第4章 句法:从语词到篇章
4.1 复习笔记
1.The traditional approach, the structural approach
2.Immediate constituent analysis
3.Endocentric and exocentric constructions
4.The generative approach
5.The functional approach
6.Systemic-functional grammar
I. Syntax
2.Syntactic Relations
(1) Positional Relation
(2) Relation of Substitutability
(3) Relation of Co-occurrence
II. The Traditional Approach
1.Number, Gender, Case
2.Tense and aspect
3.Concord and government
III. The Structural Approach
1.Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations
2.Immediate constituent analysis(IC Analysis)
(1) Definition
(2) Advantages
(3) Problems
3.Endocentric and exocentric construction
(1) Endocentric construction
①Subordinate endocentric constructions
②Coordinate endocentric constructions
(2) Exocentric construction
IV. The Generative Approach
1.Deep structure and surface structure
2.Syntactic Movement
(1) NP-movement:
(2) Wh-movement
(3) Aux-movement
3.Move-α rule
V. The Functional Approach
VI. Systemic-Functional Grammar
I. Syntax (句法)
1.Definition (定义)
Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures.
2.Syntactic Relations (句法关系)
(1) Positional Relation (位置关系)
Positional relation, refers to the sequential arrangement of words in a language.
It is the basic syntactic relation, and also the requirement of grammatical acceptability and semantic intelligibility of human language.
(2) Relation of Substitutability (替代关系)
The relationship of substitutability refers to classes or sets of words grammatically substitutable for each other in sentences with the same structure, or groups of more than one word which may be jointly substitutable grammatically for a single word of a particular set.
(3) Relation of Co-occurrence (同现关系)
It means that words of different sets of clauses may permit, or require, the occurrence of a word of another set or class to form a sentence or a special part of a sentence.
II. The Traditional Approach (传统语法学派)
Traditionally, a sentence is seen as a sequence of words. The study of sentence formation involves a great deal of the study of the words such as the distinction of parts of speech, the identification of functions of words in terms of subject, predicate, etc. Sometimes these parts of speech and function are called categories.
1.Number, Gender, Case数、性和格
(1) Number is a grammatical category used for the analysis of word classes displaying such contrasts as singular, dual, plural, etc. In English, number is mainly observed in nouns, and it has only two forms: singular and plural. Number is also reflected in the inflection of pronouns and verbs.
(2) Gender is a grammatical category dividing nouns into classes basically characterized by sex. Gender is also a category of nouns and pronouns. In English, the gender distinctions are on the whole natural, determined by the biological gender of the creature. However, exactly speaking, the gender here means the grammatical gender, which includes feminine, masculine and neuter.
(3) Case is an inflectional category, basically of nouns, which typically marks their roles in relation to other parts of the sentence. In English, pronouns have three cases of nominative (e.g. we, he, she), accusative (e.g. us, him, her) and genitive (e.g. our, your, his). But nouns have only two cases: general (e.g. Tom, girl) and genitive (e.g. Tom’s, girl’s).
2.Tense and aspect (时态与体)
Tense and aspect are two important categories of the verb, and they were not separated in traditional grammar. The distinction between tense and aspect lies in that the former is deictic, i.e. indicating time relative to the time of utterance; while the latter is not deictic, the time indicated is not relative to the time of utterance, but relative to the time of another event described, or implied, in the narrative.
3.Concord and government (一致关系与支配关系)
Concord, also known as agreement, may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.
Government is another type of control over the forms of some words by other words in certain syntactic constructions. It is different from concord in that this is a relationship in which a word of certain class determines the forms of others in terms of certain category.
III. The Structural Approach (结构主义学派)
It is founded by Ferdinand de Saussure who regards linguistic units as interrelated with each other in a structure/system, not as isolated bits.
1.Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations (组合关系和聚合关系)
(1) The syntagmatic relation refers to a relation between one item and others in a sequence, or between elements which are all present. There are syntactic and semantic conditions the words in a syntagmatic relation must meet.
(2) The paradigmatic (or associative) relation is a relation between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure, or between one element present and the others absent. They can substitute for each other without violating syntactic rules. Words in a paradigmatic relation are comparable only in terms of syntax and semantic factors are not taken into consideration here. These words have the same syntactic features. But they are not replaceable with each other semantically.
(3) The syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations together, like the two axes of a coordinate, determine the identity of a linguistic sign. The syntagmatic relation is also being considered as the horizontal relation, or chain relation. And the paradigmatic relation is also known as the vertical relation, or choice relation.
