On December 29, 2019, a hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China reported an outbreak of severe unexplained viral pneumonia. The Chinese government timely notified World Health Organization(WHO)about the outbreak after verification. On January 8, 2020, the pathogen of this outbreak was identified as the novel coronavirus 2019(2019-nCoV), and its gene sequence was quickly submitted to WHO. On January 30, WHO declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP)as a public health emergency of international concern(PHEIC). On February 12, 2020,International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses(ICTV)declared that 2019-nCoV was officially named as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2), and on the same day, WHO declared the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 was officially named as corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19).
The Chinese government gives top priority to the safety of people’s life and health thus has taken the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic as the most important work at present. To control the COVID-19 outbreak,the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, along with the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and some other relative organizations, have organized experts to timely issue and update the guidelines for the COVID-19 diagnosis, treatment, prevention,and control. The guidelines were written based on the study, analysis and summary of the treatment of previous COVID-19 cases, and are used to guide medical staff and public health workers in China to better understand,prevent and treat the COVID-19.
In order to truthfully and objectively share China’s COVID-19 diagnosis,treatment, prevention, and control experience with the world, we have translated the latest Chinese guidelines and their relevant interpretations in this book. We hope this book can provide references for other countries affected by the COVID-19, and also promote the experience exchange and cooperation in disease prevention, control, diagnosis and management, thus promote the development of global health together.
On behalf of the compilation and translation board of this book, we especially acknowledge Prof. Jinling TANG(from Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center)and Prof. Huaqing WANG(from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)for their help and support for the publication of this book.
Xiaofeng LIANG
Zijian FENG
Liming LI