第1115章 CHAPTER XXII(55)
FN 404 The history of this session I have taken from the journals of the Irish Lords and Commons, from the narratives laid in writing before the English Lords and Commons by members of the Parliament of Ireland and from a pamphlet entitled a Short Account of the Sessions of Parliament in Ireland, 1692, London, 1693. Burnet seems to me to have taken a correct view of the dispute, ii. 118. "The English in Ireland thought the government favoured the Irish too much; some said this was the effect of bribery, whereas others thought it was necessary to keep them safe from the prosecutions of the English, who hated them, and were much sharpened against them . . . . There were also great complaints of an ill administration, chiefly in the revenue, in the pay of the army, and in the embezzling of stores."FN 405 As to Swift's extraction and early life, see the Anecdotes written by himself.
FN 406 Journal to Stella, Letter liii.
FN 407 See Swift's Letter to Temple of Oct. 6. 1694.
FN 408 Journal to Stella, Letter xix.;FN 409 Swift's Anecdotes.
FN 410 London Gazette, March 27. 1693.
FN 411 Burnet, ii. 108, and Speaker Onslow's Note; Sprat's True Account of the Horrid Conspiracy; Letter to Trenchard, 1694.
FN 412 Burnett, ii. 107.
FN 413 These rumours are more than once mentioned in Narcissus Luttrell's Diary.
FN 414 London Gazette, March 27. 1693; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary:
FN 415 Burnett, ii, 123.; Carstairs Papers.
FN 416 Register of the Actings or Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland held at Edinburgh, Jan. 15.
1692, collected and extracted from the Records by the Clerk thereof. This interesting record was printed for the first time in 1852.
FN 417 Act. Parl. Scot., June 12. 1693.
FN 418 Ibid. June 15. 1693.
FN 419 The editor of the Carstairs Papers was evidently very desirous, from whatever motive, to disguise this most certain and obvious truth. He has therefore prefixed to some of Johnstone's letters descriptions which may possibly impose on careless readers. For example Johnstone wrote to Carstairs on the 18th of April, before it was known that the session would be a quiet one, "All arts have been used and will be used to embroil matters."The editor's account of the contents of this letter is as follows "Arts used to embroil matters with reference to the affair of Glencoe." Again, Johnstone, in a letter written some weeks later, complained that the liberality and obsequiousness of the Estates had not been duly appreciated." Nothing, he says, "is to be done to gratify the Parliament, I mean that they would have reckoned a gratification." The editor's account of the contents of this letter is as follows: "Complains that the Parliament is not to be gratified by an inquiry into the massacre of Glencoe."FN 420 Life of James, ii. 479.
FN 421 Hamilton's Zeneyde.
FN 422 A View of the Court of St. Germains from the Year 1690 to 1695, 1696; Ratio Ultima, 1697. In the Nairne Papers is a letter in which the nonjuring bishops are ordered to send a Protestant divine to Saint Germains. This letter was speedily followed by another letter revoking the order. Both letters will he found in Macpherson's collection. They both bear date Oct. 16. 1693. Isuppose that the first letter was dated according to the New Style and the letter of revocation according to the Old Style.
FN 423 Ratio Ultima, 1697; History of the late Parliament, 1699.
FN 424 View of the Court of Saint Germains from 1690 to 1695.
That Dunfermline was grossly ill used is plain even from the Memoirs of Dundee, 1714.
FN 425 So early as the year 1690, that conclave of the leading Jacobites which gave Preston his instructions made a strong representation to James on this subject. "He must overrule the bigotry of Saint Germains; and dispose their minds to think of those methods that are more likely to gain the nation. For there is one silly thing or another daily done there, that comes to our notice here which prolongs what they so passionately desire." See also A Short and True Relation of Intrigues transacted both at Home and Abroad to restore the late King James, 1694.
FN 426 View of the Court of Saint Germains. The account given in this View is confirmed by a remarkable paper, which is among the Nairne MSS. Some of the heads of the Jacobite party in England made a representation to James, one article of which is as follows: "They beg that Your Majesty would be pleased to admit of the Chancellor of England into your Council; your enemies take advantage of his not being in it." James's answer is evasive.
"The King will be, on all occasions, ready to express the just value and esteem he has for his Lord Chancellor."FN 427 A short and true Relation of Intrigues, 1694.
FN 428 See the paper headed "For my Son the Prince of Wales, 1692." It is printed at the end of the Life of James.
FN 429 Burnet, i. 683.
FN 430 As to this change of ministry at Saint Germains see the very curious but very confused narrative in the Life of James, ii. 498-575.; Burnet, ii. 219.; Memoires de Saint Simon; A French Conquest neither desirable nor practicable, 1693; and the Letters from the Nairne MSS. printed by Macpherson.
FN 431 Life of James, ii. 509. Bossuet's opinion will be found in the Appendix to M. Mazure's history. The Bishop sums up his arguments thus "Je dirai done volontiers aux Catholiques, s'il y en a qui n'approuvent point la declaration dont il s'agit; Noli esse justus multum; neque plus sapias quam necesse est, ne obstupescas." In the Life of James it is asserted that the French Doctors changed their opinion, and that Bossuet, though he held out longer than the rest, saw at last that he had been in error, but did not choose formally to retract. I think much too highly of Bossuet's understanding to believe this.
FN 432 Life of James, ii. 505.
FN 433 "En fin celle cy--j'entends la declaration--n'est que pour rentrer: et l'on peut beaucoup mieux disputer des affaires des Catholiques a Whythall qu'a Saint Germain."--Mazure, Appendix.