How organizations get initially compromised and the cybersecurity fundamentals
The foundation of the strategy is what I call the "cybersecurity fundamentals." A solid foundation is required for a successful strategy. The cybersecurity fundamentals are based on the threat intelligence I mentioned earlier. After performing hundreds of incident response investigations and studying Microsoft's threat intelligence for over a decade, I can tell you with confidence that there are only five ways that organizations get initially compromised. After the initial compromise, there are many, many tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that attackers can use to move laterally, steal credentials, compromise infrastructure, remain persistent, steal information, and destroy data and infrastructure. Some of these have been around for decades and some are new and novel.
The five ways that organizations get initially compromised are what I call the "cybersecurity usual suspects":
- Unpatched vulnerabilities
- Security misconfigurations
- Weak, leaked, and stolen credentials
- Social engineering
- Insider threats
The cybersecurity fundamentals are the part of the strategy that focuses on mitigating the cybersecurity usual suspects. Let's look at each one of these in more detail, starting with the exploitation of unpatched vulnerabilities.
Unpatched vulnerabilities
A vulnerability is a flaw in software or hardware design and/or the underlying programming code that allows an attacker to make the affected system do something that wasn't intended. The most severe vulnerabilities allow attackers to take complete control of the affected system, running arbitrary code of their choice. Less severe vulnerabilities lead to systems disclosing data in ways that weren't intended or denying service to legitimate users. In Chapter 2, Using Vulnerability Trends to Reduce Risk and Costs, I provide a deep dive into vulnerability management and some of the key vulnerability disclosure trends over the past 20 years. I'll save that in-depth discussion for the next chapter, but I will provide some more context here.
Attackers have been using vulnerabilities to compromise systems at scale since at least the days of Code Red and Nimda in 2001. In 2003, SQL Slammer and MSBlaster successfully disrupted the internet and compromised hundreds of thousands of systems worldwide by exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows operating systems. In the years following these attacks, a cottage industry developed an ongoing effort to help enterprise organizations, those with the most complex environments, inventory their IT systems, identify vulnerabilities in them, deploy mitigations for vulnerabilities, and patch them. At the end of 2019, there were over 122,000 vulnerabilities disclosed in software and hardware products from across the industry, on record, in the National Vulnerability Database (National Vulnerability Database, n.d.). As you'll read in Chapter 2, Using Vulnerability Trends to Reduce Risk and Costs, the number of vulnerabilities disclosed across the industry surged between 2016 and 2020, reaching levels never seen before.
An economy has evolved around the supply and demand for vulnerabilities and exploits, with a varied list of participants including vendors, attackers, defenders, various commercial entities, governments, and others. The number of participants in this economy and their relative sophistication make it harder for organizations to protect themselves from the exploitation of vulnerabilities in their IT environment by pressurizing the associated risks. Using unpatched vulnerabilities are a mainstay of attackers' toolkits.
Organizations that are highly efficient and competent at vulnerability management make it much harder for attackers to successfully attack them.
A well-run vulnerability management program is a fundamental component and a critical requirement of a cybersecurity strategy. Without it, organizations' cybersecurity efforts will fail regardless of the other investments they make. It's important enough to reiterate this point. Unpatched vulnerabilities in operating systems, and the underlying platform components that advanced cybersecurity capabilities rely on, enable attackers to completely undermine the effectiveness of these investments. Failing to efficiently address ongoing vulnerability disclosures in the "trusted computing base" that your systems rely on renders it untrustworthy.
An accurate inventory of all IT assets is critical for a vulnerability management program. Organizations that can't perform accurate and timely inventories of all their IT assets, scan all IT assets for vulnerabilities, and efficiently mitigate and/or patch those vulnerabilities, shouldn't bother making other investments until this is addressed. If your organization falls into this category, please reread the preface section of this book and recall the submarine analogy I introduced. If the CISO and vulnerability management program managers rely on their organization's IT group or other internal partners to provide IT asset inventories, those inventories need to be complete – not just inventories of systems they want to comply with.
