第286章 Chapter XVII.
Though I was sensible I had said as many clever things to the commissary as came to six livres four sous, yet I was determined to note down the imposition amongst my remarks before I retired from the place; so putting my hand into my coat-pocket for my remarks--(which, by the bye, may be a caution to travellers to take a little more care of their remarks for the future) 'my remarks were stolen'--Never did sorry traveller make such a pother and racket about his remarks as I did about mine, upon the occasion.
Heaven! earth! sea! fire! cried I, calling in every thing to my aid but what I should--My remarks are stolen!--what shall I do?--Mr. Commissary! pray did I drop any remarks, as I stood besides you?--You dropp'd a good many very singular ones; replied he--Pugh! said I, those were but a few, not worth above six livres two sous--but these are a large parcel--He shook his head--Monsieur Le Blanc! Madam Le Blanc! did you see any papers of mine?--you maid of the house! run up stairs--Francois! run up after her----I must have my remarks--they were the best remarks, cried I, that ever were made--the wisest--the wittiest--What shall I do?--which way shall Iturn myself?
Sancho Panca, when he lost his ass's Furniture, did not exclaim more bitterly.