查明 preliminarily identify
查明 ascertain
复查 review,check
复核 reexamine
核定 verify
安全鉴定 safety appraisal
主勘探剖面 major exploration profile(section)
场地复杂程度 complexity of site
地形制约 topographical constrain
地质填图 geological mapping
可利用资料 available data(information)
资料收集方法 data acquisition method
野外查勘 field reconnaissance
施工地质工作 geological works during construction
施工编录 construction mapping
坝基编录 dam foundation mapping
钻孔编录 drilling log
硐室编录 tunnel mapping(log)
竖井编录 shaft log
数字地质编录系统 digital geological logging system
施工地质日志 geological daily record during construction
施工地质通知 geological notification during construction
施工地质备忘录 geological memorandum during construction
地质灾害调查 geologic hazards inquiry
地面勘探 ground surface exploration
探槽 trial trench
探坑 trial pit
边侧支撑 side shoring
框架支撑 shored with cribbing
(2)地下勘探 Subsurface exploration
钻探 drilling exploration
硐探 adit exploration
井探 shaft exploration
坑(槽)探 pit(trench)exploration
竖井 vertical shaft
斜井 inclined shaft
勘探钻孔 exploration borehole
可钻性 drillability
岩芯 rock core
岩芯钻探 core drilling(boring)
岩芯采取率 core recovery rate
孔斜 borehole deviation
孔深 borehole depth
孔口高程 collar elevation
孔底高程 borehole bottom elevation
孔斜计 clinograph
倾斜仪 clinometer,inclinometer
扩孔 enlarge boring
取岩芯 core extraction
钻孔孔径 borehole size(borehole diameter)
N型孔[孔径约 75 mm/3 in.] N size hole
B型孔[孔径约60 mm/2.3 in.] B size hole
H型孔[孔径约 99 mm/4 in.] H size hole
大口径孔[孔径>0.6m] large-diameter hole,calyx hole
两瓣式岩芯管 double split barrel
三瓣式岩芯管 triple split barrel
钻孔定向 borehole orientation
垂直钻进 vertical boring
斜孔钻进 inclined boring
水平钻进 horizontal boring
定向钻进 oriented boring
钻孔顶角 borehole vertex angle
钻孔倾角 borehole inclination
土钻 soil auger
麻花钻 helical
螺旋钻 auger drill
勺钻 bucket auger
潜孔锤 hammer down the hole(HDT)
冲击钻进 percussion drilling
反循环钻进 reverse circulation drilling
冲抓锥钻进 churn and grabbing drilling
桩孔扩底钻进 hole bottom reaming drilling
大口径钻进 large well drilling
厚壁冲击管 heavy wall drive barrel
切土管刃 cutting shoe
取土器 soil sampler
取样程序 sampling procedure
连续取样 continuous sampling
定向岩芯 oriented core
穿过钻杆提取 retrieved through the drill rod
循环介质 circulating medium
清水 clear water
泥浆 slurry
膨润土泥浆,皂土液 bentonite slurry
添加剂泥浆 slurry with additive
天然有机聚合物 natural organic polymer
合成有机聚合物 synthetic organic polymer
可生物降解表面活性剂混合物 biodegradable mixture of surfactant
植物无固相冲洗液 vegetable glue drilling fluid without clay
岩芯钻进观察 observation during coring operation
每段进尺记录 record of each run
每钻次的深度、长度和时间 depth,length,and time for each run
孔内残留岩芯 amount of core left in the hole
岩粉与岩屑 rock cuttings and chips
钻压 weight on bit(WOB),bit pressure
孔内掉块 material caving into the borehole
掉钻 rod drop
埋钻 drill rod burying
卡钻 drill rod sticking
烧钻 bit burnt
漏水 water loss
返水颜色 color of the return water
临时护壁,临时套管 temporary casing
下套管 casing placement
洗孔 borehole cleaning
封孔 borehole backfilling
岩芯编录 core logging
钻孔地质员 inspector
岩芯箱 core box
岩芯隔板卡 core record spacer
岩芯照片 core photograph
勘探洞 exploration adit,trial adit
导洞 pilot drift tunnel
河底平洞 adit under river
隧洞倾斜度 inclination of tunnel
洞周地质测绘 peripheral geologic mapping
向平面投影 projecting to plan
向剖面投影 projecting to profile
