Part-1 Time and Numbers
Season-1 About Time(关于时间)
S1-1 Time in a Day(一天的时间)
day [deɪ] n. 一天,日
【固】during the day 在白天
daytime ['deɪtaɪm] n. 白天
【固】during the daytime 在白天
morning ['mɔː(r)nɪŋ] n. 早晨,上午
【固】early morning凌晨
【固】in the morning 在早上
【引】dawn [dɔːn] n. 黎明
noon [nuːn] n. 中午,正午(中午12点)
【固】around noon 中午左右
【固】at noon 在中午
afternoon [ˌɑːftə'nuːn] n. 下午, 午后
【固】late afternoon 傍晚
【固】in the afternoon 在下午
evening ['iːvnɪŋ] n. 晚上(晚饭后的时间)
【固】in the evening 在晚上
when [wen] ad. 什么时候
【引】whenever [wen'evə(r)] conj. 每当
A: When is your birthday?
B: It’s tomorrow. I’m happy whenever you come to see me.
yesterday + [时间段] 昨天……
【固】yesterday afternoon 昨天下午
night [naɪt] n. 夜晚(睡觉的时间)
【引】tonight [tə'naɪt] n./ad. 今晚
【固】at night 在夜晚
【固】see you tonight 今晚见
midnight ['mɪdnaɪt] n. 午夜(晚上12点)
【固】 at midnight 在午夜
today [tə'deɪ] n./ad. 今天
yesterday ['jestədeɪ] n./ad. 昨天
tomorrow [tə'mɒrəʊ] n./ad. 明天
【固】the day after tomorrow 后天
Let’s meet...!
A: When shall we meet today?
B: Let’s meet in the evening.
this + [时间段] 今天……
【固】this morning 今天上午
tomorrow + [时间段] 明天……
【固】tomorrow night 明天夜晚
A: When will you come back tomorrow?
B: I will come back tomorrow evening.
A: When did you come back yesterday?
B: I came back yesterday morning.
【例】Do it tomorrow!明天做!
【例】Let’s go now.让我们现在走吧。
S1-2 The Exact Time(具体时间点)
at + [整点时间] + o’clock 在几点整
【例】 at two o’clock 在2点(2:00)
at + [具体时间] 在具体几点
【例】at two thirty在2点半(2:30)
at + [分钟数] +past +[整点数]几点过几分
【例】at ten past twelve 在12点10分(12:10)
at + [具体时间] + a.m./p.m. 在上午几点/下午几点
【例】at eleven a.m. 在上午11点(11:00)
A: Excuse me, sir. What time does the mall open?
B: This mall opens at 9:30 a.m. You’re too early. There is a coffee shop over there, you can buy a cup of coffee and wait inside. It’s cold today.
S1-3 One Week(一个星期)
week [wiːk] n. 周,星期
【固】this week 这个星期
【固】next week 下周
weekday ['wiːkdeɪ] n. 工作日
【固】on weekdays 在工作日(周一到周五)
Monday ['mʌndeɪ] n. 星期一
Tuesday ['tjuːzdeɪ] n. 星期二
Wednesday ['wenzdeɪ] n. 星期三
Thursday ['θɜːzdeɪ] n. 星期四
Friday ['fraɪdeɪ] n. 星期五
weekend [ˌwiːk'end] n. 周末
Saturday ['sætədeɪ] n. 星期六
Sunday ['sʌndeɪ] n. 星期日
Today is + [星期几].
A: Peter, what day is it today?
B: Today is Monday.
on + [具体星期]
【例】on Sunday 在周日
A: When shall we meet this week?
B: Let’s meet on Tuesday.
S1-4 About Months and Dates(关于月份和日期)
year [jɪə(r)] n. 年
【引】month [mʌnθ] n. 月
date [deɪt] n. 日期
【固】exact date 具体日期
January ['dʒænjuəri] n. 1月
February ['februəri] n. 2月
March [mɑːtʃ] n. 3月
April ['eɪprəl] n. 4月
May [meɪ] n. 5月
June [dʒuːn] n. 6月
July [dʒu'laɪ] n. 7月
August ['ɔːɡəst] n. 8月
September [sep'tembə(r)] n. 9月
October [ɒk'təʊbə(r)] n. 10月
November [nəʊ'vembə(r)] n. 11月
December [dɪ'sembə(r)] n. 12月
birthday ['bɜːθdeɪ] n. 生日
holiday ['hɒlədeɪ] n. 假日,假期
[月] + the + [第几天的序数词] 几月几日
【例】May the fifteenth 5月15日
A: What date is it today?
B: Today is June the first. You still have two weeks left before this term ends.
on +具体日期
A: When are you going to come back from your trip?
B: I’m going to come back on October the third.
in +具体月份
【例】in May 在5月
【例】on May the second 在5月2号
A: What date is your birthday?
B: My birthday is May the tenth. I know you were born in June. Am I right?
