第2章 Gratitude: Friendship and Kindness感恩的心·有爱相伴
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.
Mr. Washington 华盛顿先生
Les Brown
One day in 11th grade, I went into a classroom to wait for a friend of mine. When I went into the room, the teacher, Mr. Washington, suddenly appeared and asked me to go to the board to write something, to work something out. I told him that I couldn't do it. And he said, “Why not?”
I said, “Because I'm not one of your students.”
He said, “It doesn't matter. Go to the board anyhow.”
I said, “I can't do that.”
He said, “Why not?”
And I paused because I was somewhat embarrassed. I said, “Because I'm Educable Mentally Retarded.”
He came from behind his desk and he looked at me and he said, “Don't ever say that again. Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.”
It was a very liberating moment for me. On one hand, I was humiliated because the other students laughed at me. They knew that I was in Special Education. But on the other hand, I was liberated because he began to bring to my attention that I did not have to live within the context of what another person's view of me was.
And so Mr. Washington became my mentor[1]. Prior to this experience, I had failed twice in school. I was identified as Educable Mentally Retarded in the fifth grade, put back from the fifth grade into the fourth grade, and failed again, when I was in the eighth grade. So this person made a dramatic difference in my life.
I always say that he operates in the consciousness of Goethe, who said, “Look at a man the way that he is, he only becomes worse. But look at him as if he were what he could be, and then he becomes what he should be.”
Like Calvin Lloyd, Mr. Washington believed that“Nobody rises to low expectations.” This man always gave students the feeling that he had high expectations for them and we strove [2], all of the students strove, to live up to what those expectations were.
One day, when I was still a junior, I heard him giving a speech to some graduating seniors. He said to them,“You have greatness within you. You have something special. If just one of you can get a glimpse of a larger vision of yourself, of who you really are, of what it is you bring to the planet, of your specialness, then in a historical context, the world will never be the same again. You can make your parents proud. You can make your school proud. You can make your community proud. You can touch millions of people's lives.” He was talking to the seniors, but it seemed like that speech was for me.
I remember when they gave him a standing ovation[3]. Afterwards, I caught up to him in the parking lot and I said, “Mr. Washington, do you remember me? I was in the auditorium when you were talking to the seniors.”
He said, “What were you doing there? You are a junior.”
I said, “I know. But that's a speech you were giving. I heard your voice coming through the auditorium doors. That speech was for me, Sir. You said they had greatness within them. I was in that auditorium. Is there greatness within me, Sir?”
He said, “Yes, Mr. Brown.”
“But the fact is that I failed English and math and history, and I'm going to have to go to summer school. What about that, Sir? I'm slower than most kids. I'm not as smart as my brother or my sister who's going to the University of Miami.”
“It doesn't matter. It just means that you have to work harder. Your grades don't determine who you are or what you can produce in your life.”
“I want to buy my mother a home.”
“It's possible, Mr. Brown. You can do that.” And he turned to walk away again.
“Mr. Washington?”
“What do you want now?”
“Uh, I'm the one, Sir. You remember me, remember my name. One day you're gonna hear it. I'm gonna make you proud. I'm the one, Sir.”
School was a real struggle for me. I was passed from one grade to another because I was not a bad kid. I was a nice kid; I was a fun kid. I made people laugh. I was polite. I was respectful. So teachers would pass me on, which was not helpful to me. But Mr. Washington made demands on me. He made me accountable [4]. But he enabled me to believe that I could handle it, that I could do it.
He became my instructor in my senior year, even though I was in Special Education. Normally, Special Ed students don't take Speech and Drama, but they made special provisions for me to be with him. The principal realized the kind of bonding that had taken place and the impact that he'd made on me because I had begun to do well academically. For the first time in my life I was on the honor roll. I wanted to travel on a trip with the drama and I had to be on the honor roll in order to make the trip out of town. That was a miracle for me!
Mr. Washington restructured my own picture of who I am. He gave me a larger vision of myself, beyond my mental conditioning and my circumstances.
Years later, I produced five specials that appeared on public television. I had some friends call him when my program, “You Deserve”, was on the educational television channel in Miami. I was sitting by the phone waiting when he called me in Detroit. He said, “May I speak to Mr. Brown, please?”
“Who's calling?”
“You know who's calling.”
“Oh, Mr. Washington, it's you.”
“You were the one, weren't you?”
“Yes, Sir, I was.”
“Oxford University: The Lord is my illumination.”
A Gift From God 上帝的礼物
John W. Schlatter
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, “Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd[5].”
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him as he crawled[6]around looking for his glasses, and I saw tears in his eyes.
As I handed him his glasses, I said, “Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives.”
He looked at me and said, “Hey thanks!” There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.
