I would like to express my appreciation to all those who were so willing to give their time to contribute to this book. My gratitude to:
The Drake clan—JoAnn, John, Kathy, Peter, Rob, and Tim—for their critiques and suggestions. Also dear friends—James Cabrera, Viviana Gentile, Holly Howden, Herman and Dorothy Krone, Val Marier, and Charles Peers.
My neighbor, Virginia Ray, whose editorial expertise clarified and sharpened the content.
The willing subjects who shared their lived-out downshifting experiences—Susan Arledge, Andy Basset, Tom and Lynn Bete, Amy Christianson, Peter Drake, Rob Drake, Bob Duncan, Larry and Maureen Filicult, Barbara Goldstein, Tom Himple, Marie Hoffmann, Dave Ketcher, Vince Miello, Margie Pendergrass, George Ostler, Regina Trombitas, Trish Williams, Janet Wittenauer, and Sebastian Yates. Thanks also to the many who provided their stories but desired to remain anonymous.
My agent, Bill Christopher, who found the ideal publisher for this book.
My publisher, president of Berrett-Koehler, Steve Piersanti, who took the time to describe to an uncertain author exactly how the book’s focus needed to be sharpened.
My reviewers, whose thoughtful suggestions improved the quality of the text—Frank Basler, Cliff Hakim, Maryanne Koschier, Gates McKibbin, and Jennifer Meyers.
And last, but certainly not least, my wife Dee Drake—on her fifth book. Once again she read every word and provided countless constructive suggestions.
If I have inadvertently forgotten anyone, please forgive me.
My heartfelt thanks to you all.