Assets that don't show up in inventories won't get scanned or patched and will become the weak link in the security chain you are trying to create. Very often, this is at odds with the uptime objectives that IT organizations are measured against, because patching vulnerabilities increases the number of system reboots and, subsequently, decreases uptime even if everything goes smoothly. My advice in scenarios where asset inventories are provided by parties other than the vulnerability management program itself is to trust but verify. Spend the extra effort and budget to continually check asset inventories against reality. This includes those official and unofficial development and test environments that have been responsible for so many breaches in the industry over the years.
If the sources of asset inventories resist this requirement or fail to provide accurate, timely inventories, this represents the type of risk that the board of directors should be informed of. Providing them with a view of the estimated percentage of total asset inventory currently not managed by your vulnerability management program should result in the sources of asset inventories reprioritizing their work and the disruption of a dangerous status quo. I'll discuss vulnerability management in more detail in Chapter 2, Using Vulnerability Trends to Reduce Risk and Costs, of this book. I'll also discuss vulnerability management in Chapter 8, The Cloud – A Modern Approach to Security and Compliance, on cloud computing.
The cloud can render the old-fashioned methods of inventorying, scanning, and patching security vulnerabilities obsolete.
Of course, one challenge with the approach I just described is environments that have embraced Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies that allow information workers to use their personal mobile devices to access and process enterprise data. The underlying question is whether enterprise vulnerability management teams should inventory and manage personal devices? This debate is one reason why many security professionals originally dubbed BYOD as "Bring Your Own Disaster." Different organizations take different approaches when answering this question. Some organizations give employees corporate-owned and fully managed mobile devices, while others require personal devices to enroll in enterprise mobile device management programs. I've also seen a more passive management model, where users are required to have a access pin on their devices and aren't allowed to connect to their employers' networks if the latest mobile operating system version isn't installed on their devices. Some organizations use Network Access Control (NAC) or Network Access Protection (NAP) technologies to help enforce policies related to the health of systems connecting to their network. Minimizing the number of unpatched systems allowed to connect to enterprise networks is a best practice, but can be challenging to accomplish depending on corporate cultures and mobile device policies. Collecting data that helps security teams understand the risk that mobile devices pose to their environments is very helpful for a rationalized risk-based approach.
Next, we'll consider security misconfigurations. Like unpatched vulnerabilities, security misconfigurations can potentially enable attackers to take a range of actions on a system including disrupting its operation, stealing information, lowering security settings or disabling security features, seizing control of it, and using it to attack other systems.
Security misconfigurations
Security misconfigurations can be present in a system as the default setting, like a preset key or password that is the same on every system manufactured by a vendor. Security misconfigurations can also be introduced gradually as a system's configuration changes incrementally as it's managed over time.
After performing hundreds of incident response investigations while I was on the customer-facing incident response team at Microsoft, I can tell you that a significant percentage of systems get initially compromised through security misconfigurations.
This is especially true of internet-facing systems such as web servers, firewalls, and other systems found in enterprise demilitarized zones (DMZs). Once a misconfiguration enables an attacker to control a system in a DMZ or use it to send authenticated commands on the attacker's behalf (such as a server-side request forgery attack), the attacker aspires to use the system to gain access to other systems in the DMZ and ultimately get access to systems inside the internal firewall of the organization. This has been a common pattern in attackers' playbooks for 20 years or more.
Security misconfigurations have also plagued endpoint devices, such as PCs, smartphones, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The infrastructures that these endpoints connect to, such as wireless access points, are also frequently probed by attackers for common misconfigurations. Security misconfigurations have also been an issue in industrial control systems (ICS). For example, one scenario with ICS that has burned security teams in the past is "fall back to last known status," which can override more recent security configuration changes in favor of former, less secure settings. Hardcoded credentials and vulnerable default configurations have long haunted manufacturers of all sorts of software and hardware across the industry.
