Day 4 低频词
embark [ɪmˈbɑːk] v. 上船或飞机;从事,着手

例句 The company will embark on a series of cost-cutting measures next month.
翻译 Travel back to the ruins of the city to embark on the reconstruction of society.
同义替换 depart v. 离开;出发,起程 begin v. 开始;着手start v. 开始;启动 board v. 上(飞机、车、船等)commence v. 开始;着手
embed [ɪmˈbed] v. 把……嵌入,把……插入;使深留脑中
例句 A love of colour is embedded in all of his paintings.
翻译 How did the root of plant embed the soil deeply?
同义替换 enclose v. 围绕;装入;放入封套 root v. 生根;根源在于inlay v. 把……嵌入 rear v. 培养;栽种 inset v. 嵌入;插入
endeavour [ɪnˈdevə(r)] n. 尽力,竭力 v. 竭力做到,试图或力图
例句 We must constantly endeavour if we want to succeed.
翻译 His endeavour in work has again been proven by his fans.(他在工作上的努力再一次被他的影迷认可。)
同义替换 effort n. 成就;努力 attempt v. & n. 企图;试图
entertainment [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt] n. 娱乐;款待;消遣
拆分 entertain [enter(在中间)+ tain(拿住,保留)→把快乐保留在中间→娱乐] + ment(名词后缀)→招待,表演文娱节目
例句 This is a serious book, not an entertainment.
翻译 No entertainment is so cheap as reading.
同义替换 amusement n. 消遣,娱乐;乐趣 recreation n. 娱乐;消遣;休养 pleasure n. 娱乐;快乐
entity [ˈentəti] n. 实体;独立存在物
例句 It also sets up a new government entity.
同义替换 presence n. 存在 existence n. 存在
envisage [ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ] v. 想象,设想
例句 Nobody can envisage the consequences of a nuclear war. 没有人能想象得出来核战争带来的后果。
翻译 It is neither possible nor necessary to envisage or describe in great details the development course in the distant future.(不可能也不必要去对遥远的未来作具体的设想和描绘。)
同义替换 imagine v. 想象;猜想 picture v. 描绘;想象 envision v. 想象;预想 suppose v. 假设;推想 fancy v. 想象;设想 visualize v. 想象;设想 conceive v. 构思;设想
evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt] v. 撤退;疏散;转移
拆分 e(向外)+ vac(空,= empty)+ ate(动词后缀)→到外面的空地上去→疏散
例句 We must evacuate the residents back to headquarters.
衍生 evacuation n. 疏散;撤离
翻译 Not much time to evacuate coastal areas with millions of inhabitants.(根本没有足够的时间将数百万名居民撤离出沿海区域。)
同义替换 withdraw v. 撤销;收回;撤退 decentralize v. 使分散;疏散 disperse v. 分散;使散开
exempt [ɪɡˈzempt] v. 免除;豁免 adj. 被免除的;被豁免的
例句 No one above 18 can be exempt from military service.
衍生 exemption n. 免除,豁免
翻译 The state shall exempt disabled students who accept compulsory education from tuition(国家将对接受义务教育的残疾学生免收学费) and reduce sundry fees.
同义替换 release v. 释放;免除职责;解除 discharge v. 解雇;免除 forgive v. 原谅;免除(债务、义务等)
expire [ɪkˈspaɪə(r)] v. 终止;期满;死亡
拆分 ex(出)+ spire→只出气不进气→断气
例句 Now her passport has expired. 现在她的护照已过期了。
衍生 expiration n. 呼气;终结;截止;期满
翻译 Your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will all expire.
同义替换 cease v. 停止;结束 perish v. 死亡 disappear v. 消失;不复存在 vanish v. 消失;突然不见 die v. 死亡;凋零
extract [ɪkˈstrækt] v. 摘录;提取;榨取;取出[ˈekstrækt] n. 摘录,提取物
例句 She extracted satisfaction from the success of her daughter. 她对女儿的成功感到很满足。
衍生 extraction n. 抽出;拔出;提取;抽出物
翻译 Our Herbal Beverage is an instant green tea extract.
同义替换 abstract v. 摘要;提取 n. 摘要 milk v. 榨取 excerpt v.& n. 摘录
extravagant [ɪkˈstrævəɡənt] adj. 奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的
例句 Her extravagant life has made her more degenerate.
衍生 extravagance n. 奢侈,浪费;过度
翻译 Because he never had extravagant hopes.(因为他从来没有怀着过度的希望。)
同义替换 luxurious adj. 奢侈的;放纵的 wasteful adj. 浪费的;奢侈的 unreasonable adj. 不合理的;过度的;非理智的 thriftless adj. 浪费的
flexible [ˈfleksəbl] adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的
拆分 flex(弯曲)+ ible(易……)→易弯曲的
例句 It provides a flexible and reliable hardware platform for software design.
衍生 flexibility n. 灵活性,柔韧性,适应性
翻译 fall short on flexible tactics(灵活性较差)
flutter [ˈflʌtə(r)] v. 飘动;振翼n. 紧张;慌乱
例句 The birds fluttered excitedly in the trees. 鸟儿在树林中兴奋地飞来飞去。