We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends. He said yes.
We hung all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him. And my friends thought the same of him. Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said, “Darn boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!” He just laughed and handed me half the books.
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors, we began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian[7]of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation. I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak.
Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than me and all the girls loved him!
Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked[8]him on the back and said, “Hey, big guy, you'll be great!” He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. “Thanks,”he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. “Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach…but mostly, your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give him. I am going to tell you a story.”
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker [9]so his mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. “Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable.”
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.
Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life. For better or for worse. God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God in others.
Each day is a gift from God! Don't forget to say,“Thank you!”
“Cambridge University: From here, light and sacred draughts.”
The List一份名单
Helen P. Mrosla
He was in the first third grade class I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris, Minn. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million. Very neat in appearance, but had that happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischievousness[10]delightful.
Mark talked incessantly. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not acceptable. What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving—“Thank you for correcting me, Sister!”
I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I became accustomed to hearing it many times a day.
One morning my patience was growing thin when Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice [11]teacher's mistake. I looked at Mark and said, “If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!”
It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, “Mark is talking again.” I hadn't asked any of the students to help me watch Mark, but since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it. I remember the scene as if it had occurred this morning. I walked to my desk, very deliberately opened my drawer and took out a roll of masking tape. Without saying a word, I proceeded to Mark's desk, tore off two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth. I then returned to the front of the room.
As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing, he winked at me. That did it! I started laughing. The class cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed the tape, and shrugged my shoulders. His first words were,“Thank you for correcting me, Sister.”
At the end of the year, I was asked to teach junior-high math. The years flew by, and before I knew it Mark was in my classroom again. He was more handsome than ever and just as polite. Since he had to listen carefully to my instruction in the “new math”, he did not talk as much in ninth grade as he had in third.
One Friday, things just didn't feel right. We had worked hard on a new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were frowning, frustrated with themselves and edgy with one another. I had to stop this crankiness[12]before it got out of hand. So I asked them to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then I told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed me the papers. Charlie smiled. Mark said, “Thank you for teaching me, Sister. Have a good weekend.”
That Saturday, I wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and I listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday I gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling.
“Really?” I heard whispered. “I never knew that meant anything to anyone!”
“I didn't know others liked me so much.”
No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. I never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another again.
That group of students moved on. Several years later, after I returned from vacation, my parents met me at the airport. As we were driving home, Mother asked me the usual questions about the trip—the weather, my experiences in general.
There was a lull [13]in the conversation. Mother gave Dad a sideways glance and simply says, “Dad?”My father cleared his throat as he usually did before something important.
“The Eklunds called last night,” he began.
“Really?” I said. “I haven't heard from them in years. I wonder how Mark is.”
Dad responded quietly. “Mark was killed in Vietnam,”he said. “The funeral is tomorrow, and his parents would like it if you could attend.”
To this day I can still point to the exact spot on I-494 where Dad told me about Mark.
I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature. All I could think at that moment was, “Mark, I would give all the masking tapes in the world if only you would talk to me.”
The church was packed with Mark's friends. Chuck's sister sang “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”.
Why did it have to rain on the day of the funeral? It was difficult enough at the graveside. The pastor said the usual prayers, and the bugler played taps. One by one those who loved Mark took a last walk by the coffin and sprinkled it with holy water. I was the last one to bless the coffin. As I stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer[14]came up to me.
“Were you Mark's math teacher?” he asked. I nodded as I continued to stare at the coffin. “Mark talked about you a lot,” he said.
After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates headed to Chuck's farmhouse for lunch. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting for me. “We want to show you something,” his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket.
“They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.”
Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.
“Thank you so much for doing that,” Mark's mother said. “As you can see, Mark treasured it.”
Mark's classmates started to gather around us.
Charlie smiled rather sheepishly [15]and said, “I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home.”
Chuck's wife said, “Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.”
“I have mine too,” Marilyn said. “It's in my diary.”
Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group.
“I carry this with me at all times,” Vicki said without batting an eyelash. “I think we all saved our lists.”
That's when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.
“Yale University: Truth and light.”
To Tell the Truth 选择诚实
Al Batt
“Who did this?” asked my teacher. Thirty children tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher may have found out. “Who did this?”asked my teacher once more. She wasn't really asking, she was demanding an answer. She seldom became angry, but she was this time. She held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who broke this window?”
“Oh, oh,” I thought. I was the one who broke the window. I had not done it intentionally. It was caused by an errant [16]throw of a baseball. I was working on my knuckleball [17]. It needed more work. Why did it have to be me? It wasn't really my fault. If I admitted guilt, I would be in a lot of trouble. How would I be able to pay for a big window like that? I didn't even get an allowance. “My father is going to have a fit [18],”I thought. I didn't want to raise my hand, but some force much stronger than I was pulled it skyward. I told the truth. “I did it.” I said no more. It was hard enough saying what I had done.
