4 询问时间表
Dialogue 对话 MP3 05-04
Steven is going to London on business. Now he is calling the airline to ask for the timetable.

Clerk:Hello, American Airlines.
Steven:Hello, is there any flight to London tomorrow?
Clerk:Let me see. Yes, there is one flight tomorrow morning.
Steven:When does the flight depart?
Clerk:The departure time is eight o'clock in the morning.
Steven:Is it a direct flight?
Clerk:Yes, it is.
Steven:What's the flight number?
Clerk:The flight number is AA345.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
airline [ˈeəlaɪn]n.航空公司
timetable [ˈtaɪmteɪb(ə)l]n.时间表
departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə]n.出发,离开
direct[dɪˈrekt, daɪˈrekt]adj.直接的
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 I haven't got a clue about the train schedule.我一点都不知道这个列车时刻表。
2 Yes, I check the train timetable.是的,我查一下列车时刻表。
3 It is a railway timetable.这是一张列车时刻表。
4 Will you look up a train for me in the timetable?你可不可以帮我在行车时刻表中查找一趟列车?
5 The railway timetable shows the time when the trains arrive and depart.列车时刻表告诉人们火车到站和开车的时间。
6 What's the use of having a train schedule if the trains are always late?火车总是晚点,要列车时刻表还有什么用?
7 Which flight are you taking?请问,您乘坐哪次航班?
8 The flight originates in Beijing.那班机由北京起飞。
9 Our flight takes four hours.我们的空中飞行时间为4个小时。
10 Can I have a look at the timetable?我可以看一下时刻表吗?
11 The new timetable will come into effect tomorrow.新的时刻表明天生效。
1 I'd like to confirm the departure time.我要确认起飞时间。
2 You can check the bulletin board.你可以核查一下公告板。
3 You may board now. The departure time is on schedule.您现在就可以登机了,飞机准时起飞。
4 I nearly missed my flight.我差点误了班机。
5 But let's call right now to confirm our flight.但我们得马上打电话确认航班。
6 May I reconfirm my flight?我可以确认我的班机吗?
7 Is the departure time on schedule?起飞时间准时吗?
8 Please check the flight information board for further information about your departure time.请查看航班显示板,上面有您班机起飞时间的进一步资讯。
9 Do you know what the new departure time is?你知道新的起飞时间吗?
10 Let me look up the flight-table first.让我先看一下航班表。
11 Can I see the domestic timetable?我能看一看国内航班时刻表吗?
12 The timetable is obtainable post-free from the airline office.航班时刻表可以向航空公司免费索取。
13 May I look up the flight number on the airline schedule?我可以在航班时刻表上查阅一下航班号吗?
14 The departure time is eight at night. Is that right, sir?起飞时间是晚上八点,对吗,先生?
15 The flight departure has been advanced to 9:00 a. m.本航班起飞时间已提前至上午九点。
16 The departure time is 10:00 a. m. Tuesday.起飞时间是周二上午十点。
17 Your nonstop flight is at 9: 30 p. m.你的直飞航班是晚上九点半。
18 What is the departure time of the flight?航班的起飞时间是何时?
19 May I inquire about the departure time?可以问一下那飞机的起飞时间吗?
20 Please tell me the departure time and arrival time.请告诉我起飞时间和到达时间。
21 When does the Flight 215 depart? 215航班什么时候起飞呢?
22 The plane takes off at 12:45.飞机12点45分起飞。
23 The flight to London tonight departs at 21:30.去伦敦的航班在今晚9点30分起飞。
24 The earliest flight will leave Guangzhou at 9:20.广州出发最早的航班是上午9点20分。
25 When does JAL Flight 800 from New York arrive?日航800纽约班机何时抵达?
1 Excuse me, I'm going to take flight SH307 to Beijing, but the board shows it'll be delayed.您好,我要乘坐去北京的SH307号航班,但是显示牌显示航班延误。
2 I checked my flight schedule and learned that my flight was delayed by 2 hours.我检查了航班时刻表,结果发现航班延误了两个小时。
3 My flight has been delayed.我的班机延误了。
4 The flight is behind schedule.班机误点了。
5 What caused the flight being delayed?什么原因使得航班延误?
6 Flight has been delayed because of congestion at Shanghai airport.航班由于上海机场的拥塞而推迟了。
7 Flight BE294 to Paris is delayed.前往巴黎的BE294航班将延迟起飞。
8 The plane will not be delayed because of the no-show of any passengers.飞机不会因为任何旅客未到而延误起飞时间。
9 The fog disrupted the airline schedule.迷雾打乱了航班时刻表。
10 Your flight will be delayed for another two hours, sir.先生,您的班机将再延迟两个小时起飞。
11 The late arrival of the train messed up all our plans.火车的晚点把我们的计划都打乱了。
12 It will be two hours late.这班飞机将晚点两个小时。
13 Our plane was delayed for hours and the wait seemed long.我们的飞机晚点好几个小时,等待的过程显得漫长。
14 The train is delayed half an hour.列车晚点半小时。
15 The train is behind time.这趟火车晚点了。