S1-5 About Seasons (关于季节)
season ['siːzn] n. 季节
【固】busy season 旺季
summer ['sʌmə(r)] n. 夏天, 夏季
【固】summer time 夏季时光
winter ['wɪntə(r)] n. 冬天,冬季
【固】cold winter 寒冬
spring [sprɪŋ] n. 春天
【固】Spring Festival 春节
autumn ['ɔːtəm] n. 秋天, 秋季
【固】cool autumn 凉爽的秋天
【近】fall [fɔːl] n. 秋天
last + [季节] 去年某个季节
【例】last spring 去年春天
this + [季节] 今年某个季节
【例】this summer 今年夏天
next + [季节] 明年某个季节
【例】next winter 明年冬天
in + [季节] 在某个季节
【例】in spring 在春天
A: What is your favorite season?
B: My favorite season is summer because I love swimming in the river.
A: When did you start to learn English?
B: Let me think. Oh, I started to learn English last summer.
S1-6 Length of Time(时间长度单位)
second ['sekənd] n. 秒
【生】Just a second!稍等一下!
minute ['mɪnɪt] n. 分钟
【生】Wait a minute!等一等!
hour ['aʊə(r)] n. 小时
【固】working hours 工作时间
period ['pɪəriəd] n. 一段时间;时期
【固】a (long) period of time(很长)一段时间
【固】early period 早期
forever [fər'evə(r)] ad. 永远
【近】infinite ['ɪnfɪnət] a. 无限的
【生】I love you forever.我永远爱你。
take [teɪk] vt. 需要……时间
A: How long is the flight?
B: The flight time is 5 hours 24 minutes.
It takes + [时间长度].
A: Excuse me. How long does it take to get to the supermarket from here on foot?
B: It takes 10 minutes on foot. Oh, I’m going the same direction. I can give you a ride. Get in my car.
S1-7 Describing Time(形容某段时间)
free [friː] a. 空闲的
【固】free time 空闲时间
【近】available [ə'veɪləbl] a. 有空的
【反】busy ['bɪzi] a. 忙的
long [lɒŋ] a. 时间久的
【反】short [ʃɔːt] a.(时间)短的
last [lɑːst] vi. 持续……时间
during ['djʊərɪŋ] prep. 在……期间
Sth. will last for + [时间长度].
A: Do you have time tomorrow? I need to discuss something with you.
B: Sorry, I will be busy tomorrow because there will be a long meeting. It’ll last for 6 hours. I’m free the day after tomorrow. We can discuss it during lunch.
【注】discuss [dɪ'skʌs]=v.讨论
S1-8 Time Frequency (时间频率)
always ['ɔːlweɪz] ad. 总是,一直
【例】He is always late for class. 他总是上课迟到。
frequent ['friːkwənt] a. 经常的;频繁的
【固】frequent visitor 常客
often ['ɒfn] ad. 常常
【固】how often 多久一次
usually ['juːʒuəli] ad. 通常
【引】usual ['juːʒuəl] a. 通常的, 平常的
【引】unusual [ʌn'juːʒuəl] a. 不寻常的
I usually...at + [具体时间].
A: When do you usually have lunch? (你一般在几点吃午饭?)
B: I usually have lunch at 12:00.(我通常在12点吃饭。)
【生存句式】I/We/You/They + (don’t) do sth.. 我/我们/你/他们(不)做某事。
【例】I(我)+ drink(喝)+ milk(牛奶)→ I drink milk.(我喝牛奶。)
【例】我(I)+不(don’t) + 爱(love) + 你(you)→I don’t love you. (我不爱你。)
【注意】He/She likes me.(他/她喜欢我。)你可能要问“he/she”后面的动词 “like(喜欢)”为什么要加“s”。这是一个要特别记忆的语言点,后面的学习中会更详细地讲解这个现象。
sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz] ad. 有时
【引】hardly ['hɑːdli] ad. 几乎不
【引】never ['nevə(r)] ad. 从不
A: I hardly ever go out during the day, it’s too hot outside.
B: Me neither, I’ll sometimes go out during the evening. But I never go out after 10 o’clock.(我也是,我有时候会晚上出去。但是10点以后从不出去。)
once [wʌns] ad. 一次
【引】twice [twaɪs] ad. 两次
How often do you do sth. ?
A: How often do you travel?
B: I travel once or twice a year.
【注】sth.=something=某事,某物。在本书的讲解中大量出现;此外还有somebody=sb. =某人
time [taɪm] n. 次数
[数字] + times + [某限定时间长度]
【例】three times a week 一周三次
A: I don’t think you’re drinking enough water. How many times do you go to the bathroom a day?
B: Maybe 3 to 5 times a day. It depends on how much water I drink. I think you’re right, I need to drink more water.
【注】depend on=视……而定
again [ə'ɡen] ad. 再一次,又
【近】one more time 再来一次
A: Sorry! Could you say that again? I didn’t catch that.
B: Sure, I said this is free of tax.
【注】free of tax=免税的
S1-9 Time in the Past (过去的时间)
past [pɑːst] n. 过去
【固】in the past 在过去
before [bɪ'fɔː(r)] ad. 以前
【固】before + [时间/事件] 在……以前
【例】I cleaned up my room before the meeting. 我在会议之前打扫了我的屋子。
ago [ə'ɡəʊ] ad. ……以前
【固】a moment ago 刚才
【固】[天数] + ago 某天以前
【例】I saw you three days ago. 我3天前看到过你。
just [dʒʌst] ad. 刚刚
【固】just now 刚才
It happened + [过去的时间].
