Prussia was again at peace; but the European war lasted till, in the year 1748, it was terminated by the treaty of Aix-la Chapelle.Of all the powers that had taken part in it, the only gainer was Frederic.Not only had he added to his patrimony the fine province of Silesia: he had, by his unprincipled dexterity, succeeded so well in alternately depressing the scale of Austria and that of France, that he was generally regarded as holding the balance of Europe, a high dignity for one who ranked lowest among kings, and whose great-grandfather had been no more than a Margrave.By the public, the King of Prussia was considered as a politician destitute alike of morality and decency, insatiably rapacious, and shamelessly false; nor was the public much in the wrong.He was at the same time, allowed to be a man of parts, a rising general, a shrewd negotiator and administrator.Those qualities wherein he surpassed all mankind, were as yet unknown to others or to himself; for they were qualities which shine out only on a dark ground.His career had hitherto, with little interruption, been prosperous; and it was only in adversity, in adversity which seemed without hope or resource, in adversity which would have overwhelmed even men celebrated for strength of mind, that his real greatness could be shown.
He had, from the commencement of his reign, applied himself to public business after a fashion unknown among kings.Lewis the Fourteenth, indeed, had been his own prime minister, and had exercised a general superintendence over all the departments of the Government; but this was not sufficient for Frederic.He was not content with being his own prime minister: he would be his own sole minister.Under him there was no room, not merely for a Richelieu or a Mazarin, but for a Colbert, a Louvois, or a Torcy.
A love of labour for its own sake, a restless and insatiable longing to dictate, to intermeddle, to make his power felt, a profound scorn and distrust of his fellow-creatures, made him unwilling to ask counsel, to confide important secrets, to delegate ample powers.The highest functionaries under his government were mere clerks, and were not so much trusted by him as valuable clerks are often trusted by the heads of departments.
He was his own treasurer, his own commander-in-chief, his own intendant of public works, his own minister for trade and justice, for home affairs and foreign affairs, his own master of the horse, steward, and chamberlain.Matters of which no chief of an office in any other government would ever hear, were, in this singular monarchy, decided by the King in person.If a traveller wished for a good place to see a review, he had to write to Frederic, and received next day, from a royal messenger, Frederic's answer signed by Frederic's own hand.This was an extravagant, a morbid activity.The public business would assuredly have been better done if each department had been put under a man of talents and integrity, and if the King had contented himself with a general control.In this manner the advantages which belong to unity of design, and the advantages which belong to the division of labour, would have been to a great extent combined.But such a system would not have suited the peculiar temper of Frederic.He could tolerate no will, no reason, in the State, save his own.He wished for no abler assistance than that of penmen who had just understanding enough to translate and transcribe, to make out his scrawls, and to put his concise Yes and No into an official form.Of the higher intellectual faculties, there is as much in a copying machine, or a lithographic press, as he required from a secretary of the cabinet.
His own exertions were such as were hardly to be expected from a human body or a human mind.At Potsdam, his ordinary residence, he rose at three in summer and four in winter.A page soon appeared, with a large basket full of all the letters which had arrived for the King by the last courier, despatches from ambassadors, reports from officers of revenue, plans of buildings, proposals for draining marshes, complaints from persons who thought themselves aggrieved, applications from persons who wanted titles, military commissions, and civil situations.He examined the seals with a keen eye; for he was never for a moment free from the suspicion that some fraud might be practised on him.Then he read the letters, divided them into several packets, and signified his pleasure, generally by a mark, often by two or three words, now and then by some cutting epigram.By eight he had generally finished this part of his task.The adjutant-general was then in attendance, and received instructions for the day as to all the military arrangements of the kingdom.Then the King went to review his guards, not as kings ordinarily review their guards, but with the minute attention and severity of an old drill-sergeant.In the meantime the four cabinet secretaries had been employed in answering the letters on which the King had that morning signified his will.
These unhappy men were forced to work all the year round like negro slaves in the time of the sugar-crop.They never had a holiday.They never knew what it was to dine.It was necessary that, before they stirred, they should finish the whole of their work.The King, always on his guard against treachery, took from the heap a handful of letters at random, and looked into them to see whether his instructions had been exactly followed.This was no bad security against foul play on the part of the secretaries;for if one of them were detected in a trick, he might think himself fortunate if he escaped with five years of imprisonment in a dungeon.Frederic then signed the replies, and all were sent off the same evening.