In this chapter, you discovered how the trigger and binding pipelines work and how you can leverage pipelines to customize your functions to adapt them to your business scenarios.
The Azure Functions extensions are a powerful tool you can use to adapt function triggers and bindings to your scenarios. You can leverage them to reuse your business code inside your functions with minimal effort. Actually, as you saw in this chapter, it is very simple to implement your custom triggers and bindings, but you always need to remember the serverless nature of Azure Functions: they are born to have great scalability, and triggers and bindings are important ingredients of that scalability. If your custom trigger or binding requires a great amount of memory or takes time to do its job, Azure Functions based on them will probably not be a great example of a serverless solution.
In the next chapter, we will talk about which programming languages are supported by Azure Functions and how you can build your preferred programming language support at runtime.