翻译 flutter and fall there with a sigh
同义替换 wave v. 波动;起伏;摇动flap v. 拍打;鼓翼而飞
format [ˈfɔːmæt] n. 版式;格式;设计
例句 This film is shot in the digital format.
衍生 formation n. 形成,组成;形成物,结构;队形,排列
翻译 Pick a relevant format and select a suitable writing style.
formulate [ˈfɔːmjuleɪt] v. 用公式表示;明确地表达;规划;制订;构想
例句 The first task of the new administration must be to formulate a positive democratic philosophy.
衍生 formulation n. 公式化;简洁陈述;构想,规划
翻译 The UN’s attempts to formulate a new world order
同义替换 define v. 下定义;明确;规定 programme v. 规划formulize v. 用公式表示 articulate v. 明确地表达
frantic [ˈfræntɪk] adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的;手忙脚乱的
拆分 frant(看作front,前面,前线)+ ic(……的)→听说被派往前线,他很慌乱→慌乱不安的

例句 He made frantic dash for the departing train. 他发疯似的冲向正开出的火车。
衍生 frantically adv. 疯狂似的;狂暴地
翻译 The sound of frantic foot steps as her husband ran to the upstairs bathroom.
同义替换 frenzied adj. 狂乱的;激怒的;疯狂的 crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的 delirious adj. 发狂的;极度亢奋的
fraud [frɔːd] n. 欺骗;骗子;诡计;冒牌货;欺诈罪
衍生 fraudulent adj. 不正的;欺骗性的
翻译 Later she realized he was a fraud.
同义替换 cheat n. 骗子,欺骗行为 trickery n.欺骗;诡计dishonesty n. 不诚实;欺诈 swindle n. 欺诈;骗局
fuse [fjuːz] n. 保险丝;导火线v. 熔化;融合
例句 The fuse blew out, my apartment was in darkness.
衍生 fusion n. 融合物;熔化;融合;熔接
翻译 Perhaps the fuse burned out.(也许保险丝烧坏了。)
同义替换 blend v. 混合 flux v. 熔化 melt v. 熔化;溶解
gamble [ˈɡæmbl] v. 赌博;投机;打赌

例句 Don’t gamble with your future.
衍生 gambler n. 赌徒;投机商人
翻译 I’m willing to take a gamble.
同义替换 risk v. 冒……的危险 bet v. 打赌;敢断定
gauge [ɡeɪdʒ] n. 计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格 v. 估计;测量;给……定规格
例句 It is difficult to gauge one’s character.
翻译 Gauge the heart of a gentleman with our own mean measure(以小人之心度君子之腹)
同义替换 measure v. 测量;估量 scale v. 测量 estimate v. 估计;估量
gleam [ɡliːm] n. 微光;闪光;一丝 v. 闪烁;隐约地闪现
例句 We saw the lights of the little town gleaming in the distance. 我们看到远处小镇的灯光在闪烁。
翻译 A man should learn to detect and watch the gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within.
同义替换 glow v. 发热;发光;洋溢 glimmer v. 发微光;闪烁n. 微光 spark n. & v. 闪光 flicker v. & n. 闪烁
glitter [ˈɡlɪtə(r)] v. 闪烁;闪光 n. 闪光;灿烂
例句 All that glitters is not gold. 闪闪发光的并不都是金子。
翻译 beneath its surface glitter(表面上光彩迷人)
同义替换 sparkle v. 闪耀;发光 spark v. & n. 闪光 shine v. 发光n. 光亮 glimmer v. 闪烁 twinkle v. 闪烁 glisten v. & n.闪光
gorgeous [ˈɡɔːdʒəs] adj. 漂亮的;令人愉快的;华丽的

