Arrays are a very common component of modern programming languages and can be found in virtually all modern programming languages. In Swift, an array is an ordered list of objects of the same type.
When an array is created, we must declare the type of data to be stored in it by explicit type declaration or through type inference. Typically, we only explicitly declare the data type of an array when we are creating an empty array. If we initialize an array with data, we should let the compiler use type inference to infer the most appropriate data type for the array.
Each object in an array is called an element. Each of these elements is stored in a set order and can be accessed by its location (index) in the array.
Creating and initializing arrays
We can initialize an array with an array literal. An array literal is a set of values that prepopulate the array. The following example shows how to define an immutable array of integers using the let
let arrayOne = [1,2,3]
As we mentioned, if we need to create a mutable array, we will use the var
keyword to define the array. The following example shows how to define a mutable array:
var arrayTwo = [4,5,6]
In the preceding two examples, the compiler inferred the type of values stored in the array by looking at the type of values stored in the array literal. If we want to create an empty array, we will need to explicitly declare the type of values to store in the array. The following example shows how to declare an empty mutable array that can be used to store integers:
var arrayThree = [Int]()
In the preceding examples, we created arrays with integer values, and the majority of the array examples in this chapter will also use integer values; however, we can create arrays in Swift with any type. The only rule is that once an array is defined as containing a particular type, all the elements in the array must be of that type. The following example shows how we can create arrays of various data types:
var arrayOne = [String]() var arrayTwo = [Double]() var arrayThree = [MyObject]()
Swift does provide special type aliases for working with nonspecific types. These aliases are AnyObject
and Any
. We can use these aliases to define arrays whose elements are of different types, like this:
var myArray: [Any] = [1,"Two"]
The AnyObject
aliases can represent an instance of any class type, while the Any
aliases can represent an instance of any type. We should use the Any
and AnyObject
aliases only when there is an explicit need for this behavior. It is always better to be specific about the types of data our collections contain.
We can also initialize an array to a certain size with all the elements of the array set to a predefined value. This can be very useful if we want to create an array and prepopulate it with the default values. The following example defines an array with seven elements, and each element contains the number 3
var arrayFour = [Int](repeating: 3, count: 7)
While the most common array is a one-dimensional array, we can also create multidimensional arrays. A multidimensional array is really nothing more than an array of arrays. For example, a two-dimensional array is an array of arrays, while a three-dimensional array is an array of arrays of arrays. The following examples show the two ways to create a two-dimensional array in Swift:
var multiArrayOne = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] var multiArrayTwo = [[Int]]()
Accessing the array elements
We use subscript syntax to retrieve values from an array. Subscript syntax for an array is where a number appears between two square brackets, and that number specifies the location (index) within the array of the element we wish to retrieve. The following example shows how to retrieve elements from an array using subscript syntax:
let arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5,6] print(arrayOne[0]) //Displays '1' print(arrayOne[3]) //Displays '4'
In the preceding code, we begin by creating an array of integers that contains six numbers. We then print out the value at indexes 0 and 3
If we want to retrieve an individual value within a multidimensional array, we will need to provide a subscript for each dimension of the array. If we do not provide a subscript for each dimension, we will return an array rather than an individual value within the array. The following example shows how we can define a two-dimensional array and retrieve an individual value within the two dimensions:
var multiArray = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] var arr = multiArray[0] //arr contains the array [1,2] var value = multiArray[0][1] //value contains 2
In the preceding code, we begin by defining a two-dimensional array. When we retrieve the value at index 0 of the first dimension (multiArray[0]
), we retrieve the array [1,2]
. When we retrieve the value at index 0 of the first dimension and index 1
of the second dimension (multiArray[0][1]
), we retrieve the integer 2
We can retrieve the first and last elements of an array using the first
and last
properties. The first
and last
properties return an optional value, since the values may be nil if the array is empty. The following example shows how to use the first
and last
properties to retrieve the first and last elements of both one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays:
let arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5,6] let first = arrayOne.first //first contains 1 let last = arrayOne.last //last contains 6 let multiArray = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] let arrFirst1 = multiArray[0].first //arrFirst1 contains 1 let arrFirst2 = multiArray.first //arrFirst2 contains[1,2] let arrLast1 = multiArray[0].last //arrLast1 contains 2 let arrLast2 = multiArray.last //arrLast2 contains [5,6]
Counting the elements of an array
At times, it is essential to know the number of elements in an array. To retrieve the number of elements in an array, we would use the read-only count
property. The following example shows how to use this property to retrieve the number of elements in both single-dimensional and multidimensional arrays:
let arrayOne = [1,2,3] let multiArrayOne = [[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]] print(arrayOne.count) //Displays 3 print(multiArrayOne.count) //Displays 3 for the three arrays print(multiArrayOne[0].count) //Displays 2 for the two elements
The value that is returned by the count
property is the number of elements in the array and not the largest valid index of the array. For non-empty arrays, the largest valid index is the number of elements in the array minus 1. This is because the first element of the array has an index number of zero. As an example, if an array has two elements, the valid indexes are 0 and 1
, while the count property would return 2
. The following code illustrates this:
let arrayOne = [0,1] print(arrayOne[0]) //Displays 0 print(arrayOne[1]) //Displays 1 print(arrayOne.count) //Displays 2
If we attempt to retrieve an element from an array using the subscript syntax, the application will throw an array index out of range error
. Therefore, if we are unsure of the size of an array, it is good practice to verify that the index is not outside the range of the array. The following examples illustrate this concept:
//This example will throw an array index out of range error let arrayTwo = [1,2,3,4] print(arrayTwo[6]) //This example will not throw an array index out of range error let arrayOne = [1,2,3,4] if (arrayOne.count> 6) { print(arrayOne[6]) }
In the preceding code, the first block would throw an array index out of range error
exception because we are attempting to access the value from the arrayTwo
array at index 6
; however, there are only four elements in the array. The second example would not throw the error because we are checking whether the arrayOne
array contains more than six elements before trying to access the element at the sixth index.
Is the array empty?
To check whether an array is empty (does not contain any elements), we use the isEmpty
property. This property will return true
if the array is empty and false
if it is not. The following example shows how to check whether an array is empty or not:
var arrayOne = [1,2] var arrayTwo = [Int]() arrayOne.isEmpty //Returns false because the array is not empty arrayTwo.isEmpty //Returns true because the array is empty
Appending to an array
A static array is somewhat useful, but having the ability to add elements dynamically is what makes arrays really useful. To add an item to the end of an array, we can use the append
method. The following example shows how to append an item to the end of an array:
var arrayOne = [1,2] arrayOne.append(3) //arrayOne will now contain 1, 2 and 3
Swift also allows us to use the addition assignment operator (+=
) to append an array to another array. The following example shows how to use the addition assignment operator to append an array to the end of another array:
var arrayOne = [1,2] arrayOne += [3,4] //arrayOne will now contain 1, 2, 3 and 4
The way you append an element to the end of an array is really up to you. Personally, I prefer the assignment operator because to me it is a bit easier to read; but we will be using both in this book.
Inserting a value into an array
We can insert a value into an array by using the insert
method. The insert
method will move all the items up one spot, starting at the specified index, to make room for the new element and then inserts the value into the specified index. The following example shows how to use the insert
method to insert a new value into an array:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] arrayOne.insert(10, at: 3) //arrayOne now contains 1, 2, 3, 10, 4 and 5
You cannot insert a value that is outside the current range of the array. Attempting to do so will throw an Index out of range exception
. For example, in the preceding code, if we attempt to insert a new integer at index 10
, we will receive an Index out of range exception error
because arrayOne
contains only five elements. The exception to this is that we are able to insert an item directly after the last element; therefore, we can insert an item at index 6. However, it is recommended that we use the append
function to append an item to avoid errors.
Replacing elements in an array
We use the subscript syntax to replace elements in an array. Using the subscript, we pick the element of the array we wish to update and then use the assignment operator to assign a new value. The following example shows how we will replace a value in an array:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3] arrayOne[1] = 10 //arrayOne now contains 1,10,3
You cannot update a value that is outside the current range of the array. Attempting to do so will throw the same Index out of range
exception that was thrown when we tried to insert a value outside the range of the array.
