Study on the Professional Labor's Characteristics and the Performance Appraisal of Track and Field Coach The experiences of our country's sport developing have showed that coach play strategic role to our sport's persisting developing. As same, track and fi eld coach is the key of track and fi eld work. Reasonable performance appraisal to track and fi eld coach is one of strategic step to develop our country's track and fi eld. As the core part of human resorce develop and management, performance appraisal to track and fi eld coach should pass the idea, the aim, and the training conception to the coach, to improve their performance, by scientifi c and reasonable design.
The performance appraisal to track and field is the total appellation of scientific measurement and programs, manners, and metheods to the track and field coaches' or the team's actions and its performance. It includes the measurements and appraisal to the reault of the organization's behavior, also includes the aprasial to the members of the organization. That is it includes organization appraisal and individual appraisal. Considering the coach individual often charges the training in China, so in the study, we just study the coach individual's performance appraisal. The coach team's performance appraisal is out of our research confi ne.
Materials, questionnaire, talking, mind wind, Terfei, Analytical Hierarchy Process and statistic metheod are all used in the research. Materials, questionnaires are used to make sure the research status quo to coaches and to track and fi eld coach. Talking is used to get the atatus quo of our country's track and field coach's performance appraisal, and make nice base for analyzing the track and field coach's career character. Mind wind, Terfei are the core reaearch metheods, we done the jobs such as the selection, screen out, confirmation of the indexes, and the accounting, confi rmation of indexes' percentum, until get the perfect indexes system in the end.
Commonly theory base, the core theory base and directly theory are used in this research. Commonly theories consist of Systemism, cybernetics and information theory. The core theories are strategic management theory and balanced score card. The strategic management guid this research to construct the performance appraisal system from the angle of strategy. The balanced scored card make the balance come into reality between the coach's training and the performance of training. The goal management theory and the motivation theory are the directly theory. They run throw the whole construction of performance appraisal and the apprasing.
The study on the track and fi eld coach's characteristics spread from the angle of the characteristics of track and fi eld, the time characteristics of track and field training, the competition environment of track and field, track and fi eld coach's career quality and the content of work of track and fi eld coach. The conclusions are got as the track and fi eld's job need long period of time, persist, and gradually devotion. The professional work of track and fi eld coach is complex, advanced and creationary. Few compete and others also have bad infl uence on the coach's performance appraisal.
The study on the track and field coach performance appraisal characteristics from the angle of cognization to performance appraisal of manager and the track and field coach, the theory base of modern performance appraisal, the modern performance appraisal system is sysmatic or not, the performance appraisal indexes are reasonable or not, the result of the performance appraisal and the objectivity of the apprasialing. And we get the conclusions as below; our country's manager of track and fi eld coach human resorce and the track and fi eld coach should improve the recognization to performance appraisal. Most track and field training unit take the same ways and systems to appraisal the perfprmance of track and field coach as other coach. These ways and systems have problems to some extent. Such as lack theory, lack systemic design and so on.
During the course of designing our country track and field coach performance appraisal, the basic principles are clarifi ed. They are principle of strategy guilding, principle of systematic, principle of validity, principle of reliability, principle of handling, principle of functionality. Based on these principles, we build up the track and fi eld coach performance appraisal system based on the profession's characters by using the stratagem management theory and Balanced Score Card(BSC). This system is divided into two parts, consist performance of athlete, performance of coach, athlete selection, training and competing, management and relationship. There are 23 three class-indexes. The balance between performance and motivation, the balance between short tome performance and performance in the future are strengthened.
We build up two class-appraisal model in order to make the performance of track and fi eld coach be measured exactly. It is propitious to the manager to get information timely.
And then the high level and basic track and field coaches of Tianjin city is apprasialed, as the practicing of the performance appraisal system. From the result of the practicing, we can get that the allround appraisal team makes the result of performace appraisal more objective and credible. It can make up the shortage of traditional linetype appraisal model. It is propitious to the communication between manager, coach and athlete, propitious to the constructing of scientifi c track and fi eld training team.The manager, coach and athlete are more satisfi ed with this model; it shows that all parts of our model have more reasonable design to some extent.
At last, the shortages and the problems we should lucubrate of the study are put forward.