5.2 汽轮机 Steam Turbine
5.2.1 汽轮机循环 Steam Turbine Cycles
1 Rankine cycle 朗肯循环
2 regenerative feed-heating cycle 回热循环
3 reheating cycle 再热循环
4 condensate extraction pump 凝结水泵
5 boiler feed pump 锅炉给水泵
6 boiler 锅炉
7 superheater 过热器
8 steam turbine 汽轮机
9 condenser 凝汽器
10 isoentropic expansion 等熵膨胀
11 adiabatic compression 绝热压缩
12 intermediate stage 中间级
13 extracted steam 抽汽
14 feed heater 给水加热器
15 steam trap 蒸汽疏水器
16 water pump 水泵
17 fresh steam 新蒸汽
18 emergency stop valve 紧急切断阀
19 governor valve 调速器
20 H.P.cylinder 高压汽缸
21 M.P.cylinder 中压汽缸
22 L.P.cylinder 低压汽缸
23 interceptor valve 截断阀
24 dumping valve 排汽阀
25 reheater 再热器
5.2.2 冲动式汽轮机 Impulse Turbine
1 simple impulse turbine 简单冲动式汽轮机
2 multistage impulse turbine 多级冲动式汽轮机
3 three pressure stage impulse turbine 三压力级冲动式汽轮机
4 single-stage impulse turbine 单级冲动式汽轮机
5 single-stage impulse turbine with two velocity stages 复速单级冲动式汽轮机
6,41 shaft 轴
7,42 disc 叶轮
8 blade 叶片
9,44 nozzle 喷嘴
10 steam 蒸汽
11 shaft with seven discs 带7个叶轮的轴
12 coupling 联轴器
13 front journal bearing 前轴颈轴承
14 rear journal bearing 后轴颈轴承
15 annular chamber 环形进汽室
16,46 exhaust pipe 排气管
17 shaft gland packing 轴封
18 gear oil pump 齿轮油泵
19 turbine casing 汽轮机汽缸
20,32 diaphragm 隔板
21 first stage nozzle 一级喷嘴
22 last stage blade 末级叶片
23 to condenser 至凝汽室
24 foundation of turbine 汽轮机基础
25 drain pipe 疏水管
26 collar-type thrust bearing 环式止推轴承
27 first stage nozzle 第一级喷嘴
28 second stage nozzle 第二级喷嘴
29 third stage nozzle 第三级喷嘴
30 back pressure 背压
31 exhaust steam chamber 排气室
33 diaphragm labyrinth packing 隔板迷宫式轴封
34,50 shaft 主轴
35 separate packing casing 分离式轴封箱
36 third stage disc 第三级叶轮
37 second stage disc 第二级叶轮
38 steam chamber 汽室
39 first stage disc 第一级叶轮
40 labyrinth packing 迷宫式轴封
43 moving blade 动叶片
45 stator 机体
47 first row of moving blades 第一排动叶
48 guide blades 导叶
49 second row of moving blades 第二排动叶
5.2.3 单级汽轮机 Single Stage Steam Turbine
1 governor valve 调速阀
2 governor valve seats 调速阀座
3 steam chest 汽室
4 turbine casing 汽轮机汽缸
5 nozzle ring 喷嘴环
6 blades 叶片
7 turbine wheel 叶轮
8 shaft sleeve 轴套
9 carbon rings 石墨环,炭精环
10 packing case 轴封箱
11 slinger 甩水器
12 oil baffle 油挡
13 thrust bearing 止推轴承
14 worm gear 蜗轮(蜗杆)传动装置
15 bearing bracket 支架
16 line bearing 轴承
17 turbine shaft 汽轮机轴
18 pilot shaft 错油阀,导阀
19 Woodward governor 伍德瓦德调速器
20 governor lever 调速杠杆
21 automatic start adjust bolt 自动启动调节螺栓
5.2.4 汽轮机轴封 Turbine Glands and Gland Sealings
1 internal gland 内轴封
2 external gland 外轴封
3 steam connection of external gland 外轴封蒸汽连接
4 labyrinth gland 迷宫式轴封
5 hydraulic gland(water seal) 水封
6 carbon ring gland 碳精轴封
7 distribution box 配汽室
8 nozzle 喷嘴
9 blade 叶片
10,46 disc 叶轮
11 first stage wheel chamber 第一级叶轮汽室
12 rotor 转子
13 sleeve 轴套
14 steam space 蒸汽扩容室
15 pocket 汽穴
16 vapor pipe 放气管
17 first separate gland 第一分轴封
18 second separate gland 第二分轴封
19 third separate gland 第三分轴封
20 fourth separate gland 第四分轴封
21 to exhaust space 至排汽室
22 atmosphere 大气
23 high pressure turbine gland 高压汽轮机轴封
24 cylinder 汽缸
25 rotor 转子
26 axial pitch 轴向间距
27 packing strip 梳齿
28 clearance 间隙
29 vacuum 真空
30 steam supply 供汽
31 water supply 供水
32 circular casing 环形外壳
33 paddle wheel 桨轮
34 spindle 汽轮机轴
35 coach spring 托簧
36 steel sleeve 钢制轴套
37 carbon ring 碳精环
38 leak-off pocket 外漏汽穴
