List 2
component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] ★★★
➢ Grime (1966) suggests that light may be one of the major components directing these adaptations. (C5T4P3)Grime(1966年)指出,光照可能是指导这些适应性的主要因素之一。
同义替换 constituent; element
evolve [iˈvɒlv] ★★★
➢ Plant species become adapted to living in a certain kind of habitat, and in the process evolve a series of characteristics that prevent them from occupying other habitats. (C5T4P3) 植物物种会逐渐适应生活在某一特定的环境中,并在此过程中产生一系列的特性,这些特性会阻止它们去占领别的环境。
同义替换 develop
express [ɪkˈspres] ★★★★★vt.表达;表示;挤压出;快递
➢ Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others. (C5T2P2) 柏拉图表达了一个想法,那就是幽默就是一种比别人优越而体会到的快乐的感觉。
perspective [pəˈspektɪv] ★★★★★
➢ Viewed from this angle, humour is just a form of creative insight, a sudden leap to a new perspective. (C5T2P2) 从这个角度来看,幽默就是一种创造性的洞察力,一种向新视角的突然跃动。
同义替换 aspect; viewpoint
cognitive [ˈkɒɡnətɪv] ★★★★
➢ Researchers believe social situations, rather than cognitive events such as jokes, trigger these instinctual markers of play or appeasement. (C5T2P2) 研究人员认为,激发这种本能的游戏信号或缓解紧张局面信号的因素不是笑话等认知活动,而是社会场景。
accompany [əˈkʌmpəni] ★★★★
➢ An MRI scanner uses magnetic fields and radio waves to track the changes in oxygenated blood that accompany mental activity. (C5T2P2) 磁共振成像扫描仪使用磁场和无线电波跟踪伴随着心理活动的充氧血液中发生的变化。
perceptual [pəˈseptʃuəl] ★★★
➢ It's creative, perceptual, analytical and lingual. (C5T2P2) 它是创造性的、感性的、分析性的和语言相关的。
orbital cortex ★★
➢ The orbital cortex, the region that becomes active in Goers experiment, seems the best candidate for the site that feeds such feelings into higher-level thought processes, with its close connections to the brain's sub-cortical arousal apparatus and centres of metabolic control. (C5T2P2) 在Goers实验中变得活跃的眼眶脑皮层区域由于与大脑的次脑皮层唤激结构和新陈代谢控制中枢有着密切的联系,似乎最有可能是将这些感觉转入更高一层的思维过程的区域。
mechanism [ˈmekənɪzəm] ★★★★
➢ Humour may be a luxury, but the mechanism behind it is no evolutionary accident. (C5T2P2) 幽默可能算是一种奢侈品,但其背后的机制却不是进化过程中的偶然事件。
forage [ˈfɒrɪdʒ]★★★
n.粮草;饲料;搜寻粮草/ v.喂;掠夺
➢ Many ants are small and forage primarily in the layer of leaves and other debris on the ground. (C8T4P3) 许多蚂蚁很小,主要在地面上的树叶层中间和其他废物中觅食。
同义替换 feed
evaporate [ɪˈvæpəreɪt] ★★★★
➢ The preservative used is usually ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, as alcohol will evaporate quickly and the traps will dry out. (C8T4P3)由于酒精容易挥发,陷阱很快就干了,所以使用的防腐剂通常是乙二醇或丙二醇。
同义替换 dry up; disappear
intervention [ˌɪntəˈvenʃn] ★★★★
➢ One advantage of pitfall traps is that they can be used to collect over a period of time with minimal maintenance and intervention. (C8T4P3) 陷阱采集法的一大优势就是,仅仅需要极少的维护和干预,它们就能够持续使用一段时间。
同义替换 inference; involvement
compatible [kəmˈpætəbl] ★★★
➢ Unfortunately, these methods are not always compatible. (C8T4P3)不幸的是,这些方法并不经常兼容。
同义替换 consistent
species [ˈspiːʃiːz] ★★★★★
➢ To collect as wide a range of species as possible, several methods must be used. (C8T4P3) 为了尽可能广泛地搜集物种,许多方法必须要被运用。
elusive [iˈluːsɪv] ★★★
➢ This often increases the number of individuals collected and attracts species that are otherwise elusive.(C8T4P3) 这种方法通常能够增加采集的个体量,还能够吸引那些难以捕捉的物种。
同义替换 puzzling
nocturnal [nɒkˈtɜːnl]★★★