A: When did the accident happen?
B: It happened 3 days ago, but I have just heard about it from Roy over the phone.
【注】happen ['hæpən]=v.发生
用英语表达发生在过去的动作、事情的时候,动词要变成动词过去形式,这也就是语法上的“过去时态”。多数情况是在动词后加-ed,字母e结尾加-d,如play(玩) →played。
但是有一些不规则的过去形式,如go(走)→ went,这些动词过去式是需要逐个牢记的。
最常见过去式参见附录: 不规则思维 Exception-6
S1-10 Present Time(现在的时间)
now [naʊ] ad. 现在
【固】right now 立刻
moment ['məʊmənt] n. 片刻,瞬间
【固】at the moment 现在
recent ['riːsnt] a. 最近的
【固】recent news 最近的新闻
【引】recently ['riːsntli] ad. 最近
I’m doing sth. now.
A: Hello, what are you doing right now? (喂,你现在在干什么?)
B: I’m working at the moment. But I’m not happy with my job, so recently I’ve been looking for a new job.(我现在正在工作。但是我对我的工作不是很满意,所以我正在寻找一份新工作。)
如果你想表达此刻正在进行的动作、事情,你需要用这个句式:[某人/某物/某事 + (is/am/are) + 动词的“ing”形式]。这个也就是语法中所谓的“现在进行时态”。关于主语和is/am/are的具体搭配如下。
【例】I [am] doing... 我正在做……
【例】He/She/It/A dog + [is] + doing...at the moment. 他/她/它/一只狗现在正在做……
【例】You + [are] + doing...at this moment. 你现在正在做……
【例】They/My friends + [are] + doing...right now. 他们/我的朋友们现在正在做……
【情】“I”的后面固定接“am” ;第三人称单数,如:he/she/it/this dog固定接“is”;“you”固定接 “are”,两个或两个以上个体如they/three students 后面也接“are”。
S1-11 Time in the Future(未来的时间)
will [wɪl] aux. 将要,会
【固】will not = won’t 不会
future ['fjuːtʃə(r)] n. 将来
【固】in the future 在将来
soon [suːn] ad. 不久
【固】soon after 不久以后
【生】I’ll come back soon.我会很快回来。
later ['leɪtə(r)] ad. 以后, 后来
【固】a moment later 片刻之后
【固】later on 后来
【固】[时间长度] + later 某时间以后
【例】6 days later 6天后
A: Will you marry me?
B: No, I won’t because we’ve only been together for a week.
A: What are you doing now? Has the bus arrived?
B: Well, I’m still waiting for it now. I just missed the bus 5 minutes ago. The next one will come later in 10 minutes.
I/You/He/She/They + will +
[动词原形] + [时间].
我/你/他/她/他们 将会在某时间做某事。
【例】I will travel all over the world in the future.
表达一个事情或动作将要在未来发生,用“will(将要)”连接人与动词, 动词不作任何变化。比如I will go home. (我要回家。)“will”在口语中常缩读,如I will=I’ll,we will=we’ll,will not=won’t。
I will be + [形容词] +
[未来时间]. 我……时候会……
【例】I will be OK tomorrow.
Sb. is/are going to do…
【注意】will 在口语中经常用“be going to” 取代,意思都表示“将要”。
【例】I’m going to leave soon.我很快要离开。
last [lɑːst] a. 最后的;上一个的
【固】last year 去年
【固】at last 最后
next [nekst] a.下一个的
【固】next year 明年
final ['faɪnl] a. 最后的
【固】final chance 最后机会
early ['ɜːli] a. 早的 ad. 早地
【固】early bus 早班车
【固】come early 早来
late [leɪt] a. 迟的 ad. 迟地
【固】come late 来晚
【生】You’re late.你迟到了。
turn [tɜːn] n.(依次轮流的)顺序,轮流
【固】take turns 轮流
【生】It’s my turn.(排队)轮到我了。
表达自己将来的某种状态或心情等,用“will be”连接人与形容词。
S1-12 Others (其他和时间相关)
time [taɪm] n. 时间
【固】in time 及时
【固】on time 准时
【固】at the same time 同时
【固】all the time 一直
【生】What time is it now?/Do you have the time?请问现在几点了?
【生】 Do you have time now? 你现在有空吗?
【生】Have a good time!过得愉快!
anytime ['eniˌtaɪm] ad. 在任何时候
【生】Anytime you want!你来定,随时都可以!
A: Will the flight arrive on time? At the same time, can you tell me the Wi-Fi password on this plane?
B: About your first question, yes, it’ll be just on time. I know you have to transfer to another flight. Don’t worry. You’ll catch that flight just in time. About your second question, we do have Wi-Fi on this plane, but it’s not free, you need to pay for it. I’ll be here all the time. Anytime you need me, just let me know.