A well-run vulnerability management program typically includes identifying security misconfigurations as part of its scope. Many of the same vulnerability scanners and tools that are used to identify and patch security vulnerabilities are also capable of identifying security misconfigurations and providing guidance on how to address them. Again, organizations should forego big investments in advanced cybersecurity capabilities if they aren't already very proficient at identifying and mitigating security misconfigurations in their environment. There's no point in spending a bunch of money and effort looking for the advanced persistent threat (APT) in an environment if attackers can use decades-old lists of hardcoded passwords, which are available on the internet, to successfully compromise and move around the environment. Even if CISOs found such attackers in their IT environment, they would be powerless to exorcise them with unmanaged common security misconfigurations present.
Some of the biggest breaches in history were a result of an initial compromise through a combination of unpatched vulnerabilities and security misconfigurations. Both can be managed through a well-run vulnerability management program. This is a non-optional discipline in any cybersecurity strategy that should be resourced accordingly. Don't forget, you can't manage what you don't measure; complete, accurate, and timely IT asset inventories are critical for vulnerability management programs. Trust but verify asset inventories, always. It's worth keeping in mind that the cloud provides several advantages over the old on-premises IT world. I'll discuss this in detail in Chapter 8, The Cloud – A Modern Approach to Security and Compliance, in this book.
Security misconfigurations can be present by default with new hardware and software, or can creep in over time. Another ongoing threat that requires constant attention is that of compromised credentials. Organizations must constantly and proactively work to mitigate this threat vector.
Weak, leaked, and stolen credentials
Compromised IT environments due to weak, leaked, or stolen credentials are common. There are several ways that credentials get leaked and stolen, including social engineering such as phishing, malware that does keystroke logging or steals credentials from operating systems and browsers, and compromised systems that cache, store, and/or process credentials. Sometimes, developers put projects on publicly available code-sharing sites that have secrets such as keys and passwords forgotten in the code. Old development and test environments that are abandoned but still running will ultimately yield credentials to attackers after not being patched over time.
Massive lists of stolen and leaked credentials have been discovered on the internet over the years. In addition to these lists, the availability of high-performance computing clusters and GPU-based password cracking tools have rendered passwords, by themselves, ineffective to protect resources and accounts. Once passwords have been leaked or stolen, they can be potentially leveraged for unauthorized access to systems, in "reuse" attacks and for privilege escalation. The usefulness of passwords, by themselves, to protect enterprise resources has long passed. Subsequently, using multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a requirement for enterprises and consumers alike. Using MFA can mitigate stolen and leaked credentials in many, but not all, scenarios. Using MFA, even if attackers possess a valid username and password for an account, they won't get access to the account if attackers don't also possess the other factors required for authentication. Other factors that can be used for authentication include digital certificates, one-time passwords and pins generated on dedicated hardware or a smartphone app, a call to a preregistered landline or mobile phone, and more.
MFA isn't a silver bullet for weak, leaked, or stolen passwords, but it's super helpful in many scenarios. There have been some successful attacks on some MFA methods. For example, SIM-swapping attacks to intercept pin codes sent to preregister mobile phones via SMS. Another real limitation of MFA is that it isn't ubiquitous in enterprise IT environments. Organizations with decades of legacy applications that use old-fashioned authentication and authorization methods are less likely to fully mitigate the risk with MFA. Even if the latest systems and cloud-based services require MFA, chances are there are more legacy applications that cannot utilize it easily.
A picture of an iceberg comes to mind here. Several CISOs that I've talked to have experienced this limitation firsthand during penetration tests that exposed the limitations of MFA in their environments. Still, MFA should be widely adopted as it successfully mitigates many attack scenarios where weak, leaked, and stolen passwords are involved. It should be required for new systems being adopted and the risks posed by the old systems without it should be carefully considered and mitigated where possible. There are several vendors that specialize in such mitigations.