Removing elements from an array
There are three methods that we can use to remove one or all the elements in an array. These methods are removeLast()
, remove(at:)
, and removeAll()
. The following example shows how to use the three methods to remove elements from the array:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] arrayOne.removeLast() //arrayOne now contains 1, 2, 3 and 4 arrayOne.remove(at:2) //arrayOne now contains 1, 2 and 4 arrayOne.removeAll() //arrayOne is now empty
The removeLast()
and remove(at:)
methods will also return the value of the element being removed. Therefore, if we want to know the value of the item that was removed, we can rewrite the remove(at:)
and removeLast()
lines to capture the value, as shown in the following example:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] var removed1 = arrayOne.removeLast() //removed1 contains the value 5 var removed = arrayOne.remove(at: 2) //removed contains the value 3
Merging two arrays
To create a new array by adding two arrays together, we use the addition (+
) operator. The following example shows how to use the addition (+
) operator to create a new array that contains all the elements of two other arrays:
let arrayOne = [1,2] let arrayTwo = [3,4] var combine = arrayOne + arrayTwo //combine contains 1, 2, 3 and 4
In the preceding code, arrayOne
and arrayTwo
are left unchanged, while the combine
array contains the elements from arrayOne
, followed by the elements from arrayTwo
Reversing an array
We can create a new array from the original array with the elements in reverse order using the reverse()
method. The original array will remain unchanged by the reverse
method. The following example shows how to use the reverse()
let arrayOne = [1,2,3] var reverse = arrayOne.reversed() //reverse contains 3, 2 and 1
In the preceding code, the elements of arrayOne
are left unchanged, while the reverse
array will contain all the elements from arrayOne
, but in the reverse order.
Retrieving a subarray from an array
We can retrieve a subarray
from an existing array by using the subscript syntax with a range. The following example shows how to retrieve a range of elements from an existing array:
let arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] var subArray = arrayOne[2...4] //subArray contains 3, 4 and 5
The ...
operator (three periods) is known as a range operator. The range operator, in the preceding code, says that I want all the elements 2
to 4
inclusively (elements 2 and 4 as well as what is between them). There is another range operator, which is ..<
; it's the same as the ...
range operator but excludes the last element. The following example shows how to use the ..<
let arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] var subArray = arrayOne[2..<4] //subArray contains 3 and 4
In the preceding example, subArray
will contain two elements 3
and 4
Making bulk changes to an array
We can use the subscript syntax with a range operator to change the values of multiple elements. The following example shows how to use the subscript syntax to change a range of elements:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] arrayOne[1...2] = [12,13]//arrayOne contains 1,12,13,4 and 5
In the preceding code, the elements at index 1
and 2
will be changed to numbers 12
and 13
. After this, when the code runs, arrayOne
will contain 1
, 12
, 13
, 4
, and 5
The number of elements that you are changing in the range operator does not need to match the number of values that you are passing in. Swift makes bulk changes by first removing the elements defined by the range operator and then inserts the new values. The following example demonstrates this concept:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] arrayOne[1...3] = [12,13] //arrayOne now contains 1, 12, 13 and 5 (four elements)
In the preceding code, arrayOne
starts with five elements. We then say that we want to replace the range of elements 1
to 3
inclusively. This causes elements 1
through 3
(three elements) to be removed from the array. We then add two elements (12
and 13
) to the array, starting at index 1
. After this is complete, arrayOne
will contain these four elements: 1
, 12
, 13
, and 5
. Let's see what happens if we try to add more elements than we remove:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5] arrayOne[1...3] = [12,13,14,15] //arrayOne now contains 1, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 5 (six elements)
In the preceding code, arrayOne
starts with five elements. We then say that we want to replace the range of elements 1
through 3
inclusively. This causes elements 1
to 3
(three elements) to be removed from the array. We then add four elements (12
, 13
, 14
, and 15
) to the array, starting at index 1
. After this is complete, arrayOne
will contain these six elements: 1
, 12
, 13
, 14
, 15
, and 5
Algorithms for arrays
Swift arrays have several methods that take a closure as the argument. These methods transform the array in a way defined by the code in the closure. Closures are self-contained blocks of code that can be passed around and are similar to blocks in Objective-C and lambdas in other languages. We will discuss closures in depth in Chapter 12, Working with Closures. For now, we just want to get familiar with how the algorithms work in Swift.
The sort algorithm sorts the array in place. This means when the sort()
method is used, the original array is replaced by the sorted one. The closure takes two arguments (represented by $0
and $1
), and it should return a boolean value that indicates whether the first element should be placed before the second element. The following code shows how to use the sort algorithm:
var arrayOne = [9,3,6,2,8,5] arrayOne.sort(){ $0 < $1 } //arrayOne contains 2,3,5,6,8 and 9
The preceding code will sort the array in increasing order. We can tell this because the rule will return true
if the first number ($0
) is less than the second number ($1
). Therefore, when the sort algorithm begins, it compares the first two numbers (9
and 3
) and returns true
if the first number (9
) is less than the second number (3
). In our case, the rule returns false
, so the numbers are reversed. The algorithm continues sorting in this manner until all of the numbers are sorted in the correct order.
