[师]收集英语句子时,还会遇到一种情况,就是句子形式很好,有学习的价值,可内容却不适用,比如你们精读课里有一篇阿瑟·米勒的散文,其中一句是A garden is an extension of oneself and so it has to be anarena where striving does not cease, but continues by other means.翻译成汉语是“菜园子是个人的延伸,是一个竞技场,这里,奋斗不会停息,而是会以其他方式继续。”这个句子很好,可惜讲的是菜园子,对我们来说用处不大,背得滚瓜烂熟将来也可能用不上,那就需要改造,改成这样:The small platform in front of my students is an extension of oneself, and so it has to be an arena where striving does not cease, but continues by other means.把“菜园子”改成“三尺讲台”,这对将来要当老师的同学来说就很有用了。
[师]改造实际上就是仿造,模仿原句造出新句子来。再比如:I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand.“我走在父亲身边,紧紧抓着他的右手。”学了这句英语,但将来不一定会原封不动使用它,很可能需要变一变才能适合自己的需要,于是你可以改变一下原句中的词语:
[师]英语学习中,有很多内容和我们的生活、工作、环境关系不大,例如我们学的课文中有很多句子讲的是美国的事情,如果将来我们不去美国生活,那在中国使用这类句子的机会就很有限。比如这样一个英语句子:A visit to the slum areas of New York City brought home to me what poverty really means.这是个很有英语特点的句子,含有成语,译成汉语变化很大:“去了趟纽约的贫民区后,什么是贫穷,我完全明白了”,值得学习。可惜原句里有“纽约”“贫民区”这样的字眼,若背下来,将来可能完全用不上,那怎么办?必须改造一下今后才可能有用。改造并不难,来看这个句子:A visit to my math teacher’s office brought home to me what diligence really means.“去了一趟数学老师的办公室,什么是勤奋,我完全明白了。”怎么样,有用多了吧?
[生]这很有意思,我来试试。A visit to Tai Mountain brought home to me what natural majesty really means.“去了一趟泰山,什么是大自然的壮丽,我完全明白了。”怎么样?
[师]很好。但“泰山”英语是Mount Tai。
[师]这是英语学习上的“举一反三”。再看个句子:The biggest test of the language melting pot is in the five states where three-quarters of the young newcomers live:California, New York, Florida, Texas and Illinois.这句话讲的完全是美国的事,将来很可能没用处,需要改造。可以这样改:The biggest test of the educational reform is in the three departments where half of the students are from needy families:Chinese, History and Mathematics.“对这项教育改革的最大考验是在中文系、历史系和数学系。这三个系里,一半的学生来自贫困家庭。”再来看一句:No matter what their route, young Asian Americans, largely those with Chinese and Korean backgrounds, are setting the educational pace for the rest of America.改造后变成这个内容:No matter what their learning methods, these girl pupils, largely those from rural areas, are setting a good example of“plain living but sound learning”for the rest of the class.“这些女生,特别是来自农村地区的女生,不管用的是什么样的学习方法,都为班里的其他同学树立了‘生活俭朴,学习优秀’的榜样。”这个句子改得多了一点儿,不过基本句式没变。
[师]如果不改造,这样的句子背多少也没多大用处。我再给你个句子,你改造一下试试:Nowhere has the issue of Asian American student admission been more bitterly fought than at Berkeley.这是个nowhere引导的倒装句型,有特点,应该学习。
[生]这些年一些体育明星纷纷被一些著名高校接纳,引起不少争议,就以这个为内容改吧:Nowhere has the issue of sport star admission into universities been more hotly debated than in China.怎么样?
[师]再来看这个句子:Only the gardener is capable of endlessly reviving so much hope that this year, regardless of drought, flood, typhoon, or his own stupidity, he is going to do it right!这句话的汉语翻译是:“只有种菜的人能够不断地让希望重生,这希望就是:尽管有干旱、洪水、台风或个人的愚蠢行为这些不利因素,但他今年一定会干好!”你怎么改造?
[生]我要说:Only my girlfriend is capable of endlessly reviving so much hope that this year, regardless of much more difficulties than last year, I am going to succeed in my English study!
[师]那就善待你的女朋友吧。再看一句:Instead, you spent a dull evening in a French music hall with a sloppy fat man who, instead of having messages slipped into his hand by dark eyed beauties, got only an ordinary telephone call making an appointment in his room.汉语译文是:“然而,你却在一家法式音乐厅里,和一个衣着邋遢的胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚。这个胖子没有得到黑眼睛的美女塞到他手里的纸条,却接到一个普通的电话,定下一个在他房间的约会。”这句英语,句式很好,可内容限制了用途,你来改造一下。
[生]这样改如何:Instead, I spent an unforgettable morning in a sunny classroom with our foreign teacher who, instead of scolding me for my mistakes, encouraged me to work harder and to improve my English pronunciation quickly.“然而,我和外教在阳光明媚的教室里度过了一个令人难忘的上午,他非但没有责备我的错误,反而鼓励我更努力学习,赶快提高英语发音。”
[师]记得有一次我给学生布置了一个改造句子的作业,改造的对象是欧·亨利的小说《二十年后》里的一个句子:Trying doors as he went, swinging his club with many clever movements, turning now and then to cast his watchful eye down the peaceful street, the officer, with his strongly built form and slight air of superiority, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace.这个句子很长,改起来很不容易,没想到有个女生,竟以它为基础,造出一个描写黛玉葬花的句子:Trying to forget what happened just now as she walked, bowing to pick up the flower petals on the ground and putting them carefully into the silk bag on her back, wiping now and then the tears in her eyes with a handkerchief, Daiyu, with her slimly built form and slight air of self-pride, made a fine picture of a fairy maiden from the Heaven.
[师]比汉译英要容易,因为句子的构架已经有了,还有一些成语、短语也是现成的,比如上句里的now and then, built form, slight air of, make a fine picture of等。