In the same way it takes a village to raise a child, it took an army of colleagues and associates whom I’ve met over my 22 years as a green marketing consultant to write this book.
At J. Ottman Consulting we regularly track the most successful greener products and campaigns for our clients. Several interns and other colleagues helped to further research and write many case examples referred to throughout this book. They include: David Aigner, Ann Amarga, James Blackburn, Catie Carter, Brynne Cochran, Marjorie Dunlap, JC Darne, Ling Feng Fu, Laura Gardner, Alana Gerson, Laura Kortebein, Lisa Martin, Isabelle Mills-Tannenbaum, Michael Mintz, Emily-Anne Rigal, Kyle Weatherholtz, and Margot Wood. Veronica Gordon, Sydnee Grushak, Sarah McGrath, Candela Montero, Alexandra San Romàn, and especially Elizabeth Weisser need to be singled out for particularly significant contributions to the text.
In addition, I am grateful to the many representatives of the sustainable corporate leaders, including some of our clients, who reviewed passages of this book for their accuracy. They include: Steve Davies of Natureworks, Clifford Henry and Laura Thaman of Procter & Gamble, Kate Lewis of the USDA’s BioPreferred program, Steven Mojo of BPI, Katie Molinari of Method, Anastasia O’Rourke of Ecolabel Index, Ben Packard of Starbucks, David Rinard of Steelcase, Nicole Rousseau of HSBC, Cara Vanderbeck of Timberland, Jill Vohr of the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR program, and Shelley Zimmer of HP.
Special thanks to Gwynne Rogers of the Natural Marketing Institute who provided several proprietary charts, and Martin Wolf of Seventh Generation who guided the passages on life-cycle assessment as he has so ably done in my two previous books.
Several esteemed colleagues reviewed sections of the manuscript and provided valuable input and critique including: Martin Charter, Fred Curtis, Joy Fournier, Ann Graham, Wendy Jedlicka, Byron Kennard, John Paul Kusz, Birgitte Racine, Inês Sousa, Edwin Stafford, Pamela van Orden, Rudy Vetter, and particularly John Laumer. Special thanks to Mark Eisen who painstakingly made one last thorough edit towards the completion of the manuscript, and Stephanie Tevonian for her invaluable design assistance.
A final note of thanks goes to my publishers, Greenleaf Publishing in the UK and Berrett-Koehler in the U.S., and in particular to Dean Bargh, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, and Johanna Vondeling for their significant contributions. Finally, my especial appreciation to John Stuart of Greenleaf for embracing this project with enthusiasm, intelligence, and grace.