科学研究类词汇 Scientific Research
List 1
assume [əˈsjuːm] ★★★★★
➢ The ‘learning' of the material is assumed to be automatic and effortless, accomplished while listening to music. (C7T1P3)学习的内容被认为是自动且不费吹灰之力的,在听音乐的过程中就能够实现。
同义替换 think; suppose; believe; presume
experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] ★★★★★
n.实验 /v.做实验
➢ The ganzfeld experiment tries to recreate these conditions with participants sitting in soft reclining chairs in a sealed room, listening to relaxing sounds while their eyes are covered with special filters letting in only soft pink light. (C8T1P3)该实验尝试重建这些条件,让参与人员坐在一个密闭房间的柔软的椅子上,听着放松的音乐,用特殊的滤光器把他们的眼睛蒙住,只能够让柔和的粉红色光线照进来。
estimate [ˈestɪmət] ★★★★★
➢ Collecting ants can be as simple as picking up stray ones and placing them in a glass jar, or as complicated as completing an exhaustive survey of all species present in an area and estimating their relative abundances. (C8T4P3)采集蚂蚁可以是很简单的,把一只只蚂蚁捡起来放到罐子里就行了;也可以是很复杂的,那就是完成一个地区所有物种的详细调查并且估测它们的相对丰富度。
同义替换 predict; evaluate
subject [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] ★★★★★
n.实验对象/vt 使服从
➢ Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer ‘ teacher-subject' that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils' ability to learn. (C5T1P2)Milgram明确地对每一位在试验过程中扮演教师角色的试验者进行了解释,试验的目的是为了崇高的教育而进行的,该试验的目的在于测试因为学生的错误而惩罚学生是否会对学生的学习能力产生积极的影响。
coin [kɔɪn] ★★★★★
➢ The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term ‘ echolocation' to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or human instruments. (C7T1P1) 美国动物学家,Donald Griffin,发现了蝙蝠的声呐技术,发明了一个术语“回声定位”,无论是人类或动物所使用的设备,均涵盖了雷达以及声呐系统
同义替换 invent
manufacture [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r)] ★★★★★
v.制造/ n.制造
➢ This process allows the manufacture of clear, tinted and coated glass for buildings, and clear and tinted glass for vehicles. ( C8T2P1) 这种过程可以用来制造用于建筑物上的透明、有色的和加膜的玻璃,并且可以用来给机动车提供透明、有色的玻璃。
同义替换 make
stimulate [ˈstɪmjuleɪt] ★★★★★
➢ There are, nevertheless, people working in luxurious, state-of-the-art centers designed to stimulate innovation who find that their environment doesn't make them fell at all creative. ( C10T1P3) 然而,人们工作在为了激发他们的创新性而打造的奢华的、最先进的这样的办公地点,并没有发现这种环境会让他们感受到任何创新性。
同义替换 activate; motivate
trigger [ˈtrɪɡə(r)] ★★★★★
➢ The problem with novelty, however, is that it tends to trigger the brain's fear system.然而,新鲜事物的弊端就是,它会容易触发大脑的恐惧系统。
同义替换 start; cause; generate
devise [dɪˈvaɪz] ★★★★★
➢ Over the years scientists have devised many such coding methods, and they have proved crucial in many technological feats. (C9T3P3)这些年来,科学家们已经设计出了很多这样的编码方法,并且他们也证实了这些方法对于很多技术成就的至关重要性。
同义替换 create; invent
mimic [ˈmɪmɪk] ★★★★
➢ Another powerful source of information for infants about the effects they can have on the world around them is provided when others mimic them.(C9T4P2) 当别人模仿婴儿时,另外一个强大的信息来源就出现了,这让他们了解到了他们对于周围世界所能够产生的影响。
同义替换 imitate; copy
immune-system [ɪˈmjuːn ˈsɪstəm] ★★★
➢ After years of experimentation, AlS and the University of Newcastle in New South Wales developed a test that measures how much of the immune-system protein immunoglobulin A is present in athletes' saliva.(C6T1P1) 经过多年的试验,AIS与新南威尔士州的纽卡斯尔大学研发出一种测试,它是一种测量运动员唾液中含有多少免疫球蛋白A的含量的测试。
endurance [ɪnˈdjʊərəns] ★★★
➢ Some years ago, the AIS unveiled coolant-lined jackets for endurance athletes.(C6T1P1) 很多年前,AIS为进行耐力训练的运动员设计了一款流线型散热运动服。
psychology [saɪˈkɒlədʒi] ★★★★★
