2.21 [46] 景公嬖妾死守之三日不敛晏子谏
Yingzi,a favorite concubine of Duke Jing,died. The Duke held vigil over her body and did not eat for three days. Her skin stuck to the mat but he did not leave. The Duke’s entourage tried to bring the situation to his awareness,but he would not listen to them. Yanzi entered the court and reported: “There is a master of supernatural skills[1] and a physician and they both say: ‘We have heard that Yingzi died from an illness and we would like to ask permission to remedy her.’”
The Duke rejoiced; he got up immediately and said: “Can anything still be done about this illness?”
Yanzi said: “I consider the method of these two to be good medicine; please try it. I ask you,my Lord,to separate yourself from her body and to purify yourself by bathing. Drink and eat and keep a distance from the palace where the infirmity is present because there w ill surely be some interaction of spirits and demons there.”
The Duke said,“Very well.” He separated himself from her body and bathed. Yanzi ordered the coffin attendants to put her into a coffin. A fter she had been put into the coffin,Yanzi reported to the Duke: “The physician was not able to treat her illness and she has already been put into a coffin. I dare not conceal this from you.”
The Duke’s facial expression revealed his displeasure and he said: “You,Master,gave me instructions based on medical arguments and did not let me observe the administrations. When you were about to put her into a coffin you did not let me know about it. I am a ruler in name only.”
Yanzi said: “My Lord,do you of all people not know that the dead cannot be revived? I have heard that if the ruler is upright and his ministers follow his example,it is called ‘obedient.’ If the ruler is aberrant and the ministers follow his example,it is called ‘defiant.’ But now you,my Lord,do not lead your m inisters to be obedient and your conduct is aberrant. Those who walk in the ways of evil are close to you and those who are guided by the good keep their distance. Slanderers and flatterers sprout up; the worthy and the good are dism issed and perish. For that reason,the slanderers and flatterers flourish w ithin your gates,and evil men go to and fro w ithin the capital. In the past,our former ruler Duke Huan employed Guan Zhong and became overlord. But when he favored Shu Diao,he perished. But now you,my Lord,pay meager attention to the rites of the worthy and lavish attention to m ourning for a favored concubine. Furthermore,the ancient sage-kings had wives and concubines,but this did not harm their behavior;[2] they put the dead in coffins w ithout diminishing their love,and they escorted their dead w ithout diminishing their grief. W hen conduct is harmed,one sinks into self-indulgence; when love diminishes,life is harmed; and when grief diminishes,the inborn nature is impaired. Therefore,the sage-kings moderated their mourning. If someone died,they would put him immediately into a coffin,so that the life of the people was not disturbed. The costs of inner coffin,outer coffin,shrouds,and w inding sheets did not interfere w ith the support of life.[3] Weeping and engaging in mourning were not used to harm the way of the living. But now you let the corpse decay and you disturb the life of the living. Your exaggerated love has impaired your behavior and your prolonged grief has harmed your inborn nature. My Lord,this is your failure. Therefore,foreign visitors sent by the regional princes are ashamed to enter our state,and the ministers of your own court are ashamed to retain their positions. One cannot guide the people based on respect for conduct such as yours,my Lord,and one cannot control the state,my Lord,by granting free reign to one’s desires. Further,I have heard that not putting a decayed corpse into a coffin is called ‘humiliating a corpse.’ If the corpse already stinks and has not been encoffined,it is called ‘exhibiting a decomposing corpse.’ Acting contrary to the inborn nature of the enlightened kings and practicing what peop le scorn—letting a favorite concubine’s decomposing corpse lie in court in a humiliating fashion—is unacceptable.”
The Duke said: “I did not realize this. I request to be allowed to act in accordance w ith your instructions.”
Yanzi responded: “The officers and the high officers of the state as well as delegates of all the neighboring states’ sovereigns are all waiting outside. M y Lord,you may weep,but w ith moderation.”
When Confucius heard of this,he said: “The brightness of the stars is not yet as intense as the shadowy light of the moon. Accomplishment of insignificant undertakings cannot be compared to failure in great matters. The w rong acts[4] of a man of noble character are worthier than the correct acts of a petty man. Does this not refer to Yanzi?”
[1]术客→客有术者 (JS,156/4).
[2]The Mozi,1.6/8/8,expresses an identical view o f the w ay the ancient kings understood the interplay between their intimate life and public conduct.
[3]The rabbinical masters make a similar statement in BT Ketubot 8b,noting that the funeral of the dead person was harder for relatives to bear than his death itself,because of the great expense of the costly garments for the dead. The relatives therefore used to run away from the funeral,leaving the dead person lying on the ground,until the rule of Rabban Gamaliel II of Yavne (2nd century CE) w as adopted at his own funeral and he was carried out for burial in garments of linen alone. Then all the people followed his example and carried out the dead in such garments.
[4]These “w rong acts” refer to Yanzi’s success in placing Yingzi’s body in coffin by tricking his Duke into believing that she could be resurrected.