例句 I remember you used to date that gorgeous girl. 我记得你以前和那位漂亮的女孩约会过。
衍生 gorgeousness n. 豪华;华丽
翻译 It was a gorgeous afternoon.
同义替换 beautiful adj. 美丽的,漂亮的 pleasant adj.令人开心的 wonderful adj. 极好的;精彩的 brilliant adj. 杰出的;精彩的 excellent adj. 卓越的;杰出的 super adj. 特级的;极好的
gossip [ˈɡɒsɪp] n. 流言蜚语;爱说长道短的人
例句 Everyone was fed up with her gossip.
翻译 having a gossip with his sister(和他的姐姐闲聊)
同义替换 hearsay n. 传闻;谣言 rumor n. 谣言;传闻
grope [ɡrəʊp] v. 摸索;探索
例句 He groped for the door handle in the dark.
翻译 Mary groped for her glasses(摸找她的眼镜) .
同义替换 fumble v. 摸索 explore v. 探索
fringe [frɪndʒ] n.(头发的)刘海;饰以流苏的边;边缘 v. 形成……的边缘
例句 Your correspondent had only touched upon the fringe of the matter.你的报道只谈到了问题的边缘。
翻译 As I see it, only when they cease to regard foreign talent as coming here to compete for jobs with them, will foreign talent stop feeling being on the fringe(外来人员才会消除心头的边缘情结).
同义替换 border n. 边缘,边界 edge n. 边缘
hasty [ˈheɪsti] adj. 匆忙的;轻率的;草率的
例句 His hasty decision was a mistake.
衍生 hastiness n. 轻率;性急;仓促
翻译 His hasty leave made me worry.
同义替换 rash adj. 轻率的;鲁莽的 hotheaded adj. 性急的;易激动的 impetuous adj. 冲动的;鲁莽的 headlong adj.轻率的
heave [hiːv] v. 举起;提起,拉起

例句 He heaved his wounded arm.
翻译 heave the big rock in the way(举起那块挡路的大石头)
同义替换 hoist v. 升起;举起 raise v. 提高;升起 lift v. 举起;提升 rise v. 上升
heir [eə(r)] n. 继承人;后嗣
例句 Prince Charles is the legal heir of the crown.
翻译 as the only heir(作为唯一的继承人)
同义替换 heritor n. 继承人;嗣子 haeres n. 继承人
hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːki] n. 层级;等级制度;统治集团
例句 In a hierarchy, those on top receive far more than they give. 在等级制度中,那些位于顶部的人接受的远比给予的多。
翻译 The hierarchy is stricter.(等级制度更为严格。)
dub [dʌb] v.给……起绰号,把……称为;为(电影等)配音,译制(影片)
例句 Their main weapon against superskinny (role) models, a brand of civil disobedience dubbed "body activism".
翻译 We dubbed him "Fatty"(我们给他起了个绰号叫“胖子”) and he didn't mind.
同义替换 nickname v. 给……起绰号
huddle [ˈhʌdl] v. 挤作一团;蜷缩
例句 He huddled his books in the corner of his bedroom.
翻译 huddled together in the rain(在雨中挤作一团)
同义替换 assemble v. 集合;聚集 cower v. 蜷缩 congregate v. 聚集 gather v. 聚集
hypothesis [haɪˈpɒθəsɪs] n. 假设;猜想
例句 Let’s discuss this topic on the hypothesis that it is true.
翻译 A number of hypotheses have been put forward.
同义替换 assumption n. 假定;设想 tentative n. 假设;试验
identical [aɪˈdentɪkl] adj. 同一的;完全相同的
例句 She wore the identical dress on both occasions.
衍生 identification n. 身份证明;鉴定,验明
翻译 There are no identical things.
同义替换 same adj. 相同的;同一的 alike adj. 相似的;相同的
ignite [ɪɡˈnaɪt] v. 点燃;使燃烧;激起(争论、愤怒等)
例句 The invasion has ignited the hatred of the people.
衍生 igniter n. 点火器;点火剂
翻译 ignited the audience’s cheer(激起了听众的喝彩)
同义替换 burn v. 燃烧;烧毁 kindle v. 点燃;激起 light v. 点燃;照亮
impair [ɪmˈpeə(r)] v. 削弱;损害
例句 Smoking can impair the sexual response.
衍生 impairment n. 损伤,损害
翻译 impair the flavor(影响味道)
同义替换 damage v. 损害;损毁 hurt v. 损害 break v. 打破;削弱blast v. 爆炸;损害 harm v. 损害;危害 weaken v. 使变弱
imperative [ɪmˈperətɪv] adj. 必要的,命令的;紧急的n. 命令;祈使语气
拆分 imper(命令,统治)+ ative(形容词后缀)→命令的
例句 It is imperative to act now. 现在必须行动起来。
He made an imperative gesture.
翻译 It’s imperative to tell him the lastest news(很有必要告诉他最新的消息) and we must ask his father for help.
同义替换 necessary adj. 必要的;必然的;必需的 needful adj.必要的 urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的 exigent adj. 急迫的;紧急的 emergent adj. 紧急的