Abstract:The report analyzes the supply and demand pattern shifts of the global energy system,the impact of energy imports on China's economic welfare and risks,the gap between energy supply and demand on energy resource development and investment needs,and energy technological revolution.It carried out a comprehensive assessment of China's energy and economic security situation,based on the available,affordable,clean and sustainable energy goals,and put forward corresponding policy recommendations.
1.Supply and demand pattern shifts in theglobal energy system created new challenge for China's energy security.Diversified supply will accelerate competition in the global energy market,and the importance of big energy demand country will be enhanced;Pattern shift in the supply and demand will make the energy security issue more complex;Global energy changes create new opportunities for energy governance reform,which ask for China’s contribution of innovative ideas and programs.
2.China's shift to a high-quality economic development modelgenerates new demands for energy security.China must keep a right outlook on China's energy security,coordinate the international and domestic development;Advancing the energy production and consumption revolution,and accelerating the construction of a clean,low-carbon,safe,and efficient energy system;Promoting global energy governance reform and strengthening bilateral and multilateral energy cooperation mechanisms.
3.Generally,China's energy and economic security is optimistic,but oil and gassecurity still needs attention.Overpriced international oil and gas or short-term price fluctuations in a continuous large-scale have a huge impact on the affordability of China’s energy security;therefore,we still have to pay attention to the availability,economy,cleanness and sustainability of China's oil and gas.
4.Energy import has a positive effect on improving China's economic welfare,but China must be alert to the risks of energy supply disruption and price fluctuations.Currently,China should be particularly vigilant about the instability in the global oil trade due to the US energy and strategical changes
5.China still needs to strengthen its energy investment to ensure sustainability of energy resources development at home and abroad.Establish coordination mechanisms for domestic enterprises' oversea energy investment to avoid vicious competition in the international energy market;the national will need to be adjusted and improved energy investment,to ensure the sustainability of the energy resources development domestically and abroad.
6.China needs to pay close attention to the impact of energy technological transitions on energy security,and improve energy security through technological innovation is a critical task in the future.
Key Words:Energy,Economic Security,Economic Assessment