展开圆周面为平面 unrolling the circumference to form a plan
隧洞定位点(桩) tunnel station (stake)
参照点 reference point
假设高程 assumed elevation
洞周应力状态 stress conditions around openings
切向主应力 tangential principal stress
径向主应力 radial principal stress
自然拱 natural arching
拉张区 tension zone
塑性区 plastic zone
扰动区 zone of disturbance
(3)物探 Geophysical prospecting
遥感 remote sensing
地面物探 surface geophysical prospecting
物探剖面 geophysical survey profile
水下地形 underwater topography
弹性波测试 elastic wave survey
微地震波测试 micro-seismic wave survey
自动增益控制 automatic gain control(AGC)
正常时差修正 normal moveout correction
高差曲线 departure curve
折射法勘探 refraction survey
界面波 boundary wave,interface wave
跨孔测试 cross-hole test
声波测试 acoustic wave survey
钻孔物探测试 geophysical survey in borehole
钻孔照相 borehole photography
钻孔电视 borehole TV
物探综合测井 comprehensive downhole geophysical probe
声波测井 acoustic log
声波电视测井 acoustic televiewer log
活化测井 activation log
放射法测井 radioactivity log
跨孔层析摄影 crosshole tomography
跨孔地震探测 crosshole seismic probe
跨孔电阻率探测 crosshole resistivity probe
地质雷达 ground penetrating radar(GPR)
层析成像 computer tomography(CT)
声发射监测 acoustic emission monitoring
电法勘探 electrical prospecting
重力勘探 gravitational prospecting
重力异常 gravity anomaly
磁异常 magnetic anomaly
地热异常 geothermal anomaly
电测深法 electrical sounding
电剖面法 electrical profiling
高密度电法 resistivity imaging
激发极化法 induced polarization
自然电场法 self-potential method
充电法 Mise-a-la-masse method
可控源音频大地电磁测深法 controlled source audio frequency magnetotellurics(CSAMT)
瞬变电磁法 transient electromagnetic method(TEM)
浅层地震折射波法 shallow seismic refraction
浅层地震反射波法 shallow seismic reflection
瑞雷波法 Rayleigh wave method
弹性波测试 elasticity wave testing
水声探测 sonic echo exploration
放射性测量 radioactivity survey
同位素示踪法 isotopes tracer technique
Engineering geological analysis and calculation
稳定性分析 stability analysis
可靠度分析 reliability analysis
概率曲线 probability curve
期望值 expected value
目标函数 objective function
试错法 trial-and-error method,cut-and-try method
确定性分析 deterministic analysis
抗滑安全系数 factor of safety against sliding
容许安全系数 allowable factor of safety
安全度 degree of safety
容许变形量 allowable deformation
容许沉降量 allowable settlement
容许承压力 allowable bearing pressure
容许极限 acceptable limit
地质力学模型 geo-mechanical model
边坡地质模型 geological model of slope
边坡结构模型 slope structure model
动态设计法 method of information design
开挖坡比 excavation gradient
设计安全标准 design safety criteria
上限解 upper bound solution
下限解 lower bound solution
总应力法 total stress method
有效应力法 effective stress method
条分法 slice method
整体圆弧滑动法 mass circle sliding method
不平衡推力法 method of non-equilibrium thrust
分块极限平衡法 method of block limit equilibrium
楔形体平衡法 wedge equilibrium method
过程模拟 process simulation
仿真模拟 analogue simulation
相似性 similarity
本构关系 constitutive relation
边界条件 boundary condition
莫尔破裂包络线 Mohr's rupture envelope
插值法 interpolation method
外延法 extrapolation method
反分析 back analysis
图解法 graphical solution
统计回归分析 statistical regression analysis
经验公式 empirical formula
半经验公式 semi-empirical formula
经验数据 empirical data
经验参数 empirical parameter
经验系数 empirical coefficient
特性参数 characteristic parameter
建议值 recommended value