When an on-premises enterprise environment is initially compromised, attackers use leaked or stolen credentials to perform reconnaissance and to look for other credentials that have been cached in the environment. They are especially on the lookout for administrator credentials that could give them unlimited access to resources in the compromised environment. Typically, within seconds of the initial compromise, attackers try to access the victim organization's user account directory service, such as Microsoft Active Directory (AD), to dump all the credentials in the directory. The more credentials they can use to move and stay persistent, the harder it will be to expel them from the environment – they can persist indefinitely. Attackers will try to steal user account databases. If attackers successfully get all the credentials from their directory service, then recovery really is aspirational.
Once attackers have stolen hashed credentials, the weakest of these credentials can be cracked in offline attacks in a matter of hours. The longer, uncommon, and truly complex passwords will get cracked last. There have been raging debates for decades about the efficacy of passwords versus passphrases, as well as appropriate character lengths, character sets, password lockout policies, password expiration policies, and the like. Guidance for passwords has changed over the years as threats and risks have changed and new data has become available. Some of the people I worked with on Microsoft's Identity Protection team published password guidance based on the data from 10 million credential attacks per day that they see on their enterprise and consumer identity systems. "Microsoft Password Guidance" (Hicock, 2016) is recommended reading.
When credentials are leaked or stolen from an organization, it doesn't take attackers long to run them through scripts that try to log in to financial institutions, e-commerce sites, social networking sites, and other sites in the hopes that the credentials were reused somewhere. Reusing passwords across accounts is a terrible practice. Simply put, credentials that provide access to more than one account have a higher ROI for attackers than those that don't. Sets of compromised credentials that can provide access to corporate resources and information, as well as social networks that can also serve as a rich source of information and potential victims, are valuable.
Using unique passwords for every account and using MFA everywhere can mitigate this risk. If you have too many accounts to assign unique passwords to, then use a password vault to make life easier. There are numerous commercially available products for consumers and enterprises.
Identity has always been the hardest part of cybersecurity. Identity governance and management deserves its own book. I offer a very incomplete list of recommendations to help manage the risk of weak, leaked, and stolen credentials:
- MFA can be very effective – use it everywhere you can. Microsoft published a great blog post about the effectiveness of MFA called "Your Pa$$word Doesn't Matter" (Weinert, 2019) that is recommend reading.
- You should know if your organization is leaking credentials and how old those leaked credentials are. Using a service that collects leaked and stolen credentials, and looks for your organization's credentials being sold and traded online, can give you a little peace of mind that you aren't missing something obvious. Getting some idea as to the age of these credentials can help decide if password resets are necessary and the number of people potentially impacted.
- Privileged Access Management solutions can detect pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket, and Golden Ticket attacks, as well as attackers' lateral movement and reconnaissance in your infrastructure:
- Many of these solutions also offer password vaulting, credential brokering, and specialized analytics. Some of these solutions can be noisy and prone to false positives, but still, they can help you to manage and detect weak, leaked, and stolen credentials.
- In cloud-based environments, identity and access management (IAM) controls are the most powerful controls you have. Taking advantage of all the power that IAM controls offer can help you to protect and detect resources in the cloud. But this is one control set area that can proliferate into an unmanageable mess quickly. Extra thoughtful planning around your organization's IAM strategy will pay huge security dividends.
I will discuss identity a little more in Chapter 5, Cybersecurity Strategies of this book.
An important aspect of protecting credentials involves educating information workers within an organization to be aware of social engineering attacks in which attackers may attempt to steal credentials through methods such as phishing. This is not the only way in which social engineering is used to compromise systems, however. We'll cover social engineering in a little more detail next.
Social engineering
Of the cybersecurity usual suspects, social engineering is the most widely used method. Simply put, social engineering is tricking users into making poor trust decisions. Examples of poor trust decisions include lowering the security posture of a system by changing its settings without understanding the possible outcomes of doing so or installing malware on a system. Attackers rely on the naivety of their victims in social engineering attacks.