➢ Since some species are largely nocturnal, collecting should not be confined to daytime.(C8T4P3) 因为一些物种大部分是夜间活动的,所以采集物种不应该被限定于白天。
同义替换 nighttime
debris [ˈdebriː] ★★★
➢ Many ants are small and forage primarily in the layer of leaves and other debris on the ground. (C8T4P3) 许多蚂蚁很小,主要在地面上的树叶层中间和其他废物中觅食。
encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)] ★★★★
➢ One disadvantage is that some species are not collected as they either avoid the traps or do not commonly encounter them while foraging. (C8T4P3) 陷阱采集法的一个缺点就是,因为有些物种要么会避开陷阱,要么外出觅食时通常碰不到陷阱,所以用这种方法就采集不到这些蚂蚁。
同义替换 face; confront
discharge [dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ] ★★★
➢ In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate. (C8T3P1) 二十世纪六十年代早期,研究人员们就尝试过把带着拖拽线的火箭射入积雨云,来为这些云层发出的庞大的电荷群搭建起便捷的放电路径。
fund [fʌnd] ★★★★
➢ The technique survives to this day at a test site in Florida run by the University of Florida, with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), based in California. EPRI, which is funded by power companies. (C8T3P1) 受到建在加利福尼亚的电力研究所(EPRI)的支持,这一技术在佛罗里达的州立大学试验基地幸存到了今天。EPRI由电力公司资助。
reveal [rɪˈviːl] ★★★★★
➢ The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms and create ions. (C8T3P1) 这一想法开始于二十年前,当时大功率激光器正在展现从原子中提取电荷并生成离子的能力。
同义替换 show; disclose; expose
generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt] ★★★★★
➢ If a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm cloud, this conducting path could be used to guide lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in an uncontrollable surge. (C8T3P1) 如果激光器能制造出一条直达暴雨云的离子线,就可以在闪电电场增强为一股无法控制的涌流并击破空气之前,用这条传导通道把电荷引导到地面上来。
同义替换 make; produce; create
nifty [ˈnɪfti] ★★★
➢ The laser is no nifty portable: it's a monster that takes up a whole room. (C8T3P1) 激光器不方便携带:它是个能够占据整个房间的怪物。
reckon [ˈrekən] ★★★★
➢ He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point—and he's hoping for good news. (C8T3P1) 他认为,即将进行的实地测试会成为一个转折点,而且他也在期待着好消息。
同义替换 think
avalanche [ˈævəlɑːnʃ] ★★
➢ Bernstein predicts ‘an avalanche of interest and support' if all goes well. (C8T3P1)Bernstein预言,如果一切顺利,这将吸引“排山倒海般的兴趣和支持”。
interactive [ˌɪntərˈæktɪv] ★★★
➢ Diels also hopes to see the birth of interactive meteorology—not just forecasting the weather but controlling it. (C8T3P1)Diels也希望看到“互动气象学”的问世——不仅能够预测天气也能够控制天气。
distaste [dɪsˈteɪst] ★★★
v.不喜欢;厌恶;使不快;触怒/ n.厌恶
➢ Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life for their willingness to obey instructions given by a leader in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform. (C5T1P2) 耶鲁大学的Stanley Milgram测试了40名来自社会各界的实验对象,实验是要测试在对领导命令做的事情可能产生反感的情况下,这些实验对象是否愿意执行命令。
同义替换 hate; dislike
denounce [dɪˈnaʊns] ★★★★
➢ The supposed ‘pupil' was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to simulate receiving the shocks by emitting a spectrum of groans, screams and writhings together with an assortment of statements and expletives denouncing both the experiment and the experimenter. (C5T1P2) 所谓的小学生实际上是由Milgram雇来的演员来扮演的,目的是为了通过让实验对象发出呻吟、叫喊声并且痛苦地扭动身体甚至用污言秽语谩骂实验者和实验本身,来模拟学生遭受电击后的反应。
同义替换 condemn; blame; criticize
deliberately [dɪˈlɪbərətli] ★★★
