Support information
This, as the name suggests, is additional information, preferably added as comments, containing details about the program and author. As a suggestion, at the minimum a program should have the author info (that is, the person who created the program), contact details such as phone number and email address, basic usage of the program or the purpose of the program, and the version of the program.
The version is specific such as starting from 1.0 and as and when we enhance the program or add new features, we can change it to version 1.1 (for minor changes) or a newer version such as version 2.0 (for major changes).
Consider an example:
Program start
Comment: Author: Myself
Comment: Contact:
Comment: Phone: 12345
Comment: Version: 1.0
Comment: Purpose: This program is to demo the comments for support info
Comment: Execution method: Open the Command Prompt and run this program by calling this program.
Comment: Any extra additional info (if needed)
Program end
This approach ensures that everyone knows which is the latest version of the script and how to execute the program or script. Also, this has info about the contact details of the author, so if anything breaks in production, the author can be easily reached to rectify or fix the scripts in production.