The preceding example sorted the array in numerically increasing order; if we wanted to reverse the order, we would reverse the arguments in the closure. The following code shows how to reverse the sort order:
var arrayOne = [9,3,6,2,8,5] arrayOne.sort(){ $1 < $0 } //arrayOne contains 9,8,6,5,3 and 2
When we run this code, arrayOne
will contain the elements 9
, 8
, 6
, 5
, 3
, and 2
While the sort algorithm sorts the array in place (replaces the original array), the sorted algorithm does not change the original array; it instead creates a new array with the sorted elements from the original array. The following example shows how to use the sorted algorithm:
var arrayOne = [9,3,6,2,8,5] let sorted = arrayOne.sorted(){ $0 < $1 } //sorted contains 2,3,5,6,8 and 9 //arrayOne contains 9,3,6,2,8 and 5
When we run this code, arrayOne
will contain the original unsorted array (9
, 3
, 6
, 2
, 8
, and 5
) and the sorted array will contain the new sorted array (2
, 3
, 5
, 6
, 8
, and 9
The filter algorithm will return a new array by filtering the original array. This is one of the most powerful array algorithms and may end up as the one you use the most. If you need to retrieve a subset of an array, based on a set of rules, I recommend using this algorithm rather than trying to write your own method to filter the array. The closure takes one argument and it should return a boolean true
if the element should be included in the new array, as shown in the following code:
var arrayOne = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] let filtered = arrayFiltered.filter{$0 > 3 && $0 < 7} //filtered contains 4,5 and 6
In the preceding code, the rule that we are passing to the algorithm returns true
if the number is greater than 3
and less than 7
; therefore, any number that is greater than 3
and less than 7
is included in the new filtered
Let's take a look at another example; this one shows how we can retrieve a subset of cities that contain the letter o
in their name from an array of cities:
var city = ["Boston", "London", "Chicago", "Atlanta"] let filtered = city.filter{$0.rangeOfString("o") != nil} //filtered contains "Boston", "London" and "Chicago"
In the preceding code, we use the rangeOfString()
method to return true
if the string contains the letter o
. If the method returns true
, the string is included in the filtered
The map algorithm returns a new array that contains the results of applying the rules in the closure to each element of the array. The following example shows how to use the map algorithm to divide each number by 10
var arrayOne = [10, 20, 30, 40] let applied = arrayOne.map{ $0 / 10} //applied contains 1,2,3 and 4
In the preceding code, the new array contains the numbers 1
, 2
, 3
, and 4
, which is the result of dividing each element of the original array by 10
The new array created by the map algorithm is not required to contain the same element types as the original array; however, all the elements in the new array must be of the same type. In the following example, the original array contains integer values, but the new array created by the map algorithm contains string elements:
var arrayOne = [1, 2, 3, 4] let applied = arrayOne.map{ "num:($0)"} //applied contains "num:1", "num:2", "num:3" and "num:4"
In the preceding code, we created an array of strings that appends the numbers from the original array to the num:string
We can use forEach
to iterate over a sequence. The following example shows how we would do this:
var arrayOne = [10, 20, 30, 40] arrayOne.forEach{ print($0) }
This example will print the following results to the console:
10 20 30 40
While using the forEach
method is very easy, it does have some limitations. The recommended way to iterate over an array is to use the for-in
loop, which we will see in the next section.
Iterating over an array
We can iterate over all elements of an array, in order, with a for-in
loop. We will discuss the for-in
loop in greater detail in Chapter 4, Control Flow and Functions. The for-in
loop will execute one or more statements for each element of the array. The following example shows how we would iterate over the elements of an array:
var arrrayOne = ["one", "two", "three"] for item in arrayOne { print(item) }
In the preceding example, the for-in
loop iterates over the arr
array and executes the print(item)
line for each element in the array. If we run this code, it will display the following results in the console:
one two three
There are times when we would like to iterate over an array, as we did in the preceding example, but we would also like to know the index as well as the value of the element. To do this, we can use the enumerated
method, which returns a tuple (see the Tuples section later in this chapter) for each item in the array that contains both index
and value
of the element. The following example shows how to use the enumerate
var arrayOne = ["one", "two", "three"] for (index,value) in arrayOne.enumerated() { print"(index) (value)") }
The preceding code will display the following results in the console:
0 one 1 two 2 three
Now that we have introduced arrays in Swift, let's take a look at what a dictionary is.