Chapter 2. Using Responsive Themes
So, we’ve had a look at some plugins that can quickly and easily make your site mobile-friendly. These are a really easy way to make your site work great on mobile devices, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll have noticed a couple of downsides. The first downside is that with a plugin, you get a mobile site that looks just like a lot of other mobile sites out there with very little opportunity to add your own design. And the other one is that it’s difficult to display all of the content from your site, especially if you’re using widgets and a custom header.
So, you want to overcome these limitations, but you’ve still got limited time and next to no budget to make your site mobile. What can you do? The answer may just be to use a pre-existing mobile or responsive theme.
To get to grips with responsive themes, in this chapter we’ll:
- Learn about mobile and responsive themes, and the difference between them
- Learn how responsive themes work and what they offer
- Install some of the most popular responsive themes on our site, configure them, and identify their pros and cons and which kinds of sites they’re most suited to
- Learn how to use a responsive theme with a theme switcher as an alternative to a mobile plugin
So, are you ready to dive into responsive themes? Let’s go!