What this book covers
Chapter 1, Acquiring Data for Your Project, shows you how to import data into the R environment, taking you through web scraping and the process of connecting to an API.
Chapter 2, Preparing for Analysis – Data Cleansing and Manipulation, teaches you how to get your data ready for analysis, leveraging the latest data-handling packages and advanced statistical techniques for missing values and outlier treatments.
Chapter 3, Basic Visualization Techniques, lets you get the first sense of your data, highlighting its structure and discovering patterns within it.
Chapter 4, Advanced and Interactive Visualization, shows you how to produce advanced visualizations ranging from 3D graphs to animated plots.
Chapter 5, Power Programming with R, discusses how to write efficient R code, making use of the R objective-oriented systems and advanced tools for code performance evaluation.
Chapter 6, Domain-specific Applications, shows you how to apply the R language to a wide range of problems related to different domains, from financial portfolio optimization to e-commerce fraud detection.
Chapter 7, Developing Static Reports, helps you discover the reporting tools available within the RStudio IDE and how to make the most of them to produce static reports for sharing results of your work.
Chapter 8, Dynamic Reporting and Web Application Development, displays the collected recipes designed to make use of the latest features introduced in RStudio from shiny web applications with dynamic UIs to RStudio add-ons.