I'd like to thank Packt Publishing, who gave me this opportunity in reviewing such a great book. I would also like to thank SitePoint for being such a great place for web designers.
My personal life is also very important, this acknowledgment goes to my loving parents, who made sure I was happy and had everything, achieving the unimaginable for their children (as in their mind we're still kids). I'd like to thank my four brothers for the support that they gave while reviewing this book, which would have been impossible without their constant re-enforcement.
Apart from my family, I'd like to thank everybody who helped PricklyPear Media in making it what it is today; this includes my past employers and co-workers. I look forward to Packt Publishing publishing more amazing books.
Steve Graham is an Entrepreneur and Web Developer specializing in WordPress websites. As a co-owner of Internet Mentor (http://internet-mentor.co.uk/meet-the-team/), he aims to ensure that all of his clients derive measurable and sustainable direct results that drive business growth.
Steve focuses on enabling clients, whether this is in relation to their business websites and social media activities, or in a broader sense through his other great passion of delivering presentation and leadership skills.
Todd Halfpenny has been working as a Software Designer for mobile telecoms operators for over 10 years and has an innate love for anything, and everything, related to mobile technology.
For the past four years, he has also worked on many WordPress projects, both personal and client based. Through these projects, he has developed tons of WordPress plugins, and among those listed in the WordPress.org plugin repository are the highly popular Widgets on Pages and Responsive TwentyTen.
His journey with mobile technology has also led him to develop a few Android applications including Asssist, which was the first Dribbble client for the platform.
Todd can be found online at http://toddhalfpenny.com and on Twitter at @toddhalfpenny