Lesson 4 Can you go grab a jar of pasta sauce from the next aisle?你能去旁边的通道拿一罐意大利面酱吗?
Part 1 Real Life Situation
You're grocery shopping with your son.You want to get pasta sauce,but it's in a part of the store that you've already been to.
You ask your son this:Can you go grab a jar of pasta sauce from the next aisle?
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.
1.In"Can you","can" is not pronounced as/kæn/but is weakened as/kən/.
1.在 “Can you” 中,“can” 不能发成/kæn/,而是要弱读成/kən/。
2.Try to link the words "grab a jar of",and weaken the word "of".Don't say/əv/,say/ə/.
2.试着将 “grab a jar of” 连读,并弱化 “of”,不要读成/əv/,而是/ə/。
3.Please don't add the "r" sound in "pasta"and "sauce":It's not "paster",but "pasta";not"source",but "sauce".
3.不要给 “pasta” 和 “sauce”的发音加上 “r”:不是 “paster”,是pasta;不是 “source”,是sauce
4."From" should be weakened,don't say/frɑːm/,say/frəm/.
4.“from” 应该弱读,不要读成/frɑːm/,而是/frəm/。
5.You don't need to link the words "next aisle",just leave out the "t" in next,and say"aisle" clearly.Also,if you used to say/aɪsl/,you were wrong.
5.“next aisle” 不用连读,省略next中的 “t” 就可以,“aisle” 发音要清 晰。另 外,如 果 你 习 惯 把“aisle” 读成/aɪsl/,你就错了。
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.
In general,since it's a yes-or-no question,it should end with a rising tone:aisle.
Then,in "pasta sauce" the stress should be on "pasta",because you are specifying the type of sauce.
在 “pasta sauce” 中,“pas-ta” 要重读,因为你具体指出了酱的类型。
So,now you know how to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
grab ( something) ( from somewhere)从 (某处) 拿 (某物)
In casual English,you can sometimes use the word "grab" to mean "get".It means that you want someone to get it and bring it to you.
在非正式英语中,你可以用“grab” 这个词表示 “拿”。意思是你想要某人拿到某物,然后带给你。
Here are some other examples of "grab"used in this way:
以下是更多 “grab” 这种用法的例子:
I'm headed out to grab some lunch.You want me to pick you up something?
Jason,go grab your sister.I need her help with this.
Use "from________" to tell where the thing that's being grabbed is.
使用 “from________” 来表示需要拿的东西在哪里。
Can you grab my screwdriver from the drawer in the basement?
One other point:"grabbing" something means that you get it quickly.If it's going to take a long time to get something,don't use the word"grab".
另外一点:“grabbing” 意味着很快就能拿到某物。如果需要很长时间才能拿到,就不要使用 “grab” 这个词了。
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
a jar of ( something)一罐 (某物)
A jar is a glass bottle with a wide opening at the top.Pasta sauce is sold in a jar in the U.S.
“jar” 是一个顶部有宽大开口的玻璃瓶。在美国,意大利面酱通常装在这样的罐子里出售。
The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是
the next aisle旁边的通道
An aisle is a space in between rows of things,like between seats or shelves.Most stores have aisles with different types of items on each aisle.
In the example above,"the next aisle"means"the aisle next to this one".It doesn't nec-essarily mean the one that you're going to next.
在上面的例子中,“the next aisle”的意思是 “这个通道旁边的通道”。它并不一定表示你下一个要去的通道。
The fourth expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第4个表达是
go ( do something)去 (做某事)
In casual speech,you say "go (do some-thing)" to mean "go (somewhere) and (do something)".
在非正式英语中,如果你说 “go (do something)” 意味着 “去 (某处) 做 (某事)”。
For example
Do you want to go see a movie?你想去看电影吗?(This means to go to a movie the-ater and watch a movie.这句话的意思是去电影院看电影。)
Could you go find me a screwdriver somewhere?你能去哪儿帮我找一把螺丝刀吗?
(This means to go to the place where tools are kept and find a screwdriver for the speaker to use.这句话的意思是去放工具的地方找一把螺丝刀供说话人使用。)