Neither this book, nor any of the three previous books I’ve done in collaboration with Management Concepts, would have been possible without the expertise and support of Myra Strauss, Editorial Director at Management Concepts. She has been a delight to work with over the past several years, and I am deeply indebted to her.
The Management Concepts staff has also been wonderful during my nine-year association with the company. Margaret Linsday brought me into the company—what a great lady she is! I hesitate to mention the names of the rest of the staff who have been so helpful to me, for fear of leaving someone out. But certainly Hugh O’Hara, Andy Megas, Richard Lashford, Rick Hurley, Phil Davidson, Ken Boerum, Cathy Kreyche, Keith Hunter, and Janet McGowan deserve special praise for the support they have given me through the years.
Finally, to the many instructors I’ve taught with, and learned from—Tom Cablk, Doug Atkins, Ron Davidson, Joe Mullane, Rich Arns, Kent Miller, Milo Hall, John Reifsnyder, and Tom Stone—thank you for your counsel and friendship.