My teacher went to one of our library shelves and took down a book. She then began walking towards my desk. I had never known my teacher to strike a student, but I feared she was going to start with me and she was going to use a book for the swatting[19].
“I know how you like birds,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden face. “Here is that field guide about birds that you are constantly checking out. It is yours. It's time we got a new one for the school anyway. The book is yours and you will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not rewarding you for your misdeed, I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.”
I couldn't believe it! I wasn't being punished and I was getting my very own bird field guide. It was the very one that I had been saving up money to buy, which money I feared would be going to the school to buy a new window. I wore out that book trying to match the live, flying birds to their depictions in that field guide. The book is gone, so is my wonderful teacher. All that remains of that day is my memory and the lesson my teacher taught me. That lesson stays with me every day and it will echo forever.
“Stanford University: Let the wind of freedom blow. ”
The Note 纸条情
Patty Hansen
When I was in the fifth grade, I fell in love—real love—for the very first time. It only took about a week into the school year for it to happen, and I was completely, head-over-heels crushing on Mike Daniels. No one ever called him just Mike; it was always one word—Mike Daniels. Blond hair that stuck up in every direction and blue eyes that crinkled in the corners when he laughed—visions of Mike Daniels occupied my every dream.
To say I wasn't the most popular or prettiest girl in our class would be an understatement. In fact, I think I must have been the original geek[20]. I was so skinny that I still had to wear days-of-the-week panties and dorky undershirts when most of my friends were starting to wear bras and more grown-up undergarments. My mom made me wear brown orthopedic [21]lace-up shoes to school every day, because I had a foot that turned in and my parents wanted to “correct it before it was too late”. Right smack dab in the middle of my two front teeth was this giant space that even gum surgery the year before hadn't fixed, and the two teeth on either side of my front teeth overlapped, making me look like I had fangs. Add a pair of thick glasses, thin baby-fine hair (with a home permanent from my mom—help!), knobby[22]skinned-up knees and elbows—and what do you get? A kid that only a parent could love.
I wouldn't—couldn't—tell my friends that I was in love with Mike Daniels. It was my secret to write about in my journal. In my dreams, Mike Daniels would suddenly grasp what a beautiful soul was hiding inside my gawky[23]body and realize that he loved me for who I really was. I spent hours writing poetry for him and stories about him, until one day I got up the nerve to actually write to him about how I felt.
Our teacher, Miss Finkelor, was really awesome about most things, but the one thing she was majorly serious about was not writing notes to each other during class. Everyone did it anyway. Except me. My only shot at self-esteem was being teacher's pet, and I excelled at it. I loved it so much it didn't even bother me when kids teased me about being the teacher's favorite.
It was a huge decision for me to go against the one thing that Miss Finkelor detested—note passing. But I knew that there was no other way to tell Mike Daniels about how I felt—and I also knew that if I never told him, I was going to burst… or maybe even freak out. I vowed to do it on Monday morning.
So, first thing Monday morning, in my very best printing, I wrote, “I love you”. That was it. Nothing else—no flowers, no poetry—just, “I love you”. I passed it to Dianne, who sat between me and Mike Daniels, and whispered, “Give this to Mike Daniels,” trying to look really casual, like it was a request to borrow a book from him or something. I held my breath as I watched him open and read it—then read it again. Then he folded it up and put it into his pocket. Oh my God, what have I done? What if he shows it to his buds at recess? They'll all laugh their heads off. I'm a fool. An idiot. Why did I tell him? I felt like I was going to throw up.
I was so involved in feeling like I was going to hurl, that I didn't even feel Dianne punching me in the arm. Then she shoved[24]a note in my hand. Slowly, I opened it. It was my own note. “Great, he thought it was so stupid that he sent it back to me,” I thought. Then it dawned on me—he had written something on the back of it:
“I like you, too. I'm glad we're friends.”
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was so relieved that he didn't trash[25]me—that could have easily happened if Mike Daniels hadn't been a really nice guy. With that one little gesture of kindness, Mike Daniels made me feel special—and, not only that, but I felt that somehow, he had seen the real me hidden in the body of a fifth grade geek.
I kept that note for years—all the way through the eighth grade. Whenever I felt bad about myself, I would reread Mike Daniels' note and remember that act of kindness. It didn't matter to me what inspired him—if it was pity, or the recognition of things to come—that note gave me strength to go through the challenges of the tough years that followed fifth grade.
“Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):Mind and hand.”
