The success of the early kings was phenomenal.Ibn Batuta,who was in India from 1333to 1342,states that even in his day a Muhammadan chief on the western coast was subject to Harihara I.,whom he calls "Haraib"or "Harib,"from "Hariyappa"another form of the king's name;while a hundred years later Abdur Razzak,envoy from Persia,tells us that the king of Vijayanagar was then lord of all Southern India,from sea to sea and from the Dakhan to Cape Comorin --"from the frontier of Serendib (Ceylon)to the extremities of the country of Kalbergah ...His troops amount in number to eleven lak,"I.E.1,100,000.Even so early as 1378A.D.,according to Firishtah,[9]the Raya of Vijayanagar was "in power,wealth,and extent of country"greatly the superior of the Bahmani king of the Dakhan.
The old southern states appear (we have little history to guide us)to have in general submitted peaceably to the rule of the new monarchy.They were perhaps glad to submit if only the dreaded foreigners could be kept out of the country.And thus by leaps and bounds the petty state grew to be a kingdom,and the kingdom expanded till it became an empire.Civil war and rebellion amongst the Muhammadans helped Harihara and Bukka in their enterprise.Sick of the tyranny and excesses of Muhammad Taghlaq,the Dakhan revolted in 1347,and the independent kingdom of the Bahmanis was for a time firmly established.
The chronicle of Nuniz opens with the following sentence:--"In the year twelve hundred and thirty these parts of India were ruled by a greater monarch than had ever reigned.This was the king of Dili,[10]who by force of arms and soldiers made war on Cambaya for many years,taking and destroying in that period the land of Guzarate which belongs to Cambaya,[11]and in the end he became its lord."After this the king of Delhi advanced against Vijayanagar by way of the Balaghat.
This date is a century too early,as already pointed out.The sovereign referred to is stated in the following note (entered by Nuniz at the end of Chapter xx.,which closes the historical portion of his narrative)to have been called "Togao Mamede.""This king of Delhi they say was a Moor,who was called Togao Mamede.He is held among the Hindus as a saint.They relate that once while he was offering prayer to God,there came to him four arms with four hands;and that every time he prayed roses fell to him from out of heaven.He was a great conqueror,he held a large part of this earth under his dominion,he subdued ...(blank in original)kings,and slew them,and flayed them,and brought their skins with him;so that besides his own name,he received the nickname ...which means 'lord of ...skins of kings;'he was chief of many people.
"There is a story telling how he fell into a passion on account of (BEING GIVEN?)eighteen letters (OF THE ALPHABET TO HIS NAME?),when according to his own reckoning he was entitled to twenty-four.[12]
There are tales of him which do indeed seem most marvellous of the things that he did;as,for instance,how he made ready an army because one day in the morning,while standing dressing at a window which was closed,a ray of the sun came into his eyes,and he cried out that he would not rest until he had killed or vanquished whomsoever had dared to enter his apartments while he was dressing.All his nobles could not dissuade him from his purpose,even though they told him it was the sun that had done it,a thing without which they could not live,that it was a celestial thing and was located in the sky,and that he could never do any harm to it.With all this he made his forces ready,saying that he must go in search of his enemy,and as he was going along with large forces raised in the country through which he began his march so much dust arose that it obscured the sun.When he lost sight of it he made fresh inquiries as to what the thing was,and the captains told him that there was now no reason for him to wait,and that he might return home since he had put to flight him whom he had come to seek.Content with this,the king returned by the road that he had taken in his search for the sun,saying that since his enemy had fled he was satisfied.
"Other extravagances are told of him which make him out a great lord,as,for instance,that being in the Charamaodel country he was told that certain leagues distant in the sea there was a very great island,and its land was gold,and the stones of its houses and those which were produced in the ground were rubies and diamonds:in which island there was a pagoda,whither came the angels from heaven to play music and dance.Being covetous of being the lord of this land,he determined to go there,but not in ships because he had not enough for so many people,so he began to cart a great quantity of stones and earth and to throw it into the sea in order to fill it up,so that he might reach the island;and putting this in hand with great labour he did so much that he crossed over to the island of Ceyllao,which is twelve or fifteen leagues off[13],This causeway that he made was,it is said,in course of time eaten away by the sea,and its remains now cause the shoals of Chillao.Melliquiniby,[14]his captain-general,seeing how much labour was being spent in a thing so impossible,made ready two ships in a port of Charamaodell which he loaded with much gold and precious stones,and forged some despatches as of an embassy sent in the name of the king of the island,in which he professed his obedience and sent presents;and after this the king did not proceed any further with his causeway.
"In memory of this work he made a very large pagoda,which is still there;it is a great place of pilgrimage.
"There are two thousand of these and similar stories with which Ihope at some time to trouble your honour;and with other better ones,if God gives me life.I kiss your honour's hand."[15]