Chapter 1. Introduction to Sagas
In this chapter, we will discuss an introduction to sagas. Sagas are just one of the many design patterns supported by NServiceBus (NSB). NSB is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that brings many design features and benefits to the end-to-end enterprise. We will briefly look at these features and enter into a brief discussion of some of the design patterns that NSB supports. From this point, we will introduce the saga design pattern and provide a brief introduction to its purpose. The rest of the book will lead into a drill-down of the saga pattern and its use, as well as discuss many more of the features of NSB.
In this chapter, we will study the following:
- A brief introduction to ESBs
- Additional patterns
- The publish-subscribe pattern
- The request-reply pattern
- The DataBus pattern
- Timeout patterns
- Message mutation patterns
- Message encryption patterns
- The ScaleOut pattern
- The saga design pattern
- Sagas – what are they good for?