39 low pressure side 低压侧
40 high pressure side 高压侧
41 plate spring 板簧
42 packing ring 轴封环
43 project strip 外伸带环
44 fine(projecting ridge) 细突缘
45 diaphragm 隔板
47 intermediate stage of turbine 汽轮机中间级
48 low pressure gland 低压轴封
49 high pressure gland 高压轴封
50 to condenser 至凝汽器
51 exhaust branch 排汽管
52 steam to low pressure gland 至低压轴封的蒸汽
53 open drain to sump 排水至下水道
54 relief valve 安全泄液阀
55 live steam supply 供新蒸汽
5.2.5 超速脱扣装置(保安器) Overspeed Tripping Device
1 overspeed trip with lever control 杠杆式超速保安器
2 eccentric pin 偏心销
3 trips lever 安全杆
4 lever 杠杆
5 interlock 咬口
6 astatic regulator 调整用重块
7,13 spring 弹簧
8 turbine shaft 汽轮机轴
9 stop valve 切断阀,主汽阀
10 sleeve 套筒
11 handwheel 手轮
12 segment 掣子
14 helical spring 螺旋弹簧
15 steam to turbine 蒸汽至汽轮机
16 overspeed tripping relay with hydraulic control 油压控制超速脱扣继动器
17 steam turbine casing 汽轮机汽缸
18 limiting speed pin 限速销
19 turbine shaft 汽轮机轴
20 left arm of lever 拉杆
21 lock 咬口
22 servomotor piston 伺服马达活塞
23 oil under pressure 压力油
24 oil to lubricating system 油至润滑系统
25 oil to regulating system 油至调节系统
26 drain oil 排油
5.2.6 汽轮机的润滑 Lubrication of Steam Turbine
1 lubrication system for Turbo-generator 汽轮发电机组润滑系统
2 drain from bearings 轴承回油
3 oil strainer 滤油器
4 clean oil chamber 净油室
5 main oil pump 主油泵
6 pressure sustaining valve 保压阀
7 oil to relay 至继动器的油
8 oil to bearings 至轴承的油
9 oil coolers 冷油器组
10 spring-loaded bypass valve 弹簧旁通阀
11 fine strainer 精滤器
12 L.P.relief valve 低压泄放阀
13 auxiliary oil pump 辅助油泵
14 priming connection 启动油管路
15 flushing oil pump 冲洗油泵
16 oil purifier 净油器
17 vent 放空口
18 main alternator 交流发电机
19 steam turbine 汽轮机
20 thrust bearing 推力轴承
21 journal bearing 轴颈轴承
22 drain from bearing 轴承回油
23 forced lubrication system 强制润滑系统
24 oil cooler 冷油器
25 water inlet 水入口
26 water outlet 水出口
27 oil drain tank 回油箱
28 strainer basket 过滤框
29 strainer 过滤网
30 oil drain pipe 回油管
31 sight glass 视窗
32 bearing 轴承
33 gear pump 齿轮泵
34 oil to relay 至继动器的油
35 normal return valve 正常回油阀
36 relief valve 泄压阀
37 reducing valve 减压阀
38 oil to bearings 至轴承的油
39 auxiliary oil pump 辅助油泵
40 drain pipe 放油管
41 bowl of centrifugal purifier 离心分离机转鼓
42 distributor 分配管
43 gravity disc 重力盘
44 top shell 顶壳
45 conveyor 输送器
46 main rubber ring 主橡胶圈
47 bowl shell 鼓壳
48 top disc 顶盘
49 gravity rubber ring 橡胶重力密封圈
50 gravity lock ring 重力锁紧环
51 main lock ring 主锁紧环
52 intermediate discs 中间盘
53 bottom disc 底盘
5.2.7 汽轮机供汽方式 Methods of Steam Supply to a Turbine
1 throttle governing 节流调节
2 nozzle control governing 喷嘴调节
3 external bypass governing 外旁路调节
4 internal bypass governing 内旁路调节
5 fresh steam 新蒸汽
6 stop valve 主汽阀,切断阀
7 throttle valve(governor valve) 节流阀,调速阀
8 exhaust pipe 排汽管
9 regulating valve 调节阀
10 nozzle box 喷嘴室
11 nozzle groups 喷嘴组件
12 first stage blade 第一级叶片
13 guide blade 导向叶片
14 external blade 外旁路
15 main throttle valve 主节流阀
16 first bypass valve 第一旁通阀
17 second bypass valve 第二旁通阀
18 first stage 第一级
19 intermediate stage 中间级
20 bypass chamber 旁路汽室
21 internal bypass 内旁通
22 steam chest 蒸汽室
23 fourth stage nozzle 第四级喷嘴
24 steam belt 蒸汽通道
5.2.8 汽轮机调速器 Turbine Governor
1 manual speed adjusting knob 手动调速旋钮
2 high speed stop adjusting setscrew 高速停止定位螺钉
3 speed adjusting nut 调速螺母
4 stop collar 止动环
5 high speed stop pin 高速停止销
6,18 link 连杆
