This was a big chapter, but hopefully provided a good foundation to create your first scene in Lumion. Not only have we seen how to create a scene, but also the advantage of using the nine scenes available that work like a template. After creating our first scene, we looked at some of the advantages of using a proxy to test and set up the terrain. And for the terrain, we covered several options; each one with their good points and how they fit in each type of the project. A height map, when well applied, can create a fantastic and believable result.
Our final sections helped us to understand how we can take the best from the quality settings available and how layers are a key aspect to help having a smooth workflow.
In the next chapter, we will take our scene to the next level by starting to add content and populate the scene. Here, we will find how vast Lumion's library is and how to add 3D models. However, it doesn't stop there because we will also see how to import and control our own 3D models.