rage [reɪdʒ] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 狂怒
动 暴怒
同 anger 愤怒
参考句型 I wish...
▶名 I wish he wouldn't fly into a rage when he heard these words.
▶动 I wish she wouldn't rage against her husband for some household affairs anymore.但愿她不会再为一些家庭琐事而对她的丈夫大发雷霆。
rain·fall [ˈreɪnfɔ:l] ..........................TOEFL
名 降雨量
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There is too much rainfall in this area, isn't there?
re·al·is·tic [ˌri:əˈlɪstɪk] ........................CET6 考研 IELTS
形 现实的
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think this plan you put forward is realistic enough.
re·bel (1) [ˈrebl] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 造反者
参考句型 by the time...
▶By the time the rebels appeared, most people didn't know what to do.
re·bel (2) [rɪˈbel] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
动 叛乱;谋反
同 revolt 叛乱
参考句型 it is a pity (shame / surprise...) that...
▶It is a surprise that these people should choose to rebel against their government.
re·call [rɪˈkɔ:l] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 取消;收回
动 回忆起;恢复;召回
参考句型 I am afraid (that)...
▶名 I am afraid that he has something to do with the temporary recall of embassy staff.
▶动 I am afraid that we have to recall our diplomat in Russia.
re·cep·tion [rɪˈsepʃn] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 接受;接待
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶This ambassador is known as a mean person; it is no wonder that they gave the ambassador a cool reception.
rec·i·pe [ˈresəpɪ] ..........................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 食谱;秘诀
参考句型 why not...?
▶Why not try this new recipe introduced by the gourmet(美食家)?
re·cite [rɪˈsaɪt] .................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
动 背诵
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Can't you recite the poem written by the famous poet, Williams Blake?
rec·og·ni·tion [ˌrekəgˈnɪʃn] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 认知
参考句型 I wish...
▶I wish I could avoid recognition by wearing dark glasses.
re·cov·er·y [rɪˈkʌvərɪ] ........................CET4 CET6 考研
名 恢复
参考句型 unless...
▶He won't make a quick recovery from his illness unless he can agree to receive an operation.
rec·re·a·tion [ˌri:krɪˈeɪʃn] ................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 娱乐
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Will you tell me what kind of recreation you like best?
re·cy·cle [ˌri:ˈsaɪkl] ............................考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 循环利用
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is obvious that few people are aware of the importance of recycling at present.
re·duc·tion [rɪˈdʌkʃn] ........................CET4 CET6 考研
名 减少
同 decrease 减少
参考句型 I am afraid (that)...
▶I am afraid that I have to ask you for a 10% reduction in price.
re·fer [rɪˈfɜ:(r)].................CET4 CET6 考研
动 参考;提及
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think his remark refers to all of us in the company?
ref·er·ence [ˈrefrəns] .......................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 参考
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think the reference book is of any use to us.
re·flect [rɪˈflekt] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
动 反射;考虑
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...
▶I think you must reflect upon how to answer the question.
re·flec·tion [rɪˈflekʃn] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 反射;反省
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶Your clothes are a reflection of your personality; what do you think about it?
re·form [rɪˈfɔ:m] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
动 改进
参考句型 ...as soon as...
▶The unfair systems must be reformed as soon as possible.
re·fresh [rɪˈfreʃ] ................ CET4 CET6 考研 GRE
动 使恢复精神
参考句型 how about / what about...?
▶How about refreshing yourself with a cup of tea before you go out?
re·fresh·ment [rɪˈfreʃmənt] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 恢复精神;提神
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶This old man walks too fast; it is no wonder that he must stop often for rest and refreshment.
ref·u·gee [ˌrefjʊˈdʒi:] .................CET6 考 研 IELTS GRE
名 难民
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It is hard for us to handle the refugee problem properly(适当地).
re·fus·al [rɪˈfju:zl] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 拒绝
同 denial 拒绝;否认
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Will you tell me what your reason for the refusal of payment is?
re·gard·ing [rɪˈgɑ:dɪŋ] ........................ CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
介 关于
参考句型 do / would you mind...?
▶Do you mind telling me what he knows regarding the case?
reg·is·ter [ˈredʒɪstə(r)] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 名单;注册
动 登记;注册
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...?
▶名 Have you filled out the hotel register? Will you tell me how to do this?你已经填写过了旅馆登记簿吗?你能告诉我如何填写它吗?