➢ ‘The evidence is good that most personality traits can be altered, ' says Christopher Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, who cites himself as an example.(C10T4P2) “有很好的证据,那就是很多人格特征都能够被改变”,说这句话的人是密歇根大学的心理学教授,Christopher Peterson,他引用了他自己的情况作为一个例子。
metabolic [ˌmetəˈbɒlɪk]★★★
➢ If you examine the metabolic rates of the two sexes you establish that the higher male metabolic rate roughly accounts for the lower male life span.(C8T3P3) 如果你研究两性的代谢速度,你就会建立一个观点,那就是,男性的代谢速率较高大概会导致男性的寿命短一些。
artificially [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəli] ★★★★
➢ However, in this statement we think of artificially produced, technical objects, products which are subjected to natural wear and tear during use.(C8T3P3) 然而,在这个陈述中,我们想到了人工制造的科技产品,这些产品在使用过程中会经受自然磨损。
implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn] ★★★★
➢ The results and their implications are dividing even the researchers who uncovered them. (C8T1P3) 实验结果以及实验的所暗含的意思甚至把发现了该实验的研究人员分成了几派。
compelling [kəmˈpelɪŋ]★★★★
➢ Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine.(C8T1P3) 一些研究人员说,结果构成了令人信服的证据,即心灵感应是真实的。
同义替换 persuasive; convincing
flaw [flɔː] ★★★★
➢ But there was a crucial flaw in this argument—one routinely overlooked in more conventional areas of science.(C8T1P3) 但是关于这个论断有一个瑕疵——一个在更为传统的科学领域中通常会被忽视的问题。
同义替换 fault; disadvantage; drawback
minimize [ˈmɪnɪmaɪz]★★★
➢ By minimizing human involvement, the idea was to minimize the risk of flawed results. (C8T1P3) 通过减少人为参与,该想法就是将有瑕疵的结果风险最小化。
同义替换 lessen; reduce
detect [dɪˈtekt]★★★★★
➢ It takes large samples to detect small effects.(C8T1P3) 检测微小的影响需要大量的样本。
同义替换 discover; find
plausible [ˈplɔːzəbl] ★★★
➢ The problem stems at least in part from the lack of any plausible mechanism for telepathy.(C8T1P3) 至少部分问题源于心灵感应缺乏合理的机制。
同义替换 reasonable
probe [prəʊb] ★★★
➢ This has prompted some researchers to argue that the future lies not in collecting more evidence for telepathy, but in probing possible mechanisms. (C8T1P3) 这使得一些研究人员认为该学科的未来不在于收集更多心灵感应的证据,而在于探索其可能的机制。
同义替换 explore; investigate; examine
captivating [ˈkæptɪveɪtɪŋ] ★★
➢ One of the most captivating natural events of the year in many areas throughout North America is the turning of the leaves in the fall. (C10T3P2) 在遍及北美的很多地区,一年中最引人入胜的自然界事件之一便是秋季的树叶变色。
同义替换 absorbing; fascinating
chlorophyll [ˈklɒrəfɪl] ★★
➢ Summer leaves are green because they are full of chlorophyll, the molecule that captures sunlight and converts that energy into new building materials for the tree. (C10T3P2) 夏季的叶子是绿的,是因为它们充满了叶绿素,这种分子捕捉阳光并且将那种能量转化为树木用以自我建设的新材料。
nitrogen [ˈnaɪtrədʒən] ★★
➢ But before letting its leaves go, the tree dismantles their chlorophyll molecules and ships their valuable nitrogen back into the twigs.但是在废弃这些叶子前,树木会先分解它们的叶绿素分子并将其中有价值的氮元素运回枝干中去。
pigment [ˈpɪɡmənt] ★★★
➢ The source of the red is widely known: it is created by anthocyanins, water-soluble plant pigments reflecting the red to blue range of the visible spectrum. (C10T3P2) 红色的来源广为人知:它来源于花青素,一种可以反射从红到蓝的这一段可见光谱的可溶于水的植物色素。
同义替换 dye
withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] ★★★
➢ But it is hard to make sense of the manufacture of anthocyanins—why should a tree bother making new chemicals in its leaves when it's already scrambling to withdraw and preserve the ones already there? (C10T3P2) 但是很难理解为什么要制造出花青素——一棵树为什么要在已经争分夺秒地准备收回营养、维持现有叶片的时候,还特意在其叶片中制造新的化学物质呢?
