This book, which belongs to the interdisciplinary research between aesthet-ics and economics on the philosophical level, summarizes an Aesthetic-producer-ism theory from Marx's political economy. From the practical point of view, the main object that is studied in this book is the transformation of the contemporary Western consumer society in globalization, in which the social and ecological conflicts worldwide are growing, and the Western mainstream ideology and meth-odology are also transformed. From the point of view of the values, the main ob-ject that is criticized in this book is the new mainstream ideology, consumerism. From the methodological point of view, this book tries to transcend such theoretic tendencies as consumerism, culturalism, sociologism, relational idealism and de-economic-philosophization, and tries tit for tat to reconstruct the economic-philos-ophy and relational materialism of Marx. As the economic-philosophical recon-struction of Marx's aesthetics, the Aesthetic-producerism called in this book de-fines the artistic creation as the free-spirit-production and unproductive-free-ma-terial-exchang-between-man-and-nature in contact with and in the difference be-tween material-production, ideological-production, productive-commercialized-spirit-production. According to the new features of the contemporary consumer society, this book defines the free-spirit-production in detail as the activety that is a type of production activities, carried out in free time, to meet man's produc-tive demand and produce the joy of production, in the relation-betwee-man-and-natural, respectively from the point of view of the political economy of the activi-ties (production-consumption), of the time (necessary-free), of the demand and pleasure (productive-consumptive), of the relation (social-natural). At last, in producers-products-consumers framework, this book emphasizes that the two kinds of relations in the free-spirit-production-of-art, the free relation-be-tween-man-and-nature and the harmony social-relation-between-man-and-man, are mutually determined. The economic-philosophical reconstruction of Marx's aesthetics in the consumer era in globalization has a wide range of significance.