7 speed setting assembly 速度整定(调定)件
8 loading spring 负载弹簧
9 restoring lever 复位杠杆
10 restoring spring 复位弹簧
11 low speed adjusting screw 低速调节螺钉
12 knurled nut 滚花螺母
13 bimetal strip 双金属条
14 adjustable pivot bracket 可变支点托架
15 range ADJ 调整范围
16,58 control air pressure 控制气压
17,59 bellows 波纹管
19 speed setting plunger 速度调定柱塞
20 speed setting bushing 速度调定衬套
21 shutdown rod 停机杆
22 shutdown nuts 停机螺母
23 piston rod 活塞杆
24 maximum speed limiting valve 高速限制阀
25 piston stop setscrew 活塞停止定位螺钉
26 speed setting piston 转速调定活塞
27 piston spring 活塞弹簧
28 speed setting cylinder 转速调定汽缸
29 speeder spring 调速弹簧
30 flyweight 飞锤
31 limiting valve adjusting screw 限制阀调节螺钉
32 pilot valve plunger 错油(导)阀柱塞
33 compensating land 补偿挡圈
34 rotating pilot valve bushing 旋转式错油(导)阀衬套
35 check valve 止回阀
36 pump gears 齿轮泵
37 accumulator 蓄力器
38 relief bypass 泄放旁路
39,43 to sump 去储槽
40 from sump 来自储槽
41 check valve 止回阀
42 control land 控制柱塞
44 compensation needle valve 补偿针阀
45 compensation cutoff 补偿截止线路
46 bypass port 旁通口
47 buffer spring 缓冲弹簧
48 buffer piston 缓冲活塞
49 compensation cutoff port 补偿截止孔
50 seal grooves 密封槽
51 increase 增速
52 decrease 减速
53 spring loaded power cylinder assembly 弹簧动力缸组件
54 pump oil pressure 泵油压
55 intermediate oil pressure 中间油压
56 trapped oil & power cylinder oil pressure 截留油和动力缸油压
57 sump oil pressure 储槽油压
60 bellows spring 波纹管弹簧
5.2.9 汽轮机调速器及调速 Governors and Governing of Steam Turbine
1 oil relay governor gear 油继动器调速装置
2 double seat balanced type vale 双座平衡型阀门
3 throttle valve 节流阀
4 fresh steam 新蒸汽
5 steam to turbine 至汽轮机的蒸汽
6 regulate valve spindle 调节阀阀杆
7,42 servo motor 伺服马达
8 piston 活塞
9 screwed sleeve 螺纹套筒
10 lift 升程
11 to raise speed 提高转速
12 to lower speed 降低转速
13 speeder handwheel 调速手轮
14 full load 满负荷
15 no load 无负荷
16 to close valve 关阀门
17 to open valve 开阀门
18 floating lever 浮动杠杆
19 oil relay 油继动器
20 pilot valve 错油阀,导阀
21 oil inlet 油入口
22 oil drain 油出口
23 governor 调速器
24 rotating weight 飞锤
25 spring 弹簧
26 sleeve travel 套筒行程
27 fast 加速
28 slow 减速
29 worm 蜗杆
30 turbine spindle 汽轮机主轴
31 alternative form of speeder gear 调速装置的另一种形式
32 fly ball 飞锤
33 governor spring 调速器弹簧
34 governor axis 调速器轴
35 tension spring 拉簧
36 speed adjustive handwheel 调速手轮
37 steam 蒸汽
38 diagrammatic arrangement of governor gear
39 nozzle valves 喷嘴阀组
40 cam shaft 凸轮轴
41 rack and pinion 齿条及小齿轮
43 moving blade 动叶片
44 fixed partition 固定隔板
45 oil flow to open steam valve 开蒸汽阀的油路
46 oil flow to close steam valve 关蒸汽阀的油路
47 oil exhaust to bearings 排至轴承的油
48 high pressure by pass valve 高压旁通阀
49 oil from pump 油泵来油
50 low pressure by pass valve 低压旁通阀
51 oil reservoir 储油箱
52 oil exhaust passage 排油通道
5.2.10 汽轮机的安装 Installation of Steam Turbine
1 erection of turbine 汽轮机安装
2 guide brackets for rotor 转子导向架
3 guide pillars for turbine cover 汽轮机汽缸盖导向柱
4 spirit level 水平尺
5 straight edge 直规,直尺
6 turbine cylinder 汽缸
7 level of grouting 灌浆面
8 dam of wood 模板
9 wedge 楔形垫铁,斜垫板
10 chock 垫板,垫铁
11 packing pieces 平垫板,平垫铁
12 foundation 基础
13 bedplate 底板
14 guide bracket 导向架
15 slung 起吊绳
16 rotor 转子
17 coupling 联轴器
18 labyrinth packing 迷宫式轴封
19 bearing 轴承
20 lower half of turbine 汽轮机下汽缸
21 guide pillar 导向柱
22 blade 叶片
23 main horizontal joint 主水平接合面
24 flange 法兰
25 thin strips 密封垫片
26 driven machine 从动机