第1章 Acknowledgments
I would like to express my hearty gratitude to numerous people who have provided me with an immeasurable amount of assistance in the course of my accomplishment of this book. First of all, I am intensely indebted to my PHD supervisor, Professor Li Weiping, for his enlightenment, guidance and support. Without his encouragement, I could not have completed this book within three years; nor could I have made great progress in academic study; or recovered from the fatal blow caused by my father's sudden death when I was working on this book. For me, his help and guidance could not find full express in my words. I am also very grateful to Professor Yu Jianhua for his instructive lecture on literature research method and American short stories study; to Professor Qiao Guoqiang, whose naratology class opens another door for me to appreciate literary works; to Professor Zhang Dingquan, whose lectures on selective readings of western literary canons lay a solid foundation for my book writing and whose devotion to teaching and students impresses me greatly; to Professor Zhang Helong, whose lectures broaden my horizon and interest me in academic study. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Professor Zhao Yongqing, Professor Chang Junyue, Professor Zhang Xue, and Professor Liu Fengguang in Dalian University of Foreign Languages for their support and encouragement both in my academic study and my life.
I owe many thanks to my SISU classmates Yu Jie, Xu Anlv, Chen Lang, Wang Xiaohuang, Shi Yanling, Zhao Guofeng, Li Kang, Lu Qi, Zhang Lin and Gao Wen for their valuable suggestions and warm encouragement. My special appreciations go to my DUFL colleagues, Lv Chunmei, Xu Bin, Liu Xiang, Xia Yang, Huang Jiefang for their selfless support and enormous encouragement.
My final acknowledgements go to my family. I own my life-long thanks to my father Li Jiping who devoted his whole life to me in support of my PHD program and career pursuit. He, together with my mother, took over the household chores and baby-sitting when I was working on this book even though he developed very serious heart disease and should not have had fatigue according to doctor's advice. The parental love and care provided by my parents has been engraved on my heart forever. I also thank my husband for his love and technical support and my dearest son for the warmth and joy he has brought me.