▶动 I don't know how to register. Could you tell me about the procedure?
reg·is·tra·tion [ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn] ...........................CET6
名 注册
参考句型 do / would you mind...?
▶Would you mind telling me your registration charge?
reg·u·late [ˈreɡjʊleɪt]...................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 调节;管理
参考句型 it is / was...that / who...
▶It is this equipment that helps to regulate the temperature of the room.
reg·u·la·tion [ˌregjʊˈleɪʃn] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 调整;规则
参考句型 or / otherwise...
▶You must know well of the traffic regulations, or you can't get the driver's license.你必须熟知这些交通规则,否则你就无法拿到驾照。
re·jec·tion [rɪˈdʒekʃn] .................TOEFL
名 废弃;拒绝
参考句型 get+V-ed...
▶I got annoyed at her rejection of my proposal.
rel·a·tive [ˈrelətɪv] ....................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
形 相对的;有关系的
参考句型 it's time (for sb) to do sth...
▶It's time for us to discuss some facts relative to the problem.
re·lax·a·tion [ˌri:lækˈseɪʃn] ......................TOEFL GRE
名 放松
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It is hard for us to accept this routine that leaves no time for relaxation.我们很难接受这种不留休息时间的规定。
re·lieve [rɪˈli:v]................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 减缓
参考句型 it is a pity (shame / surprise...) that...
▶It is a surprise that even the doctor should not know how to relieve his pain.竟然连医生都不知道如何减轻他的痛苦,真令人惊讶。
re·luc·tant [rɪˈlʌktənt] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
形 不情愿的
参考句型 there is no+名词+(in)+doing...
▶There is no point asking him to go there, because it's quite plain that he is reluctant to do this.
re·mark [rɪˈmɑ:k] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 注意
动 注意;评论
参考句型 not both / all / every...
▶名 This is nothing worthy(值得的)of remark, and not everyone will take it to heart.这不是什么值得注意的事,而且也不是每个人都会把它放在心上。
▶动 Not all the people around the twin sisters can remark the differences between them.
re·mark·a·ble [rɪˈmɑ:kəbl] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
形 值得注意的
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶He has been studying very hard recently; it is no wonder that he can make remarkable progress in his study quickly(很快地).
rem·e·dy [ˈremədɪ] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 医疗;解决方法
动 治疗;补救
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶名 Danger itself is the best remedy for danger; don't you think so?
▶动 Don't you think these tablets will do nothing to remedy my headache(头痛)?你不觉得这些药片一点也治不了我的头痛吗?
rep·e·ti·tion [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 重复
参考句型 it+be 动词+not long before...
▶It won't be long before you understand that repetition is the mother of language.不久你就会懂得重复才是语言之母。
rep·re·sen·ta·tion [ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn] .........................CET6 TOEFL
名 代表;表示;表现
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think this painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
rep·u·ta·tion [ˌrepjʊˈteɪʃn] ....................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
名 名誉,声望
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶A good reputation covers a multitude(许多)of sins; what do you think about it?一善遮百丑,你觉得呢?
res·cue [ˈreskju:] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 救援
动 救援
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶名 It is quite clear that all of them must go to the rescue.
▶动 It is obvious that the police don't know how to rescue the hostage (人质)yet.
re·search [rɪˈsɜ:tʃ] ....................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 研究
动 调查
参考句型 how long / soon / often...?
▶名 How will you carry out the research? How long will it last?
▶动 How long have you been researching into the cause of cancer?
re·search·er [rɪˈsɜ:tʃə(r)] ...........................CET4 CET6
名 调查员
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It is difficult for the researchers to seek to prove how this happened.
re·sem·ble [rɪˈzembl] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 类似
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶They are twins; it is no wonder that his brother resembles him in looks.
res·er·va·tion [ˌrezəˈveɪʃn] .......................CET6 考研
名 保留;预订
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Would you make the reservations for our holiday this time?
re·sign [rɪˈzaɪn] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
动 辞职;使顺从
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶He resigned last week, and there is no doubt that it is a great loss to us.
res·ig·na·tion [ˌrezɪgˈneɪʃn] ........................CET4 CET6 IELTS GRE
名 辞职;让位
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is obvious that his resignation is accepted by the Board.
re·sis·tance [rɪˈzɪstəns] ....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 抵抗
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There is a lot of resistance to this new law.
res·o·lu·tion [ˌrezəˈlu:ʃn] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 果断;决心
同 determination 决心
参考句型 unless...
