What this book covers
Chapter 1, Red-Teaming and Pentesting, helps you understand about different standards of pentesting followed across the industry, and we went through the seven phases of the PTES standard in detail.
Chapter 2, Pentesting 2018, introduces you to MSF Payload Creator (MSFPC). We will also look at the use of resource files which were generated by MSFPC besides the payload file
Chapter 3, Foreplay – Metasploit Basics, teaches you about team server and the Armitage client, including the setup and usage of Armitage.
Chapter 4, Getting Started with Cobalt Strike, starts by exploring the red-team exercise as well as the concept of the cyber kill chain, which can be used for an attack plan. The chapter then introduces you to Cobalt Strike, the tool that is used for red-team operations.
Chapter 5, ./ReverseShell, explores what a reverse connection and reverse shell connection is using various tools. Furthermore, we will try different payloads to get reverse shell connections using Metasploit.
Chapter 6, Pivoting, dives into port forwarding and its uses. We will also learn about pivoting and its uses, followed by methods of port forwarding via SSH.
Chapter 7, Age of Empire – The beginning, introduces you to Empire and its fundamentals. We will also cover Empire's basic usage and the post exploitation basics for Windows, Linux and OSX.
Chapter 8, Age of Empire – Owning Domain Controllers, delves into some more advanced uses of the Empire tool to get access to the Domain Controller.
Chapter 9, Cobalt Strike – Red Team Operations, teaches you about the listener module of Cobalt Strike along with its type and usage.
Chapter 10, C2 – Master of Puppets, provides an introduction to command and control (C2) servers and discussed how they are used in a red team operation.
Chapter 11, Obfuscate C2s – Introducing Redirectors, introduces you to redirectors and the reason why obfuscating C2s are required. We have also covered how we can obfuscate C2s in a secure manner so that we can protect our C2s from getting detected by the Blue team.
Chapter 12, Achieving Persistence, dives into achieving persistence using Armitage's inbuilt exploit modules, then we will learn how to do the same via Empire on Windows, Linux, and macOS machines.
Chapter 13, Data Exfiltration, discusses about some basic ways of transferring data using simple tools like Netcat, OpenSSL and PowerShell. Next, we jumped into transforming the data using text-based steganography to avoid detection, as well as looking at the usage of the CloakifyFactory tool.