The volume of social engineering attacks is orders of magnitudes larger than other types of attacks. For example, the volume of email phishing attacks Microsoft reported for July 2019 was 0.85% of the more than 470 billion email messages that flowed through Office 365 that month (Microsoft Corporation, n.d.). That's 4 billion phishing emails that all relied on social engineering, detected in a single month. Similarly, Trojans, a category of malware that relies on social engineering to be successful, has been the most prevalent category of malware in the world continuously for the last decade. I'll discuss this category of malware and many others, in detail, in Chapter 3, The Evolution of the Threat Landscape – Malware.
Given the massive volume of social engineering attacks, and their historical record of success, mitigating these attacks really isn't optional for enterprises. A fundamental component of an enterprise cybersecurity strategy is a mitigation strategy for social engineering attacks. Put another way, not including social engineering attacks in your cybersecurity strategy would mean ignoring the top way that organizations get initially compromised by volume.
Social engineering attacks are typically perpetrated by attackers external to organizations, to which users must be prepared through appropriate education and training. Another challenging threat to defend against is one from within. The final potential route of compromise, which we'll discuss next, is that of the insider threat.
Insider threats
When discussing insider threats with CISOs and security teams, I find it useful to break them down into three different categories, listed here from most likely to least likely:
- Users and administrators that make mistakes or poor trust decisions that lead to bad security outcomes.
- The lone wolf insider or a very small group of individuals that use their privileged access to steal information or otherwise negatively impact the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the organization's information technology and/or data.
- The mass conspiracy where multiple insiders work together to overcome the separation of duties that distributes the span of security control. I've found that enterprises typically bring this category up in discussions about risks in managed service provider environments and the cloud.
Mitigating insider threats is an important aspect of cybersecurity and is something that should be fundamental to any enterprise-wide strategy. Enforcing meaningful separation of duties and embracing the principle of least privilege are helpful, as are monitoring and auditing.
I became a big fan of deception technology after seeing how it can be used to mitigate insider threats. There are a few different approaches to deception technology, but the basic concept is to present attackers with a system, potentially with publicly known vulnerabilities or common security misconfigurations that, when interacted with, alerts defenders to the presence of attackers. This approach can help alert defenders to the presence of external attackers and insider threats. I've heard some security professionals refer to it as a "canary in the coal mine" for IT environments. Implementing deception technology with as few people involved as possible and keeping the program confidential can be helpful in exposing at least two of the three categories of insider threats that I have outlined.
Those are the five ways organizations get initially compromised. Defending against these five vectors of attack is fundamental to effective cybersecurity.
Focus on the cybersecurity fundamentals
To have a successful cybersecurity program, organizations need to get very good at continuously mitigating all five of these types of threats. This competency forms the foundation of a sound cybersecurity strategy. Other cybersecurity-related investments will potentially have diminishing returns if the foundation of the strategy is not solid.
After an attacker uses one or more of these five ways to initially compromise an organization, then they might employ a plethora of novel and advanced TTPs. Organizations that focus on the cybersecurity fundamentals make it much harder for attackers to be successful; that is, by focusing on the inside 85% of the bell curve below which the cybersecurity fundamentals sit, instead of the activities in the outlying 7.5% on either end of the curve, security teams will be much more successful. Unfortunately, the allure of hunting advanced persistent threats can take resources away from the less sexy, but critical, work in the middle of the curve.

Figure 1.2: A bell curve illustrating that most security teams should spend their time on the cybersecurity fundamentals
If there really are only five ways that organizations get initially compromised, why does there seem to be so much confusion in the industry on proper priorities for cybersecurity programs? I think there are a bunch of factors contributing to the confusion. One reason for the confusion is the way that attacks, security incidents, and data breaches have been reported in popular media outlets sometimes confuses attackers' tactics with their motivations. This can lead organizations to make the wrong security prioritization decisions.