➢ As the experiment unfolded, the pupil would deliberately give the wrong answers to questions posed by the teacher, thereby bringing on various electrical punishments, even up to the danger level of 300 volts and beyond. (C5T1P2) 随着实验的展开,小学生要故意回答错误老师所提出的问题,从而受到各种级别电击的惩罚,甚至是高达300伏的危险电压或者是更高电压的电击惩罚。
同义替换 purposely; intentionally; on purpose
revulsion [rɪˈvʌlʃn] ★★★
➢ What Milgram was trying to discover was the number of teacher-subjects who would be willing to administer the highest levels of shock, even in the face of strong personal and moral revulsion against the rules and conditions of the experiment. (C5T1P2)Milgram想要尝试发现的就是面对人性和道德对于实验规则和条件强烈的反感,多少扮演教师角色的实验对象会愿意施加更高电压的电击惩罚。
anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt] ★★★★
➢ The psychiatrists felt that ‘most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts' and they further anticipated that only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. (C5T1P2) 精神科医生感到大多数扮演教师的实验对象不会施加超过150伏电压的电击,并且进一步预测说,只有4%的人会施加300伏以上电压的电击。
同义替换 expect; foresee
lunatic [ˈluːnətɪk] ★★★
➢ Furthermore, they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts. (C5T1P2) 进而,他们认为只有大约千分之一的像疯子一样的人才会施加450伏的最高电压。
同义替换 crazy; mad
discrepancy [dɪsˈkrepənsi] ★★★★
➢ How can we possibly account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative ‘teachers' actually do in the laboratory of real life? (C5T1P2) 那些冷静、理性、有学识的人们依靠他们的研究所得出的轻松的结论,与这些面临压力、紧张不安却遵守命令的扮演教师的实验对象在模拟真实生活的实验室中的所作所为竟然存在这么大的差异,我们怎么样才能够解释这种差异呢?
同义替换 disagreement; divergence; difference
instinct [ˈɪnstɪŋkt] ★★★
➢ A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways. (C5T1P2) 典型的现代社会生物学家甚至会称这种侵略性的本能是作为一种优势特征进化而来的,当我们的祖先在岩洞中和平原上与艰苦的生活作斗争时,这种本能对他们的生存起到了重要的作用,这种本能最终作为远古时人类动物行为方式的遗留产物融入到我们的基因组成中去。
sociobiologist [səʊsiːəʊbaˈɪɒlədʒɪst] ★★★★
➢ A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways. (C5T1P2) 典型的现代社会生物学家甚至会称这种侵略性的本能是作为一种优势特征进化而来的,当我们的祖先在岩洞中和平原上与艰苦的生活作斗争时,这种本能对他们的生存起到了重要的作用,这种本能最终作为远古时人类动物行为方式的遗留产物融入到我们的基因组成中去。
remnant [ˈremnənt] ★★★
➢ A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways. (C5T1P2) 典型的现代社会生物学家甚至会称这种侵略性的本能是作为一种优势特征进化而来的,当我们的祖先在岩洞中和平原上与艰苦的生活作斗争时,这种本能对他们的生存起到了重要的作用,这种本能最终作为远古时人类动物行为方式的遗留产物融入到我们的基因组成中去。
hardship [ˈhɑːdʃɪp] ★★★★
➢ A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways. (C5T1P2) 典型的现代社会生物学家甚至会称这种侵略性的本能是作为一种优势特征进化而来的,当我们的祖先在岩洞中和平原上与艰苦的生活作斗争时,这种本能对他们的生存起到了重要的作用,这种本能最终作为远古时人类动物行为方式的遗留产物融入到我们的基因组成中去。
同义替换 difficulty
rational [ˈræʃnəl] ★★★★
➢ How can we possibly account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative ‘teachers' actually do in the laboratory of real life? (C5T1P2) 那些冷静、理性、有学识的人们依靠他们的研究所得出的轻松的结论,与这些面临压力、紧张不安却遵守命令的扮演教师的实验对象在模拟真实生活的实验室中的所作所为竟然存在这么大的差异,我们怎么样才能够解释这种差异呢?
同义替换 sensible; reasonable
fluster [ˈflʌstə(r)] ★★★
➢ How can we possibly account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative ‘teachers' actually do in the laboratory of real life? (C5T1P2) 那些冷静、理性、有学识的人们依靠他们的研究所得出的轻松的结论,与这些面临压力、紧张不安却遵守命令的扮演教师的实验对象在模拟真实生活的实验室中的所作所为竟然存在这么大的差异,我们怎么样才能够解释这种差异呢?
context [ˈkɒntekst] ★★★★
➢ As Milgram himself pointed out, ‘Most subjects in the experiment see their behaviour in a larger context that is benevolent and useful to society—the pursuit of scientific truth. (C5T1P2) 正如Milgram自己指出,“ 很多实验对象从大的背景出发,认为自己的行为是仁慈的,对社会有益的,是在追求科学的真理”。
同义替换 background