2.Immediate constituent analysis (IC Analysis) (直接成分分析法)
(1) Definition (定义)
The immediate constituent analysis may be defined as: the analysis of a sentence in terms of its immediate constituents—word groups(or phrases), which are in turn analyzed in to the immediate constituents of their own, and the process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached. However, for the sake of convenience, in practice we usually stop at the level of word. The immediate constituent analysis of a sentence may be carried out with brackets or with a tree diagram.
(2) Advantages (优点)
Through IC analysis, the internal structure of a sentence may be demonstrated clearly, and ambiguities, if any, will be revealed.
(3) Problems (问题)
①At the beginning, some advocators insisted on binary divisions. Any construction, at any level, will be cut into two parts. But this is not always possible.
②Constructions with discontinuous constituents will pose technical problems for tree diagrams in IC analysis. The most serious problem is that there are structural ambiguities which cannot be revealed by IC analysis.
3.Endocentric and exocentric construction (向心结构和离心结构)
(1) Endocentric construction (向心结构)
It is a kind of construction whose distribution is functionally equivalent, or approaching equivalence, to one of its constituents, which serves as the center, or head, of the whole, therefore, a headed construction. Endocentric construction include two types: subordinate and coordinate constructions.
①Subordinate endocentric constructions: Those endocentric constructions where there is only one head, with the head dominant and the other constituents being modifiers are called subordinate endocentric constructions.
②Coordinate endocentric constructions: Those endocentric constructions where there are more than one head, with equal syntactic status and no one dependent on the other are called coordinate endocentric constructions.
(2) Exocentric construction (离心结构)
It refers to a construction whose distribution is not functionally equivalent to any of its constituents, none of which serves as a noticeable head or a center of the whole. Like the prepositional phrase on the desk, the whole construction has a different grammatical function from either its constituents on or the desk. They cannot substitute for each other.
IV. The Generative Approach (生成语法)
The theory of generative approach originated from the ideas of American linguist Noam Chomsky. In 1957, he published Syntactic Structures, after that the theory has undergone a number of changes.
1.Deep structure and surface structure (深层结构和表层结构)
The deep structure is the abstract representation of the syntactic properties of a construction, i.e. the underlying level of structural relations between its different constituents.
The surface structure is the final stage in the syntactic derivation of a construction, which closely corresponds to the structural organization of a construction people actually produce and receive.
2.Syntactic Movement (句法移位)
It refers to the movement of any constituent in a sentence out of its original place to a new position.
(1) NP-movement (NP移位)
It is relative to two constructions, i.e. passive sentence and raising construction. Generally, passive sentences are produced by the movement of the active sentences; in the raising construction, there are two kinds of raising which are raising verbs and raising adjectives.
(2) Wh-movement (Wh-移位)
The movement mostly takes place in wh-question sentences, indirect wh-question sentences and relative clauses.
(3) Aux-movement (Aux-移位)
It refers to the movement of such words as be, have, do, may, can, shall, should and so on, from the original position to the beginning of the sentence.
是指诸如be, have, do, may, can, shall, should之类的助动词从原来的位置移动到句首。
3.Move-α rule Move-α (规则)
It is a general movement rule which accounts for the syntactic behavior of any constituent movement.
V. The Functional Approach (the Prague School) (功能学派 (布拉格语言学派))
A sentence may be analyzed from the functional side or the grammatical side. Apart from the analysis of a sentence in terms of subject and predicate, there may also be a functional analysis in terms of theme and rheme. Theme refers to “that which is known or at least obvious in the given situation and from which the speaker proceeds”. Rheme can be regarded as “what the speaker states about, or in regard to, the starting point of the utterance.” The theme-rheme order is the usual one in unemotional narration, which is called objective order. In emotional narration, however, it may be possible to reverse the order, to put rheme before theme. And this is called a subjective order.
VI. Systemic-Functional Grammar (Halliday’s approach) (系统功能语法)
The characteristics of the theory are systemic and functional. It characterized Halliday’s theory as more attention is paid to paradigmatic relations than to syntagmatic relations. And this is the main concern of Chomsky. What is new in Halliday is that he has tried to relate the functions of language to its structures. He argues that there are three general functions of language: ideational, interpersonal and textual. And they are related to three grammatical systems; transitivity, mood and theme.