With time going by, the frontier and center of human civilization is moving. There's evidence that hu-mankind came from Africa, invented agricultural civilization in Asia, created industrial civilization in Eu-rope, and nurtured knowledge-based civilization in Northern America.The“Modernization Science”be-lieves that modernization is one kind of great change of human civilization since the 18th century, which in-cludes the formation, development, transformation and international interaction of modern civilization, the innovation, selection, diffusion and recession of civilization elements, and the global competition for pursu-ing, achieving and keeping a world advanced level;it took place in all fields of civilization such as politics, economy, society, culture, environment and personal behavior, and in the forefront and late-coming coun-tries in the process of human civilization.During the 4 centuries between the 18th and 21st centuries, the process of world modernization consists of two phases:the first phase saw the transformation from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization, including the turning from agricultural to industrial economy, from agri-cultural to industrial society, etc.;the second phase witnessed the transformation from industrial civilization to knowledge-based civilization, including the turning from industrial to knowledge-based economy, from in-dustrial to knowledge-based society and so on.If the first modernization is a classical one featuring industri-alization, urbanization, democratization and rationalization, then the second modernization must be a neo-modernization with the characteristics of knowledge-intensive, informatization, globalization and environment protection, etc.The harmonious development of the two phases should be an integrated modernization, re-ferred to the transformation from semi-industrial economy and society to knowledge-based economy and socie-ty.
In the long history of human civilization, different nations have presented different performances, and different countries have attained different achievements. The process of civilization in different nations and countries would not be of the same paces, so world modernization shows asynchrony of course and uneven distribution.In 2012 among 131 countries which population was over one million in 2000,about 27 coun-tries entered the second modernization, about 100 countries were in the first modernization, and about 4 countries were still the traditional agricultural society.And some indigenous minorities still lived in primitive tribes.Although different countries and regions have different levels of modernization, most of them were im-pacted by the second modernization.
According to the development strategy of“Three Steps”proposed by Mr. Deng Xiaoping, China should achieve the level of world moderately-developed countries by middle 21st century.China Modernization Re-port(CMR)also forecasted that China could probably achieve the world advanced level by the end of the 21st century.It's an unprecedented feat to achieve modernization for China within a century since it is a de-veloping country with 1.4 billion people.However, such a great plan may come to nothing without the guid-ance of modernization theories and modernization studies.In today's tide of globalization, modernization the-ories are the important foundation for the establishing of developing strategies in the national and regional lev-els.
It's commonly accepted that human beings born 2. 5 million years ago, civilization originated 5500 years ago, modernization can be dated back to the 18th century, and modernization study started in the last centu-ry.However, the starting of thoughts about modernization can be traced back to the 18th century or even earlier.In the first half of 20th century, German sociologist M.Weber and American sociologist T.Parsons contributed to the academic foundation for the modernization studies.Since 1950s, three tides emerged in the studies of world modernization around the world.They were the classical modernization studies in the 1950s and 1960s, the post-modern studies in the 1970s and 1980s, and then the neo-modernization studies since 1990s, thus giving rise to theoretical innovations and various schools.The ten theories have more im-pacts among them.They are classical modernization theory, dependence theory, world system theory, post-modernization theory, ecological modernization theory, reflexive modernization theory, globalization theory, multiple modernities theory, the second modernization theory and integrated modernization theory, etc.
As early as 1930s, Chinese scholars started to discuss the issue of modernization. And in 1980s, Chi-nese scholars began to study and introduce classical modernization theory, publishing high-level literatures like A New Perspective on Modernization composed by Rongqu Luo, a professor of Peking University.Since 1990s, Prof.Chuanqi He, a scientist in Chinese Academy of Sciences, advanced the“second modernization theory”in 1998,“integrated modernization theory”in 2003 and“modernization science”in 2010 which in-cluding the periodic table of human civilization process, coordinated system of world modernization, road map of national modernization, global position system of modernization process, system approaches of mod-ernization study, level structure and transition probability of modernization, Yangtze River model of human civilization process, innovation drive model and innovation value model, and published Series of the Second Modernization since 1999.And sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology and Chinese Academy of Sciences, the annual reports named China Modernization Report have be published since 2001.
Part one of this book discussed the facts and theories of world modernization and human civilization with seven papers. Part two of this book offers the overviews of 15 annual reports of the CMRs.This book will be published in both Chinese and English.
We hereby extend our sincerest thanks to the nine advisors for the Research Group for China Moderniza-tion Strategy;to academician Yongxiang Lu, academician Guanhua Xu, academician Chunli Bai, and acad-emician Jiaer Chen for prefacing China Modernization Report;to the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology, and Chinese Academy of Sciences for their assistance;to Pe-king University Press for their hard work, and to all the people who offer us help and support.
Today is the 80th birthday of my father. I would like to dedicate this book to my father and mother, Mr.Hanshan He and Shaozhen Yan, a peasant couple with honest and respected in the Hubei province of China.No parents no me and then no this book.
Chuanqi HE
Head of Research Group for China Modernization Strategy
Professor, Director, China Center for Modernization Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
October 16th,2016