同义替换 remove; extract
robust [rəʊˈbʌst] ★★
➢ It has also been proposed that trees may produce vivid red colours to convince herbivorous insects that they are healthy and robust and would be easily able to mount chemical defences against infestation. (C10T3P2) 还有一种理论认为,也许树木制造出生动的红色是为了使那些食草性的昆虫相信:它们十分健康和强壮,轻而易举就能发起抗害虫侵扰的化学防御。
同义替换 healthy
salvage [ˈsælvɪdʒ] ★★
➢ Why protect chlorophyll at a time when the tree is breaking it down to salvage as much of it as possible? (C10T3P2) 树木此刻已经在分解叶绿素以挽救尽可能多的有用物质了,又为何要在此时去保护叶绿素?
同义替换 save; rescue
overwhelm [ˌəʊvəˈwelm] ★★★
➢ Chlorophyll, although exquisitely evolved to capture the energy of sunlight, can sometimes be overwhelmed by it, especially in situations of drought, low temperatures, or nutrient deficiency. (C10T3P2) 尽管叶绿素已经经过了精密的进化以捕捉阳光的能量,有时却也会被过多阳光所伤害,尤其是在干旱、低温或营养不足的条件下。
同义替换 overcome
vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] ★★★★
➢ The weakened fall leaf then becomes vulnerable to the highly destructive effects of the oxygen created by the excited chlorophyll molecules. (C10T3P2) 功能减弱的秋叶因此十分容易遭受活跃叶绿素分子所制造的氧所带来的具有高度破坏性的影响。
同义替换 defenseless
subtle [ˈsʌtl] ★★★★
➢ Their story, though not as spectacular to the eye, will surely turn out to be as subtle and as complex. (C10T3P2) 也许表面看起来它们的故事没有那么辉煌多彩,但一旦公之于众必定也是同样的精妙而复杂。
同义替换 delicate
duplicate [ˈdjuːplɪkət] ★★★
➢ These methods include strength training that duplicates what they are doing in their running events as well as plyometrics, a technique pioneered in the former Soviet Union. (C4T4P1) 这些方法包括体力训练,即重复他们在运动场上的跑步动作以及肌肉增强训练,一种前苏联率先使用的前沿技术。
同义替换 copy
endurance [ɪnˈdjʊərəns] ★★★★
➢ Whereas most exercises are designed to build up strength or endurance, plyometrics focuses on increasing power—the rate at which an athlete can expend energy.(C4T4P1) 但是大部分的训练都是被设计用来增强体力和耐力的,肌肉增强训练则把焦点放在增加力量方面,也就是提高运动员释放力量的速度。
address [əˈdres] ★★★★
➢ Nutrition is another area that sports trainers have failed to address adequately.(C4T4P1) 另外一个运动员没有合理地处理的方面是营养。
同义替换 handle; cope with
contradiction [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃn] ★★★★
➢ For example, during the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, a relatively unknown high jumper named Dick Fosbury won the gold by going over the bar backwards, in complete contradiction of all the received high-jumping wisdom, a move instantly dubbed the Fosbury flop. (C4T4P1) 例如,在1968年的墨西哥城的奥运会上,一位不太知名的跳高运动员Dick Fosbury获得了金牌,他在跳跃过程中是背部向下越过横杆的,这与之前被广泛接受的任何跳法是矛盾的。
同义替换 conflict
breed [briːd] ★★★
➢ Breeding in most organisms occurs during a part of the year only, and so a reliable cue is needed to trigger breeding behaviour. (C5T4P3)很多生物的繁殖都只发生在一年中的某些时候,因此,需要一个可靠的提示来引发繁殖行为。
同义替换 propagate; reproduce
temperate [ˈtempərət] ★★★
➢ Short-day plants that flower in the autumn in the temperate zone are able to build up food reserves over the growing season and over winter as seeds. (C5T4P3) 温带的短日照植物秋季开花,这样能够在生长季节建立食物储备,也能够以种子的形式度过冬天。
同义替换 moderate; mild
germinate [ˈdʒɜːmɪneɪt] ★★★
➢ For example, desert annuals germinate, flower and seed whenever suitable rainfall occurs, regardless of the day length. (C5T4P3) 比如,沙漠的一年生植物只要有合适的雨水,就会生长、开花、结果,不受日照长短的影响。
同义替换 sprout; grow
photosynthesis [ˌfəʊtəʊˈsɪnθəsɪs] ★★★
➢ The rate of photosynthesis in a plant can be measured by calculating the rate of its uptake of carbon. (C5T4P3) 通过计算植物对碳的吸收速率可以计量出光合作用的速率。