"It does look as though you might get at them through this," Tom said, as he handed back the letter."But I'm afraid you'll have to get further evidence before you could convict them in a court of law--you'll have to show that they actually have possession of your formulae.""That's what I wish I could do," said the chemist, somewhat wistfully.His first enthusiasm had been lessened.
"I'll help you all I can," offered Tom.And events were soon to transpire by which the young inventor was to render help to the chemist in a most sensational manner.
"Just now," Tom went on, "I must arrange about getting a large supply of these chemicals made, and then plan for a test in some big city.""Yes, you have done enough for me," said Mr.Baxter."But I think now, with this letter as evidence, we'll be able to make a start.""I agree with you," Tom said."Why don't you go over to see Mr.Damon? He's a good business man, and perhaps he can advise you.You might also call on that lawyer who does work for Mr.Keith and Mr.Blake.And that reminds me I must call Mary Nestor up and find out when she is coming home.I promised to fetch her in one of the airships.""I will go and see Mr.Damon," decided Mr.Baxter."He always gives good advice.""Even if he does bless everything he sees!" laughed Tom."But if you're going to see him I'll run you over.I'm going to Waterfield.""Thanks, I'll be glad to go with you," said the chemist.
Mr.Damon was glad to see his friends, and, when he had listened to the latest developments, he exclaimed with unusual emphasis:
"Bless my law books, Mr.Baxter! but I do believe you're on the right trail at last.Come in, and we'll talk this over."So Tom left them, traveling on to a distant city where he arranged for a large supply of the chemicals he would need in his extinguisher.
For several days Tom was so busy that he had little time to devote to Mr.Baxter, or even to see him.He learned, however, that the chemist and Mr.Damon were in frequent consultation, and the young inventor hoped something would come of it.
Tom's own plans were going well.He had let several large cities know that he had something new in the way of a fire- fighting machine, and he received several offers to demonstrate it.
He closed with one of these, some distance off, and agreed to fly over in his aircraft and extinguish a fire which was to be started in an old building which had been condemned.and was to be destroyed.This was in a city some four hundred miles away and when Ned Newton called on himone afternoon he found Tom busily engaged in loading his sky-craft with a heavy cargo of the newest liquid extinguisher.
"You aren't taking any chances, are you, Tom?" asked Ned."What do you mean?""I mean you seem to have enough of the liquid 'fire- discourager' to douse any blaze that was ever started.""No use sending a boy on a man's errand," said Tom."I'm counting on you to go with me, Ned--you and Mr.Baxter.We leave this afternoon for Denton.""I'll be with you.Couldn't pass up a chance like that.But here comes Koku, and it looks as if he had something on his mind."The giant did, indeed, seem to be laboring under the stress of some emotion.
"Oh, Master Tom!" the big man exclaimed when he had got the attention of the young inventor."Rad--he--he--""Has anything happened?" asked Tom, quickly."No, not yet.But dat pill man--he say by tomorrow he know if Rad ever will see sunshine more!""Oh, the doctor says he'll be able to decide about Rad's eyesight tomorrow, does he?""Yes.What so pill man say," repeated Koku.
"Um," mused Tom, "I wish I were going to be here, but I don't see how I can.I must give this test." But it was with a sinking heart as he thought of poor Eradicate that the young inventor proceeded to pile into his airship the largest and heaviest load of chemicals it had ever carried.