What this book covers
Chapter 1, Xcode 5 – A Developer's Ultimate Tool, explains everything you need to know to get the most out of Apple's IDE. With the new Xcode, developing and managing applications has never been easier.
Chapter 2, Foundation Framework – Growing Up, introduces the Foundation framework, as it is one of the most important and core frameworks in all of iOS development. When Apple makes changes to it, you want to pay attention!
Chapter 3, Auto Layout 2.0, explains the implementation of Auto Layout 2.0 in iOS 7. When Auto Layout was first introduced, it contained multiple problems that caused many developers to avoid using it. With iOS 7, Apple heeded these concerns and made many of the required improvements.
Chapter 4, Building Our Application for iOS 7, guides us to build our own application as we now know the ins and outs of Xcode 5, the Foundation framework, and the new Auto Layout. We will start our first project and focus on the new iOS 7 design principles.
Chapter 5, Creating and Saving User Data, enables us to prepare an application to support users in creating new items and saving the data for later use. For example, in our custom application, users will be able to save the food they eat to view later on.
Chapter 6, Displaying User Data, explains the technique to display the data that we have saved. This is the final step that completes our application before we move on to two major iOS 7 APIs.
Chapter 7, Manipulating Text with TextKit, explains the use of TextKit, a new API in iOS 7, which streamlines the process of working with text. From dynamic type to rich text editor styles, TextKit is an excellent tool for any iOS developer to understand.
Chapter 8, Adding Physics with UIKit Dynamics, explains the use of UIKit Dynamics, which is a fully featured physics engine built directly into UIKit. UIKit Dynamics will allow you to create physics-based movement and animations in your application for a real-world feel.