Hakon thanked the people for their support which they had given him, and got ready to travel east to Viken.But he first held a meeting in the town, where, in a speech, he asked the people for their friendship, promising them his; and added, that he had some suspicions of his relation, King Magnus's intentions.Then King Hakon mounted his horse, and was ready to travel.All men promised him their good-will and support whenever he required them, and the people followed him out to the foot of Steinbjorg.
From thence King Hakon proceeded up the Dovrefield; but as he was going over the mountains he rode all day after a ptarmigan, which flew up beside him, and in this chase a sickness overfell him, which ended in his death; and he died on the mountains.His body was carried north, and came to the merchant town just half a month after he left it.The whole townspeople went to meet the body, sorrowing, and the most of them weeping; for all people loved him with sincere affection.King Hakon's body was interred in Christ church, and Hakon and Magnus had ruled the country for two years.Hakon was a man full twenty-five years old, and was one of the chiefs the most beloved by all the people.He had made a journey to Bjarmaland, where he had given battle and gained a victory.
King Magnus sailed in winter (A.D.1095) eastward to Viken; but when spring approached he went southwards to Halland, and plundered far and wide.He laid waste Viskardal and many other districts, and returned with a great booty back to his own kingdom.So says Bjorn Krephende in his song on Magnus: --"Through Halland wide around The clang and shriek resound;The houses burn, The people mourn, Through Halland wide around.
The Norse king strides in flame, Through Viskardal he came;The fire sweeps, The widow weeps, The Norse king strides in flame."Here it is told that King Magnus made the greatest devastation through Halland.
"There was a man called Svein, a son of Harald Fietter.He was a Danish man by family, a great viking and champion, and a very clever man, and of high birth in his own country.He had been some time with King Hakon Magnuson, and was very dear to him; but after King Hakon's decease Thorer of Steig, his foster-father, had no great confidence in any treaty or friendship with King Magnus, if the whole country came into his power, on account of the position in which Thorer had stood to King Magnus, and the opposition he had made to him.Thereupon Thorer and Svein took counsel with each other, which they afterwards carried into effect, -- to raise, with Thorer's assistance, and his men, a troop against Magnus.But as Thorer was old and heavy, Svein took the command, and name of leader of the troop.In this design several chiefs took part, among whom the principal was Egil Aslakson of Aurland.Egil was a lenderman, and married to Ingebjorg, a daughter of Ogmund Thorbergson, a sister of Skopte of Giske.The rich and powerful man, Skjalg Erlingson, also joined their party.Thorkel Hamarskald speaks of this in his ballad of Magnus:
"Thorer and Egil were not wise, They aimed too high to win a prize:
There was no reason in their plan, And it hurt many a udalman.
The stone, too great for them to throw, Fell back, and hurt them with the blow, And now the udalmen must rue That to their friends they were so true."Thorer and Svein collected a troop in the Uplands, and went down through Raumsdal into Sunmore, and there collected vessels, with which they afterwards sailed north to Throndhjem.
The lenderman Sigurd Ulstreng, a son of Lodin Viggiarskalle, collected men by sending round the war-token, as soon as he heard of Thorer and the troop which followed him, and had a rendezvous with all the men he could raise at Viggia.Svein and Thorer also met there with their people, fought with Sigurd, and gained the victory after giving him a great defeat; and Sigurd fled, and joined King Magnus.Thorer and his followers proceeded to the town (Nidaros), and remained there some time in the fjord, where many people joined them.King Magnus hearing this news immediately collected an army, and proceeded north to Throndhjem.
And when he came into the fjord Thorer and his party heard of it while they lay at Herring, and they were ready to leave the fjord; and they rowed their ships to the strand at Vagnvik, and left them, and came into Theksdal in Seliuhverfe, and Thorer was carried in a litter over the mountains.Then they got hold of ships and sailed north to Halogaland.As soon as King Magnus was ready for sea, he sailed from Throndhjem in pursuit of them.
Thorer and his party went north all the way to Bjarkey; and Jon, with his son Vidkun, fled from thence.Thorer and his men robbed all the movable goods, and burnt the house, and a good long-ship that belonged to Vidkun.While the hull was burning the vessel keeled to one side, and Thorer called out, "Hard to starboard, Vidkun!" Some verses were made about this burning in Bjarkey: --"The sweetest farm that I have seen Stood on Bjarkey's island green;And now, where once this farmhouse stood, Fire crackles through a pile of wood;And the clear red flame, burning high, Flashes across the dark-night sky.
Jon and Vidkun, this dark night, Will not be wandering without light."6.DEATH OF THORER AND EGIL.
Jon and Vidkun travelled day and night till they met King Magnus.