▶You can't make it unless you can take a firm resolution to do it.
re·solve [rɪˈzɒlv].........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 决心
动 解决;分解
参考句型 do / would you mind...?
▶名 He has made a resolve to give up smoking. Do you mind if I let him come back?
▶动 Do you mind telling me why she resolves never to see him again?
re·spect·a·ble [rɪˈspektəbl] .................CET6
形 可尊敬的;体面的
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think it is respectable to be drunk in the street.
re·spect·ful [rɪˈspektfl] .................CET4 CET6
形 恭敬的
参考句型 not both / all / every...
▶Not all the people think it is necessary to listen in respectful silence.
re·store [rɪˈstɔ:(r)] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 恢复
参考句型 why not...?
▶Why not let the doctor restore him to his sight as soon as possible?
re·stric·tion [rɪˈstrɪkʃn] .................CET4 CET6 TOEFL
名 限制
参考句型 it is a pity (shame / surprise...) that...
▶It is a surprise that they should say there is no restriction to it.
re·tain [rɪˈteɪn]....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 保持
参考句型 I wish...
▶I wish she could still retain a clear memory of the matter.
re·tire [rɪˈtaɪə(r)]..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
动 隐退;退休
参考句型 it's time (for sb) to do sth...
▶Everyone thinks that it's time for the man to retire into private life.
re·tire·ment [rɪˈtaɪəmənt] ......................CET6 TOEFL
名 退休
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶He found that it was difficult for him to establish a new routine after retirement.
re·treat [rɪˈtri:t] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 撤退
动 撤退
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...
▶名 If we are forced to retreat, can you tell me what to do next?
▶动 A good general knows when to attack and when to retreat.
re·un·ion [ˌri:ˈju:nɪən]....................CET6
名 重聚,团圆
参考句型 how long / soon / often...?
▶How often do you have a family reunion every year?
re·venge [rɪˈvendʒ] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
名 报复
动 报复
同 retaliate 报复
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶名 It is quite clear that he did this all out of revenge.
▶动 It is obvious that he will come back and revenge this insult one day.
re·vise [rɪˈvaɪz] ...................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 修正;校订
参考句型 it takes (sb)+一段时间+to+v. ...
▶It took him two hours to help her revise the article at night.
re·vi·sion [rɪˈvɪʒn] .......................TOEFL
名 修订
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think the law is in need of revision; what do you think of it?
rev·o·lu·tion [ˌrevəˈlu:ʃn] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 革命;改革
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶What do you think of the Industrial Revolution taking place in England?
rev·o·lu·tion·ar·y [ˌrevəˈlu:ʃənərɪ] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
形 革命的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think it is a revolutionary new way of growing wheat?
re·ward [rɪˈwɔ:d] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
名 报酬
动 酬谢;报答
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...?
▶名 The virtue was its own reward, and I think you know what to do now.
▶动 These villagers(村民)don't know how to reward him for all his help.
rhyme [raɪm] .........................GRE
名 韵;韵文
动 押韵
参考句型 it is a pity (shame / surprise...) that...
▶名 It is a pity that he should know nothing about rhyme and meter(格律).
▶动 It is a pity that the last two lines of this poem don't rhyme properly(恰当地).
rhythm [ˈrɪðəm] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 节奏;韵律
参考句型 how about / what about...?
▶I am fond of the exciting(令人兴奋的)rhythm of African drum music;what about you?
ro·mance [rəʊˈmæns] .....................CET6 考 研
名 浪漫史
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think the life of the writer and his wife is full of romance?
rough·ly [ˈrʌflɪ] ...................CET4 CET6 TOEFL
副 粗暴地;粗略地
参考句型 it is / was...that / who...
▶It is the young man who roughly pushed the old woman aside.
route [ru:t] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 路线
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think it's the quickest route to America?
ru·in [ˈru:ɪn] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 破坏
动 毁灭
同 destroy 破坏
参考句型 it's time (for sb) to do sth...
▶名 It is time for us to think about what led to the hero's ruin in the book.
▶动 It's time for us to ruin our enemy's plan; do you think so?
ru·ral [ˈrʊərəl] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 农村的
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There are lots of people still living in poverty in rural areas.