Reunited 重聚
Ellen Cady
Old friends. They finish your sentences, they remember the cat that ran away when you were twelve, and they tell you the truth when you've had a bad haircut. But mostly, they are always there for you—whether it's in person or via late night phone calls—through good times and bad. But as the years pass, it becomes increasingly difficult to see each other, to make new memories. Fortunately, my high school girlfriends and I vowed long ago not to let this happen. We vowed to have reunions.
A few months ago, we met up for a three-day weekend in the American Southwest. We grew up together in Maine and have said for years that we should have an annual event, yet it's often postponed or canceled due to schedule conflicts. Not this year.
Four of us—two from San Francisco, one from Boston, and one from Seattle—boarded planes bound for Santa Fe, New Mexico, where one of the gang lives and works for an art gallery. Two years ago, she moved there—escaped, rather—from the film industry in New York City, where she led a life that felt too fast, too unfulfilling. The artist in her longed for vibrant landscapes and starry moonlit skies. She wanted to drive a truck on dusty roads, a trusty dog at her side, riding shotgun. She got all that and found love, too. She is happy.
The rest of us—still big city folks—converged [26]on her like a cyclone [27]straight out of the pages of a girlfriend novel. Chattering and memory swapping, we were fifteen again—in a space of five minutes. Naturally, we relived some of the stories of our youth—angst and all—but we also brought much more to the gathering this time. We were new people. we were wives and girlfriends to someone back home. We were businesswomen, artists and writers. We were no longer girls, no longer post-college grads. We were women.
I shared an air mattress that night with my friend from Boston, the one who calls me, while rubbernecking [28]in traffic, to catch up on her cell phone, to tell me of her life and love. On the next mattress was a gal from San Francisco, she just newly single and enjoying her independence. Our host, the artist, shared her bedroom that weekend with a married dot-commer [29]from San Francisco. Yes, we are different, but we are also the same. The years of our youth say so.
The apartment was open and we talked late into the night, our voices carrying back and forth between the rooms as we laughed, cackling about things that would only be humorous to friends with this kind of history. The next morning, I awoke to a brilliant blue sky, beautifully contrasted by the earthy brown of the surrounding adobe [30]. It was Saturday and the art enthusiasts were out, so, with coffee in hand, I dropped off our host at work. I returned to find the others still in slumber, deep lines on their faces as evidence of a restful sleep.
We checked out town and headed to the airport to pick up the last straggler [31], who came in from San Francisco for one night. “ I wouldn't have missed this for anything,” she said, despite her 4 a.m. trip to the airport. That night we celebrated margaritas and Southwestern are, each of us gazing over at the faces around the table as we wondered, who would have thought the bonds of childhood could last this long? Some of us have been friends since the age of five, some since age twelve and, yet, here we are approaching the age of thirty. Quite rapidly, I might add.
The weekend consisted of long talks by the pool, wonderful meals, and a hike that brought the entire group to tears. Not tears of sadness or anger, but an outpouring of emotion over the sheer wonderment that we can be this close—twelve years after graduation—with such physical distance between us. It's heartbreaking that we can't spend our days together in the same neighborhood, walking the same streets, reading the same newspaper at the same coffee shop. But that's life, grown-up life.
Most amazing is the group's adaptability to one another. The months we spend apart are non-existent. No need to get reacquainted, we jump back in the saddle and it's as comfortable as ever. Old friends—friends with an ever-present sense of support and sisterhood, friends that know each other innately—are hard to come by and yet we remain as tight today as we were years ago, giggling in the back row of Mr. McKechnie's 9th grade math class.
Life today, however, is no math class. Our world, spinning slightly off its axis, is full of doubt, full of fear. Yet it reminds me—now, more than ever—how vital it is that we stay in close touch. We may have questions about our future, but we have true faith in our past, and though this reunion of friends has come to a close, we are already drawing up plans for the next one.
“Princeton University: In the nation's service and in the service of all nations.”
Forever Friends 永远的朋友
Carlo Martini
Sometimes in life
You find a special friend
Someone who changes your life
Just by being a part of it
Someone who makes you laugh
Until you can't stop
Someone who makes you believe
That there really is good in the world
Someone who convinces you
That there really is an unlocked door
Just waiting for you to open it
This is a forever friendship
When you're down
And the world seems dark and empty
Your forever friend lifts you in spirit
And makes that dark and empty world
Suddenly seem bright and full
Your forever friend gets you through
The hard times, the sad times
And the confused times
If you turn and walk away
Your forever friend follows
If you lose your way
Your forever friend guides you
And cheers you on
Your forever friend holds your hand
And tells you that things
Will be okay
And if you find such a friend
You feel happy and complete
You have a forever friend for life
And forever has no end