6 升学
Dialogue 对话 MP3 03-06
Steven and Bill have just taken the college entrance exam. Steven is admitted by a university, but Bill is not. Now, they are having a conversation.

Steven:Bill, I have received the admission letter from Cambridge University!
Steven:How about you? Have you got any news from any university?
Bill:No. But I am going to apply for some vocational schools. I like fashion design and I want to study it.
Steven:I am glad you can study something you really like!
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
admission [ədˈmɪʃən]n.许可,承认,入场
design [dɪˈzaɪn]v./ n.设计,计谋
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 Indeed, the college entrance exam is a national obsession.实际上,高考就是次全民总动员。
2 Passing the entrance exam means being admitted into college.通过了高考意味着被大学录取。
3 During those days of waiting for the results of the college entrance exam, an inch in movement of a shadow seemed to be as long as a year.等待高考成绩的日子,真是寸阴若岁。
4 My mark of the university entrance exam is 596.我的高考分数是596。
5 I must have done terribly in my college entrance exams in Chinese and maths.高考时,我的数学和语文肯定都没有考好。
6 He felt very nervous before the college entrance exam.高考前他觉得非常紧张。
7 After three years' study, he is finally going to enter the examination room to take the university entrance exam.经过三年的学习,他终于要走进高考的考场了。
8 The college entrance exam is just one of the numerous exams a person will go through in his life.高考只是人一生中很多考试中的一个。
9 I don't want to undergo the painful period of college entrance exam.我不想经历高考这个痛苦的阶段。
10 He came in the first place in this year's college entrance exam and he was really the best.他是今年的高考状元,可谓独占鳌头!
11 What do you think of the college entrance exam scandals in Korea?你对韩国的大学高考丑闻事件有何看法?
12 In this area of China, the university entrance exam became the most important part of a student's life.在中国的这个地区,高考是一个学生生活中最重要的部分。
13 One of my friends will take the adult college entrance exam this year.我的一个朋友今年要参加成人高考。
14 In my opinion, the adult college entrance exam is much easier than the college entrance exam.在我看来,成人高考比普通高考容易得多。
15 The college entrance exam can't foretell his future achievements.高考并不能代表一个人未来的成就。
1 What about the results of Tom's college entrance exam?汤姆大学入学考试成绩怎么样啊?
2 I took the entrance exam but didn't get in.我参加了入学考试但未被录取。
3 My score is below their requirement.我的分数没有达到他们的要求。
4 They have rejected my application.他们已经拒绝了我的申请。
5 You can pass the university entrance exam! 你一定能通过大学入学考试!
6 Tim is desperate to pass the entrance exam.蒂姆很渴望通过入学考试。
7 She lost a very good chance to go to college.她错失了一个上大学的好机会。
8 Maybe you will receive their admission letter soon.也许很快你就能收到录取通知书。
9 She passed the university entrance exam three years ago.三年前,她通过了大学入学考试。
10 My application was automatically eliminated from the system.我的志愿表被系统自动删除了。
11 She filled the school column with her name, and her score was relinquished.她在学校那一栏填了她的名字,整个成绩就作废了。
12 He just barely qualified for admission by a whisker.他勉强具备录取资格。
13 I am enrolled at Stanford University.我被斯坦福大学录取了。
14 I am admitted to Beijing University.我被北京大学录取了。
15 Fortunately, I was admitted to the Department of History, Shandong University.我很幸运地被山东大学历史系录取了。
1 Graduation rates have started to increase.升学率已开始上升。
2 I spent abundant time in preparing for the entrance exam.我花费了很多时间准备升学考试。
3 They can prepare their pupils for the special entrance exam to Cambridge College.他们能帮助学生准备剑桥大学的专门入学考试。
4 The proportion of students entering colleges is revving up in recent years.近几年来考入大专院校的升学率正在不断提高。
5 She said that she would shut herself in her study to prepare for the postgraduate school entrance exam.她说要闭关学习,专心考研。
6 You should spend more time preparing for the entrance exam of postgraduate than you do.你应该花更多的时间来为研究生考试做准备。
7 The season of university enrollment hasn't ended.大学录取的时间还没有结束呢。
8 This school fits students for college.这所学校训练学生使能其升入大学。
9 Do students have to pass an entrance exam to get into university?学生们要通过大学入学考试才能上大学吗?
10 Some high school graduates may decide to get a job and earn money instead of going on for further study at once.有些高中毕业生可能会决定找个工作赚钱,而不立即升学继续读书。
11 Many people work hard to pass the postgraduate school entrance examination in order to gain an advantage in the job market.许多人努力准备研究生升学考试以增加就业竞争优势。
12 Peter's father let him take the entrance exam for the military academy, which is just what he wants.皮特的父亲让他报考军校,对他来说真是正中下怀。
13 Let's pray for the children who will take entrance exams this year.让我们为今年参加升学考试的孩子们祈祷。
14 Verbal ability is always tested in admission exams in some countries.在一些国家的升学考试中,语言能力始终作为一项测试内容。
15 In some sense, the pressures of work and study have caused the prevalence of astrology among young people.就业和升学的压力在某种程度上成了年轻人迷信星座占卜的根源。
16 Our school has maintained a comparatively large proportion of students who enter schools of a higher grade after graduation.我们学校连年保持了较高的升学率。
17 This county school is well-known in the province as it achieves the highest enrollment rate every year.这所县立中学由于升学率年年第一而在全省都很有名气。
18 This school's enrollment quotas have surged by a large margin.这个学校的招生人数大幅度跃升。
19 This junior college for professional training has recently been upgraded to a university.这所学校刚由大专升为本科。
20 Let's keep our fingers crossed that we can get passing grades on that college entrance exam.我们来祈祷可以顺利通过那所大学的入学测验吧!
21 After doing a thorough comparison, I've decided to write the entrance exam for a university in Guangdong.经过仔细地分析比较,我决定报考广东的一所大学。