How to do it...
- Fill out the Workspace name and Description.
If you are following this recipe in Windows, start from step 3.
- In the Clone from Git or Mercurial URL input field, enter the address of the official Bootstrap repo on GitHub at https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap:
Click on Create workspace. After clicking on Create workspace, a new container will be spun up. Once the environment is ready, you'll be greeted with the tree structure of Bootstrap 3.3.7, cloned from GitHub.
Windows users should open Cygwin or Git Bash in the folder where you plan to install Bootstrap 4 via git. Execute the git clone https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap command. Type dir to see the current directory structure. You should see only one directory, titled bootstrap . Go into that directory by running the cd bootstrap command. T hen skip step 4 and go to step 5.
- Run git fetch:
git fetch
- Checkout the v4-dev branch:
git checkout v4-dev
Running the preceding command will result in the following notifications in Bash:
Branch v4-dev set up to track remote branch v4-dev from
origin. Switched to a new branch 'v4-dev'
In other words, you have now switched to a branch that has the latest installation of Bootstrap 4.
- Install grunt-cli:
npm install -g grunt-cli
- Run the package.json file:
npm install
Running the preceding command will install PhantomJS, as well as a number of dependencies. At this point, we have the dist folder available with all the compiled .css and .js files. However, to be able to work with Bootstrap docs, we still need to install Bundler and Jekyll, which is explained in the next recipe.