Professional CSS3

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Foundations and Tools, is about the tools that will help you build better CSS code. It describes the features of preprocessors before providing foundational knowledge about SASS. In this chapter, you will get basic knowledge about automatization of repeatable processes in frontend development with GULP.js. You will also find an example of file structures, which you can use to divide a project into files that are small and easy to edit and maintain.

Chapter 2, Mastering of Fundamentals, helps you master the box model, floating CSS, positioning troubleshooting, and display types. After this chapter, you will be more aware of foundations of HTML and CSS.

Chapter 3, Mastering of Pseudoelements and Pseudoclasses, describes pseudoclasses and pseudoelements and how you can use them. It will cover the problem of drawing primitives and how to use them as a part of optimized CSS code.

Chapter 4, Responsive Websites – Prepare Your Code for Specific Devices, provides knowledge about RWD and how to prepare projects. It will cover problems of modern websites and optimization techniques.

Chapter 5, Using Background Images in CSS, addresses the fact that images are on almost every webpage. This chapter will teach you how to craft an optimal website with images displayed correctly on a wide spectrum of modern devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Chapter 6, Styling Forms, teaches you about styling forms and which elements of CSS you can and cannot use.

Chapter 7, Resolving Classic Problems, is about troubleshooting classic problems in CSS: dealing with opacity, transforms, and centering elements.

Chapter 8, Usage of Flexbox Transform, teaches you about new features of CSS and where to use them.

Chapter 9, Calc, Gradients, and Shadows, will provide information about calc function, which will help you with math operations in CSS. This chapter will reveal the gradient functions and how can you use them in HTML layouts. In this chapter, you will also get a basic knowledge about CSS shadows and its usage. After this chapter, you will know how to add shadow to boxes and texts.

Chapter 10, Don't Repeat Yourself – Let's Create a Simple CSS Framework, is about building reusable code and how to later use it as a foundation for your own projects. This chapter will cover problems related to creating basic CSS frameworks.

Chapter 11, Mailers Fundamentals, is a short introduction to mailers and problems that can occur during the mailer building process. The chapter is focused on fundamental knowledge.

Chapter 12, Scalability and Modularity, teaches you how to prepare scalable code in CSS.

Chapter 13, Code Optimization, is about the final process that takes place after building CSS code. It's mainly about optimization and minification tools. It covers the problems involved in preparing your code before you start coding and during the creation of CSS code.

Chapter 14, Final Automatization and Processes Optimization, is about the automatization of operations over CSS code.